Did Opie ever say why he'd insert 'ME:' into every tweet?

3  2016-05-11 by randomdewd99

I recall a show where they're discussing how they respond to tweets (reply before/after quote)


Did Opie ever say why Bam inserts his penis into Lynsi every day?

ME: Cause I wasn't able to deliver the goods. PERIOD.

Leave it alone :'(

ME: I put up some numbas in my early 20's, trust me

Did he ever say why he'd insert 'ME' into every story that came up on the air?

I always assumed it was because Opie is such a fucking idiot that he found it difficult to figure out who was saying what on twitter so he did the me thing to make it easier for people and himself.

TLDR; cause he's dumb as rocks

Because he has a pair of breasts?


Because he's an idiot.

I hope one day the NY ME tweets about @OpieRadio's cause of death.

It plays to the whole "Yeah I'm on this twitter thing but who the hell even knows how to read this shit? Am I right?!" angle for the trucker listeners. Like when they'd all say they "twittered" something for two years to pretend like they weren't all three completely obsessed with Twitter.

For the same reason he puts twitter handles in the title of his yourube stuff, he's trying to connect to the fellow kids.

Anyone who subscribes is a rube.

This is same guy who has pondered water, pronounced epitome as Eppy-toam, and countless other displays of mental retardation that prove he has the wit of a small child.

The wit of a small child (suuuuure) and the tits of an octogenarian.

I thought it was a clever way of saying Opie, like OP, but ME instead of Opie or OP....jesus i'm stupid

That's the bit!


You should know. You follow every second of his life.

Anyone who subscribes is a rube.