Comedy Central prez Michele Ganeless to resign after falling ratings

67  2016-05-10 by RickMirer3

Ganless has run CC since 2004 and in her time has really tried hard to pander to minorities (replacing the departing Stewart and Colbert with relative unknown Noah and Wilmore, getting Key and Peele) and women (Amy Schumer, Broadminded).

Here's what she said about Wilmore: "And he has a point of view, as an African-American male, that is not on the air in late night.

This is going to sound hokey, but it truly is about the funniest idea and most fully realized idea. We certainly make an effort to make sure we're seeing the full range of comedic voices, and then the funniest ideas are the ones that make it onto the air. We want to be a reflection of our audience, and our audience is the millennial generation, which is a melting pot of ethnicities and points of view."

To her credit, she stood by Daniel Tosh in the midst of his SJW attack when he made a rape joke in 2012, and she reportedly hates Jim Norton (according to Norton).

Kent Alterman, the head of programming who worked for New Line Cinema before will be taking her spot.


The Trevor Noah decision has to be a huge debacle. It's an election year & I never hear anyone talking about the Daily Show anymore. This was always their biggest time

It's great, because it helped Trump a ton.

Also, they helped build the "beast of Trump" because they helped build this PC shithouse of culture we have now, and made everyone so mad that they wanted someone, anyone to push back against it.

Noah will be long gone before the next Presidential election

It doesn't matter because these fucks never learn. People act like Jon Stewart didn't turn into a pandering cunt who would do essentially the same hatchet jobs and retreat under the cover of "its just comedy, don't take me serious when I edit conservatives out of context" in the later part of his career. They aren't going to hire a funny and unique comedian, they're going to higher another John Oliver who makes an entire hour long episode about how Donald Trump shouldn't be elected over a chronic liar, schemer, and human rights abuser because his ancestor's last name was Drumpf at some point.

Is that really the only reason why he shouldn't be elected?

Hillary is a massive fucking cunt but still the clear "choice" unless you have shit for brains.

Clear choice how? She's destabilized the middle east even further by toppling the Libyan government and having a "containment strategy" in regards to isis, she's pro-TPP, she wants to hold gun company's liable for crimes committed with their guns, she broke the law by allowing her emails to be on a private server which every us intelligence official can't tell what info was lost because she deleted most of it long after it was compromised and her family has made millions by abusing their powers as politicians with everything from cattle futures trading to speeches done for investment banks. Even the supreme court choices is a moot point after Trump refused to agree he would appoint judges who would overturn Roe V Wade, despite o reilly practically demanding that he do it on last nights show, he's more likely to pick unbiased moderate supreme court justices than ol "partial birth abortion" hillary

But bruh, Trump wants to put minorities in ovens. I read it on facebook.

but, but...he's Adolf Hitler

Two things Trump has said that trumps all of that, talking about killing terrorists families, and saying we need a national torture program to do waterboarding and a whole lot more.

talking about killing terrorists families

He said go after families as in arrest and interogate, like the family members of the brussells bombers who sat in their ghettos not getting arrested while they prepared their escapes to syria until belgium and france grew a pair and went after them. and waterboarding lead us to OBL according to leon panetta...

Dude I've been looking for it for an hour, but I swear I made that exact same argument and someone on reddit linked me a video where Trump clarified that statement, they said what did you mean by take out, and he said "kill". I know it exists 'cause its the first thing that converted me from a Trump supporter, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet now.

As for the torture thing, when you use the morals of a terrorist in order to defeat them, you end up becoming just like them. Same thing happened with the Red Scare in the US, becoming totalitarian in order to defeat it. It's one thing to torture people as the US has been doing forever, and another to have a policy on it. It's literally contradictory to the liberty of what the US was founded on.

Trump has changed his mind and reversed his stance on these issues (like every other flip flopping politician), so not like it matters. But the fact that he said them and people support it is the scary part.

Not that hard to find

and cut the "when you kill them you make them stronger BS" propping up regimes and "containing" them is what makes them stronger, we either wage a ruthless violent war or we gtfo. OBL was trained by CIA to fight wars of attrition and to make wars last, to use ROEs to their advantage and to drag people into their lands with foreign inapplicable rules to starve them out, its the only way a militia made up of kid fucking cavemen can win a war against an empire (like OBL did with Russia)

Thats the standard Fox and Friends interview, but he specifically said the word "kill" in another, not just people with an agenda attributing 'kill' to 'take out'.

I'm not talking about that at all, I'm saying that the US is in these wars largely because of self proclaimed moralistic reasons, being 'better' people than these militia cavemen, bringing democracy and freedom (Hello NSA), when in reality the only difference is they could afford the luxury of avoiding suicide bombings, or torture or targeting civilians. Now suicide bombing doesn't happen unless there is a foreign occupation but add a little struggle, get bogged down and watch how similar you act. It's only a matter of time before the US starts implementing collective punishment, and they'll learn just like the Germans did in both world wars how much it works against you.

The US can't gtfo, it can't evolve from Cold War era geopolitics, so I guess ruthless violent war it is.

Let me tell you about all these bad things Trump did in the game of geopolitics ... oh wait he never even played it before.

So you're admitting a proven failure is better than something new? I'd hire a student fresh out of school before I hired someone with bad references any day of the week.

Leader of the free world is not an entry level position.

lmfao pull as many platitudes and banalties out of your ass as you want and keep ignoring all the shit wrong with hillary

I was just continuing in your analogy. If you want a tv personality to lead your country be my guest.

I don't think that guy's exactly pro-trump either. It's that Hillary is just as bad a choice and not many people realize that

Take a look at his history. Every other comment is pro-Trump.

If you want a tv personality to lead your country

Ronald Reagan

Even that asshole was at least a governor (AND A NAVY SEAL) before the presidency.

I mean for fuck sakes, the guy's platform is "let's build a wall to keep the cholos out". You can't be serious with this shit, America.

Jon "current year" Oliver stole his shoe shine.

everyone who watched the daily show now watches john oliver and Samantha bee but comedy central jews will never admit they were wrong because their diversity hire is an unfunny irrelevant twat

The problem with Noah isn't that he's black. The problem is that you shouldn't hire somebody from fucking South Africa for a show about American politics. At least we have more of a cultural connection with England, so Jon Oliver might have made sense.

I agree. at first I was open-minded & thought it might work as him as an outsider looking in. And maybe it could've if he was better.

There had to be someone who would do it. "the Daily Show" was a big show. I remember they said they reached out to Amy Poehler, Louis CK, Tina Fey & (this would've sucked) Amy Schumer. But there weren't any people in between? To be honest, I even think those super liberal comedy veterans like Margaret Cho or Janeane Garafolo, would even be better. They are crazy but at least it's something. Trevor Noah is like a void

They actually approached Chris Rock last year and he said he would do it......until the day after the Presidential election. Comedy Central turned him down.

How the fuck do you say "NO" to Chris Rock as the new Daily Show host? Even for a year he could have been epic. Rock is a liberal I think but he isn't as bias as Stewart is. Who knows, maybe he would have kept the gig after a year.....

The dislike for Oliver is for the same reason people dislike Noah and Piers Morgan: Its much easier taking criticism from an insider (an american like JS) than it is from an outsider, which seems like you are being insulted and talked down to.

He's had a few Facebook viral videos, but nothing like Jon Jew Stewart.

When he first took over there were a few for a couple of months. I can't even remember any of them but I think people were trying to be supportive. But I haven't seen any viral Daily Show bit in a long time and it's gotta be the biggest time in politics since 2008


I heard that young people are leaving CC in droves, and the median age for The Daily Show actually went up and is somewhere in the middle ages now.

Matt and Trey had their best season in years with South Park. Key and Peele had a pretty good year and I hear their movie is good. Those guys didn't forget to tell jokes. The problem with the whole Daily Show\Nightly show team is that they all think they're comedy activists. Get rid of all them and the ratings will improve.

They tried to overcompensate with the too many white male hosts on late night by putting Wilmore, who was the weakest correspondent on the Daily Show as a replacement for Colbert, who cut his teeth on 2 decades of improv comedy. Comedy Central is now SJW / BlackLivesMatter central right now. Which I wouldn't mind had it been funny.

Also, if you have to put this in your skits, you failed at the comedy

Comedy Central is now SJW / BlackLivesMatter central right now. Which I wouldn't mind had it been funny.

I would, because they cancelled Tough Crowd for being the opposite of this.

I don't think he understands that SJWism and BLM are incapable of being funny. Taking offense to everything isn't funny; making fun of everything is funny.


They also put this comedy genius on

Think I hate her more than anyone else on the planet right now

I'm not even angry anymore. Just sad and tired.

This bitch says it's a normal reaction to fucking google "How do I respond to a racist joke?".

Who the fuck needs google to respond to things?

i'd fuck her (if this is part of the discussion here)

She looks like Paul Mooney.

honestly i'd rather fuck paul mooney. at least he won't cry rape afterwards

Wait, no... No way. They didn't put her on. No way I believe this. All I know of her is Gavin played this clip of her on his show a couple weeks ago.

She has a regular slot on The Nightly Show called #hashitout

I wish I continued never knowing this existed.

Holy shit this is awful.

Pander, applause break, pander, applause break, pander, applause break

And on the topic of this new Ghostbusters, it will bomb. Not because it has women in it, not because "women aren't funny", but because it is a SHIT movie.

I heard that young people are leaving CC in droves

as a young person, its mostly the lack of programming, when i was young, CC would rerun old tv shows and movies. I watched Madtv and tons of funny movies from 20-30 years ago. Now they rerun shit i've seen all the time, like archer or futurama when i could watch the same shit on netflix without commercials. That said i really only stopped watching the last 3 or 4 years.

i think the shit on at 11-12:30 doesn't help. and Schumers stolen sketch show doesn't either.

really outside of Tosh and SP, and K&P comedy central hadn't come up with a good tv show in 8 years.

they all think they're comedy activists

that's the thing that pisses me off too, Trump has tons of supporters accross the US, you would think instead of shoving the same comedy activism bullshit that everyone else is doing, they would do the opposite, try and catch the huge amount of non-SJWs, that could use a tv show that targets them.

Hell now would be an amazing time for Tough Crowd. CC hated that a "conservative" tv show was so funny, and canceled it, but with how all of the US is shifting right, now would be the perfect time for it.

Tough Crowd and the Man Show were two of my favorite shows from those days. Comedy Central fucked up with the direction they took for sure. It's like they saw the massive success of Chappelle's Show and when it ended they thought, "man this BLACK show really did well. Let's make all of our shows cater to women and minorities because this BLACK guy did so well!" and they forgot the part about having amazing writing and talent. I'm sure Nikki Glaser is funny enough, but does anyone really care about another blonde girl on TV telling the same sex jokes as Amy Schumer? Do we need two palatable black dude's larping as newsmen back to back?

I still watch Workaholics though. That show is funny as hell.

Review and Nathan for You are both great. Speaking as a faggot, that is.

Nathan For You is alright. I haven't seen Review yet.

I still like Tosh too, but at the end of the day it's still just the best clip show on tv.

I'm sure Nikki Glaser is funny enough

She makes Big Amy look like Joan Rivers. Her comedy is just Larry Bird's Daughter complaining about guys being meanies and wanting to jerk off to porn.

The country is not shifting right.


Key and peele are legit funny, i wouldnt lump them in with the diversity hires

Yeah, they're not Chappelle level, but they do bring original comedy, which is very hard to do in the era of Internet

Maybe Patrice was Chappelle level, but that's a pretty high level to be at. Can't really hold that against them.

Chappelle was only at that level because of his writers.

CC got in his ear and convinced him it was all him, so they wouldn't have to pay his writers' increasing salaries.

They made a season of his show without them and it was REALLY fucking bad and Dave realized it was bad, and he wanted to redo it but they aired it anyway and that made him so mad he quit.

You've got it backwards. The show was only written by Chappelle and Brennan until season 3 when they hired a few guys like Keith Robinson. Listen to Brennan's first JRE episode where he talks about what went down for 3 hours.

Do you know if Neal Brennan was involved in compiling that final season "The Lost Episodes"? I know that he's a good writer but yeah, they were pretty shitty.

Shit, I was thinking he was the main one, but I'm a retard. I got it wrong.

but he abruptly left the show for South Africa in April 2005 prior to the premiere of the show's third season.[4][22][30] He left without warning Brennan or others of the show's crew.[21][22][31][32] As a result, the premiere of season three was delayed; Brennan compiled the remaining sketches and aired them in July 2006 as the "lost episodes."[31][33]

My bad, dunno where I got that from.

The Patrice ball licking on this sub is amazing. He is nowhere close to Chappelle's level.

True, but at least Patrice wouldn't have sulked off stages like a little girl when the crowd pissed him off. He'd have gone off on them in a show even better than his prepared material. Dave is a genius, no question. But he's fucked it up with stuff like "I'm going to sit down and silently chainsmoke Newports at this comedy festival for a half hour because people cheer too loud for me."

I was there. Hartford, CT. It was fucking brutal. The real problem was people just shouting "do (insert Chapelle's Show sketch name here)" like fucking idiots. Still, he should have just fucking told jokes and ignored the fools. Thank god I got my tickets for free.

Oh, well that's a little better. The story I read back in the day just said they were cheering and he kept saying "I'm not going to tell jokes until you get quiet", then gave up and just smoked cigarettes.

He got half way through his opening bit and it went to shit with people yelling out. He actually interacted a good bit by shitting on the crowd as a whole. He even read some of this fucking idiot's self published dogshit book that she brought and tried to give to him. All in all it was interesting. Not what I wanted to see but interesting nonetheless.

Their "Terries" sketch is one of my favorites and I have no idea why.

They do WAY too many skits where they take one joke and then escalate it over and over again to the point of absurdity.

Ganeless sounds like something Amy Schumer should look in to. (tss)

Fawkin homerun, Chippah!

She probably got fired for ordering an hour special from Derosa

"Larry Wilmore has a point of view that is not on the air in late night". For example, if the subject of slavery is brought up, Wilmore might propose "anti" while all white hosts cry "Bring it back!". That's how people work, right?

White host: "Republicans are cuhrazzie!!!" Black host: "Republicans be crazy yo!"

and to think that ass currently occupies Almighty Colin's Tough Crowd old spot

Now you just made me sad. That show is genuinely terrible. I gave it a shot and wanted to like it because I enjoy the round table discussion format with comics. Real Time is funny and will allow either side of an issue to speak without streamrolling them. All of their correspondents are unfunny pandering nobodies who don't even try to be funny. "I'm a Muslim woman who eats cheeseburgers and dates guys." crowd erupts in cheers The only place that joke would kill is in the heart of Baghdad, tss kill becaws of sharry law or sumpthin i dunno dis shows fawkin hiilarous. Do you think Wilmore would dare let Ann Coulter come on the show? Maher does. Instead you get things like this: You don't need to click the link because it's horrendous but to sum it up he concludes the "bit" with "Class dismissed" and that's all you need to know about that.


Everything that's wrong about the world in one story

  • minorities

  • women

  • Amy Schumer

  • African-American male

It would be great if they shitcan inside Amy Schumer after the inevitable ratings dip this season, now that they have entirely replaced comedy with pushing agendas.

Does this look like a face that understands dark comedy?

Yea, she has the same emptiness in her eyes as every coal-burner I see sitting shotgun in their own car... Oh that kind of dark, nevermind.

It's a woman. Enough said.

That's enough, Ted!

Ohhhhh you.


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i love seeing this post on this sub.

You always know that jimmies were extremely rustled.

Asked on regrets, only one.

Passing on Chip Chiperson show.

Dunno about this Chip CHIPERSON show but man they'd be really dumb to pass on Norton's hilarious Chip Chipperson show now. Give him a 3 billion dollar budget and you'll get half a season of 3 minute shorts. Maybe. His guys said to ask CC for more though.


Key and Peele are good. Everything else has been crap. She's earned her pink slip.

Good. Fuck CC and their PC bullshit

I wish we had an Opie Raqio channel on cable.

It's called C-SPAN 2. No one pays attention to it either.


I think CC could do with a little more Girl Power, right gang?

To her credit, she stood by Daniel Tosh in the midst of his SJW attack when he made a rape joke in 2012, and she reportedly hates Jim Norton (according to Norton).


We've seen Jimmy do the whole talk/sketch show thing. It doesn't work, it sucks donkey dick as a matter of fact.

Jimmy probably thinks that he'd be an alternative Jon Stewart and just as big on that network if it weren't for this woman.

"Stewart's problem is that he didn't take the middle of the road often enough."

it sucks donkey dick as a matter of fact.

That might actually be funny or interesting. At least more than him poorly interviewing UFC people, creepily nonstop blinking, and pretending that having a hot tranny as a ℅-host in 2014 is somehow edgy.

I thought that was referring to the Roasts. To be fair, he kind of stunk on the Bob Saget one anyway.

Their programming lineup, other than K&P, sucks ass. Literally nothing that funny or worth watching.

Want to save Comedy Central? BRING. BACK. CQ.

I would love to see Dave Attell do another rendition of Insomniac. That show was really great.

Review was off the chain nigga.

hope its health related

This seems like a step in the right direction for CC. Look at how the network stopped catering to the comedy fans and instead they tried to pull in a younger audience.They started having more shitty cartoons to compete with adult swim. Their Roasts got progressively worse and worse each year. They should have focused on only roasting comedians instead of getting the hottest celebrities at the moment.

You don't think Shaq, Ludacris and Martha Stewart did as good of a job roasting as Greg Giraldo did?

I go scuba divin in Bays at Montego

I find gold links and snatch 'em like I'm Deebo

But I'm the light-skinteted version of Mandingo

I've seen more Beatles and Jagged Edges than Ringo

The idea that CC thought comedians would actually give a shit about roasting a 17 year old justin bieber is upsetting for me

Haha that's fucking great. He said that at the live taping and they didn't air it? Fucking Biebshells and Heebshells.

Tosh was smart enough to not show up to that bullshit and do jokes that were better than anything said on the Roast on his own show. Plus that episode got us the best joke of the decade with the "I hope your next starring role is in an ISIS video" line. He also hasn't done a radio show since Loveline almost 10 years ago. The world will look back and realize he was the smartest comic out of a bunch of pandering twats who burned themselves out to the public going on anything not on Blog Talk Radio in the next decade.

Their Roasts got progressively worse and worse each year.

they haven't had a roast in years, but the last 3 they did sucked

There is nothing that I routinely DVR on CC and it's been that way for years. Unless I hear about a special that may interest me, CC just doesn't exist for me.

Ah man.. I really like Workaholics and South Park. I also like Broad City but that probably won't fly here. That's it really

Broad City is dope. Occassionally it panders to its hipster demographic, but more often than not it's focus is on being genuine and funny.

Plus the few times I've mentioned it here nobody called me a faggot, so I think it may have the sub's stamp of approval.

I only like the fatter half of the duo cause I can't stand seeing New York hipster Jew broads going "yaaaaaas queen" and talking about their awful bushes.

I like Workaholics and South Park too. Broad City is not terrible and that one girl has some nice jew tits so it's okay in my book.

I caught Broad City when I figured I'd give cable a shot (since I'm paying for it anyway). It was alright.

I love Broad City. it's more hit than miss. This season they're trying too hard, but it been a good run so far.

I really enjoy Broad City.

Yeah, other than the last season of South Park and the stand up half hours, I'm routinely disappointed with Comedy Central.

You don't like @Midnight?

Smug ucb'ers making twitter jokes in person instead of on twitter. What could there be not to like?

Isn't being a geek fun?

She should have never given The Daily Show to a virtual unknown.

That show was one of two flagships for the network (the other being South Park.) Giving it to Trevor Noah was clearly pandering to, in the words of the resigning president "diverse millennials."

Jon Stewart, a (sometimes) smarmy Jewish guy from Jersey gave you your best ratings. Diverse millennials watched him too, you dolt.


The Trevor Noah experiment is clearly not going to catch on and should be shit canned. I can't recall a host of a once-prominent program lasting this long with so little chatter generated. When Stewart was there you heard about that stupid show nonstop. Noah makes Craig Kilborn look like Johnny Carson in terms of cultural impact. Off-topic but Colbert in the Letterman slot is another fiasco that the plug can't be pulled on fast enough. Fallon is garbage too but at least he has ratings bragging rights.

Fallon constructs his segments in such a way so that they are insant viral video hits. Celebrity + doing something wacky= gold!

So how long until this is spun as proof of America's racism?

Wow...let the entire block be taken over by women and minorities and it isn't as funny? Who woulda thought?

Trevor Noah does a good job reading a teleprompter, and delivering a monologue. His interviews are incredibly uncomfortable and edited to death. Larry Wilmore can't get over the fact that he is a black person. I understand the motive to talk about black issues, but it's just overkill. Other than the most recent decisions, overall it's not terrible programming. Archer and Always Sunny play on CC now, and even if I hate it Schumers show is a success.

I find Noah's personality off putting, he over compensates for a lack of legitimate humor. IMO...

I've never ever seen a clip, anywhere, of Trevor Noah on The Daily Show. When Stewart was there, you'd practically see a clip every day on Reddit.

He gets a few on lib sites like Salon. But mostly it's lib sites complaining he's ruining the show by not doing Stewart's routine of playing a Hannity clip, staring into the camera for 5 seconds, then saying "FUCK YOU!" as the live audience explodes into orgasmic cheers. He sucks, but at least he's trying to be himself and not try to be "The Jon Stewart That We Wish His Father Had A Flaming Tire Put Around His Neck In Africa In The 1980s".

Larry Wilmore can't get over the fact that he is a black person

That's because Larry Wilmore is still trying to convince himself and others that he is a black person. If you listen to the overenunciating goose honk shooting from his nose that he calls a voice you'd never guess.

Why is it such a funny idea to put an African American male on late night? Racist bitch.


You mean SJW political comedy isn't a ratings-grabber?

Who would've thunk it?

Is this the chick that cancelled "Tough Crowd"? Good riddance.

Social Justice and progressive values are no laughing matter! I applaud her courage.

Bring back Tough Crowd

Reminds me of something Patrice said, a scenario about the head of CC going to their high school reunion and telling everyone what their job is, and then everyone would have called that person out as never having been funny for as long as they'd known them.

His point was that executives don't know how to be funny. And when your priorities as head of CC is diversity before funny, then Michele Ganless ain't a funny broad.

When I used to listen the Carolla podcast he'd say the same thing and never gave Patrice credit for it.

you mean SJWCentral. worst fucking station on TV, rather watch lifetime

CC has had some decent shows lately. Review, Nathan for You, Broad City, Another Period, Drunk History. Big Time in Hollywood FLA was good but no one watched it. I'm not a fan of Workaholics but it's certainly not part of the agenda you're offended by.

They do allow South Park to do pretty much whatever the fuck they want. Just sayin.


I honestly don't know. I haven't watched more than Workaholics and South Park on there in years.

Is there another country in the world where someone in a twelve percent minority is given a major late night show? It's silly.

South Africa?

I rarely tune in. They play more commercials than they do actual content, and most of the content blows.

You guys sure have fucking boners for K&P

K&P are legitimately funny. The rest are trash.

This is 100% the right move for Comedy Central. To go from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart / Colbert Report to the new/neutered daily show and whatever the fuck that shit is that comes on after the new, shitty daily show is an absolute disgrace.

This is a prime example of when affirmative action/pandering to minorities goes wrong.

What the fuck is Broadminded? I've never heard of a CC show called that.

I think he was trying to be clever and meant Broad City. Think it's alright. Thought the joke news shows had a lot of the same writers even after the changeovers so not sure if it matters that much who they were replaced with when most of the content is the same. Shame CQ is too busy for the role

I think he was trying to be clever

He got it mixed up with this

The new Daily Show really isn't that bad.

Getting Key and Peele is suppose to be a race thing? nah dude you grasping for straws, same with Wilmore.

Wilmore definitely.

Comedy central political talk shows are played put, nobody could have saved that show.

Should get Adam Corolla for the daily show. That would be a change of pace.

Ugh. He's so awful on TV.

Wilmore and Noah stepped into impossible roles but fuck em, they're awful. Both shows went from the best on tv to absolutely unwatchable. Outta everything listed Key and Peele is the only goof show listen (Amy's was good and has gotten progressively worse- and I'm 99% sure I'm not just saying that because of her public persona). All she's done well is on the stand up side of things

It's a shame, as someone else said Wilmore was easily the weakest correspondent on the daily show. Noah was also this unfunny, uncharismatic tool who was chosen because he was black. Shit, before either show aired I was thinking if they had to have a black host they could've given Jessica Jones a shot.

Little yimmy missed the boat on his tranny talk show. Schucks.


The Daily Show had been losing steam for years. Now its completely irrelevant. Nobody cites the show as a legitimate source for anything anymore and that is great to me. We don't have to listen to the show's blatant pandering being cited as a legitimate news source. When Noah doesn't bring the ratings he will be gone in a year or two. Instead of replacing him with a big name, or at least a recognizable name, to save the show they'll hire an unknown woman so they can look progressive. The show's ratings will tank even further and the show will finally do a 180 to save itself.

Calling it now. Nick Dipaolo Daily Show Host in 2020.


They actually have plenty of decent shit right now. What are you going to do, your two biggest ratings pigs jumped ship in the same year and your most tenured show has been on the down slide for years.


Shut up, faggot.

Good riddance, smokestack whore.

Good riddance, smokestack whore.

For Christ's sake, fix your internet connection before you post, homeboy.

I'm at Starbucks, faggot. It's spotty. Upvoted.

Are you homeless?

Yes. Don't exercise your home-privilege over me.

ITT: too many boring oafs bitching about how CC is full-on PC even though more than half the programming is still geared towards white dudes, not enough people talking about Review

Andy Daly and Nathan Fielder are both awesome but I do think that replacing Stewart and Colbert with two fairly unfunny guys hurt CC a lot, and it sounds like it may have made the transitions hemorrhage more viewers than they probably should have.


i still think Jeselnik would've been awesome on the Daily Show, he clearly leans left but isn't afraid to take down anyone, so long as it's a meticulously-worded joke. When the Bernie Baby died of SIDS, he tweeted "he busted".

Fuckin Vos would do a better show

See Rich and his better show at the Boca Black Box Theater, in Boca Raton, Florida, this Friday and Saturday, May 13-14th.


The biggest success Comedy Central ever had was Chaplelle Show, which was while she was in charge.

How about you provide some links to your assertions that being PC took her out of the big chair?

Everything I've read, including this New York Times article ( says the move is based on losses to emerging digital media.

All of you anti-SJW Warriors are bigger fags than actual SJWs and just looking for excuses for your faggoty minority complexes.

The show was already airing season 2 when she got the job, and Dave quit on her watch. She cannot claim any credit for Chappelle's Show. She was still working for USA Network when everything about it but the bad part took place.

I never said PC took her out of the chair, fuck wad. I said "falling ratings" did. It is right there in the title, moron.

South Africa?