Soder and Matteo Lane

0  2016-05-11 by dflorio

Yesterday on O and J was great. Even with Norton on TACS, the show was a snooze fest.


I'm sure Soder was great but I'm also sure that Opie stepped all over him in typical fashion.

TACS w/ Jimmy and Ant was pretty funny, I think.

Not really. Jim and Dan went back and fourth as well as Jim and Anthony back in the day.

Maybe you should listen to it if you have feel the need to critique it. Yesterday's O&J was probably exactly what Opie thinks it is everyday.

A really good sincere mainstream guest, surrounded by "O&A" style humor.

Guys like Sherrod and Henley don't accomplish this at all, but Soder w/ Norton and Matteo Lane in the last hour were hilarious.

Not critiquing, just sharing my prejudiced opinion.

I may listen later

Let's not act like Lane wasn't just as unlistenable as Sherrod or Henley. Soder and Jimmy were very funny though. But that's nothing new.

I really enjoyed Lane, but im not some closeted faggot hiding my Grinder account from their friends.

He was the quintessential "look I'm gay" comedian. Fuck him. He sucks.

His line about John Travolta had me dying... But im not nearly as jaded as some of you guys.

Im not either. In all honesty, I don't generally mind Vic Henley. This guy was just so bad to me though. Jim and Soder saved the day.

That's fair I guess, Henley is ok sometimes I don't find him funny but he has such a different demeanor than the rest of the bunch so it's a decent change of pace... Probably why I enjoyed Matteo.

Henley plays really well off of Ron White. That's the first time I heard him which is probably why he doesn't bother me.

Yesterday's O&J was really good. But you can't say that here, still a few to many people not willing to give credit anywhere it's due.

It's getting a little better here though, 3 months ago there'd be 70 new threads mocking you for daring to say something O&J wasn't complete garbage.

I cant take someone named Matteo seriously.

I'm a minority on this sub with this opinion, but I can't stand Dan Soder. Skipped every appearance of his for a long time now.

Well, hopefully The Bonfire notwithstanding.

Never gave it a listen.

I can see how people might find him annoying. Personally I think hes fucking hilarious.

You should only get cancer, I hope you get cancer!

I disagree, but that's ok.

His line about John Travolta had me dying... But im not nearly as jaded as some of you guys.