Any of you chumps watch "Party Down"?

26  2016-05-11 by marklarsen

For my money it's the most well written and funniest character driven show since The UK Office.

Check it out if you haven't. Or don't. Life is meaningless.


since The UK Office


I prefer the us version, Steve carrel screams a lot it's funny.


Fuck yeah. Great show. Ken Marino is hilarious.

I always liked that guy, and most of the people on the show, but the show itself was lacking.

Yeah, that show was great. Martin Starr for life. BILL IS A BOSS.

One of the funniest and most underrated shows that no one really watched.

I fucking loved it.

Starz just wasn't in a position to promote it properly at the time. If it had been on FX or CC it would have been a huge hit in real time, but it's got a long cult following now.

It didn't help when their stars left for other TV shows too.

Right but if the show had been a big hit they may not have left so soon. Who knows. It's two solid seasons of a good show which is more than the vast majority can claim.

This is my favorite scene. Great show

Hey that's Gilfoyle!

Nah it's Bill Haverchuck.


That scene sucked. "lol ur gay!!1" Fuck outta here, nigga.

That looks like shit and you're stupid for liking it. Also, fuck you.

Big 300 fan I see

Actually, I'm not a fan of Amy Schumer at all.

Aww, shucks. ;)

What comedy do you enjoy, grandpa? The Three Stooges?

I like Peep Show, that's really good. Thanks for your interest, it's nice to have someone to talk to. I'm so lonely...

There might be some hope for you.

You should give Party Down a chance tho, that scene doesn't represent the show at all and i don't understand why the retard linked it in the first place.

Yes I agree, it's a very shitty scene and he is retarded. I might check it out, most of this subs comedic tastes align with mine.

Yeah it was a great show. Check out Burning Love if you liked it, it's a lot of the same people.


Yea, 7 years ago.

I don't go for that talk.

Good show bar the token love storyline bullshit

Never heard of it. What channel is it on?

...Oh literal RearNakedGrope...

Uh, I don't think OP was being sarcastic. I was being literal, yes, wanting to know the channel.

Was on Starz years ago. It was a great show to bad Adam Scott left for Park and Rec.

to bad Adam Scott left for Park and Rec.

You're making it out like the show stopped because of that. Starz wouldn't tell him if there was going to be a third season of Party Down, so he took a job on Parks and Rec. Starz didn't end up doing a third season, even though Adam Scott had already negotiated for 3 episodes. Him being on Parks and Rec had nothing to do with it.

Man, too bad Adam Scott left for Parks and Rec.

|to bad Adam Scott left for Park and Rec.

You're making it out like the show stopped because of that. Starz wouldn't tell him if there was going to be a third season of Party Down, so he took a job on Parks and Rec. Starz didn't end up doing a third season, even though Adam Scott had already pulled out his peckah and started waving it around the all the women saying you fuckin love this big peckah. You all wanna suck it and stuff. Dvv dvv


I cant look at Adam Scott or Ken Marino.

Watched it years ago. Really funny show.

Fawk yeah was getting zooted too.

I was at that party, she was fucked up off crayons and couldnt consent and that fella with the jingle bell hat landed himself in some serious hot water.

you tried.


It's called "party down"

Get fucked