Clip request - caller suggests they Joctober hack POS Brother Wease

21  2016-05-11 by [deleted]

I was just in another thread talking about this, a caller asks why they never Jocktobered that fucking faggot hack Wease and Opie defends him like a little bitch. I feel like being angry, please help.


Opie once claimed that Brother Wease has the biggest show on terrestrial radio.

Yeah, and he also claimed Stern was more afraid of Wease than any other radio hosts except themselves. He also claimed his wife didn't have sex with a guy who had sex with every woman under 30 in Philadelphia in between filming Jackass stunts.

"I'm Bam Margera, and this is 'The Cuckold'"

Also referred to him as a "god."

Ewwwww. I was just listening to him ruin the Colin and Patrice appearance and was filled with rage. He was going off on how he hates Glenn Beck, then the next sentence he said Beck was spewing hatred. No irony there whatsoever. And he kept calling Ant names and saying what he was saying was bullshit. Oh, the Greggshells were so apparent, I was just wishing for somebody to tell him to STFU or ask about his faggot Opie tat. It would have put his wrinkled old ass on the spot and made him seem like the fool that he is.

Edit: typo

I get why Opie defends him, I mean he was his mentor and all and it's hard to trash somebody who helped you out when you were young, even if they were a complete asshole. But Brother Wease is a complete douche. I'll never forget when he was spouting his uber-Leftist bullshit and getting destroyed on air while Patrice and Colin were in studio.

for reference:

A perfect example of how much of a doddering irrelevant zero that Brother Wease is is that interview he did with Adam Carolla. Asked terrible questions and tried to make the interview about himself and his relationship with Howard Lapides, who Brother Wease incorrectly claimed created the Man Show.

So he's going on and on about whoever the fuck this Howard Lapides guy is when finally the interview ends. Wease then talks a bunch of shit about Adam and continues to talk about Howard Lapides, like Wease has this 'in' with Hollywood through this guy. Then they try to get him on the phone using the number that Wease has, and the number has been disconnected.

No one knows or cares who Brother Wease is. He's just a loser on a one-market station who everyone hates.

Howard Lapides

Wow the number was disconnected? I'm getting douche chills just thinking about that. I've never seen this interview and I want to now, but the douche chills are freezing me in place.

Fair warning, but it is really hard to get through this. It's wall-to-wall douche chills. Wease is so pathetic and clueless throughout the entire thing, even saying that Adam purposely gave a bad interview so that he'd have something to talk about on his podcast. Then he explains that no one in Rochester knows who Adam is, so that makes him worse than Wease.

Then he steamrolls his interview with Dave Attell by talking about Adam and Howard Lapides.

Listen if you dare:


Where da clip at?

On youtube.


Glad to help, good luck.

A long time ago they had that idiot on for Saturday Night Virus. It was a disaster and he was terrible.

Damn, I'm surprised nobody has found this yet.


Wease had to have molested young Gregg, right? This has to be some sort of fucked up victim thing.

I'd be ok with pushing this narrative.

Howard Lapides

Wow the number was disconnected? I'm getting douche chills just thinking about that. I've never seen this interview and I want to now, but the douche chills are freezing me in place.