Jim Norton at His Most Entitled, Despicable, Embarassingly Defensive Baby-Boy Self:

22  2016-05-11 by beeseesee


This whole thing boils down to Jimmy thinking that because comics came on O&A, that that loyalty extended to his projects.
Comics came on O&A because it gave them exposure, and because it used to be a big platform. Jimmy wasn't a lead of that platform in any sense. So why would anybody bother to come on an advice show or his dumb cartoon or any of his other projects when it would do nothing positive for their careers, and potentially actually harm their careers?

Jim was right. He's pretty much a nobody - and not somebody you want to link yourself to if you're trying to gain a larger following of fans.

But he protected them when they were on the show. Why are they being such baby boys? Why won't they bow to their great protector?


I know Jimmy-hate is trending upwards since cartoon - and you're absolutely right on Jim being delusional thinking comics had loyalty to him cuz they appeared on show and he defended comics.

But do you really think guys like Patrice & Colin would've made more than 5 appearances combined without Jimmy? No fucking way that happens. Jimmy was probably getting 8% of total salary between 3 of them - shouldve been a 40/40/20 deal.

It seemed like jimmy got $200k/yr - while O&A pulled their $1m, $1.5m each.

patrice was running for the 3rd mic when jim was filming his shows and movies. this is like that discussion with opie's finder fee of anthony again. jim norton wouldve made more if he didnt try to be a comedian and do raqio full time, and he should've stop that humble bullshit by not putting his name on the show title

I've overlooked that dumb-shit move of not having his name on the show. You can respect that for the first few years - but fuck....take Jimmy out that room, that show might have died altogether.

I agree in some ways.

But in my opinion, it's Jimmy's way of spin spin spinning the fact that he resents that people are more successful than him, and when they don't help him get fame/exposure he "motherfucks" them.

For this reason a few others. the staff absolutely cannot stand Jim on the show.

That discussion is fucking ponderous, man. I bet Opie was putting some serious Candy Crush work in.

When you come out of those up-tempo goddamn numbers...

Is Don on the phone?


Where are the pictures I was supposed to see?

a goddamn DEATH dedication!

without joking, he seriously explains himself... norton sucks!

Be careful dude. Jim might unfollow you for this.

He's such a fucking girl.

I can't listen to either of these faggots anymore.

Also up there is the time he cried about his Chris Hardwick podcast airing too late, while the whole thing was a misunderstanding. Then the next day tried to walk it all back because Hardwick caught wind of it (and was apologetic).

it had to do with this sub, Norton was trashing nerdist on air, so the fans went after him on Reddit, he ended up coming to this sub and apologize.the next day Norton went on air and start shitting on the fans for inconveniencing hardwick

Oh i remember. He blamed everying on reddit claimed he said nothing wrong the day before when he was throwing a temper tantrum.

Colin is acting like a 12 year old girl while jim is having a breakdown, trying to pour his heart out.. it's all quite embarrassing

When jimmy cried over roger ebert... that was my first exposure to jimmys girliness. I laughed because i thought it was out of character. But no. That is his character. Baby.

I really fucking hate listening to two 50 year old men talking about social media like it actually matters.

Its the modern day equivalent of Saturday Night Fever's "You didn't call me Tony!"

I couldn't delete patrice off of twitter! ;_;

I dunno. His whole "I have to have Starbucks coffee!!!!!!!! I should get whatever I want!! Also I want the exact food I say daily!!" Cry rant was pretty babyish too.