Anthony isn't as funny

0  2016-05-10 by unclepaul84

Anthony can't be funny unless he is drinking. That was very apparent on his show yesterday.Hopefully he gives up sobriety. He needs booze to keep his failing career going.


He wasn't funny when he was drinking either. He would just tell about the blacks. It's his age. Old, angry Anthony isn't funny. I don't think funny Ant is coming back.

Yeah, to say he was funny until April means you've never heard TACS. He sucks. The highlights of the show were Jimmy calling in as Chip/Uncle Paul and Colin & Bobo when he wasn't there.

he was funny as shit when he would drink from 3-7 on WNEW

He had a boss back then that kept him from being himself though.

Yeah and a semblance of a normal ( for him ) routine. Like a lot of people, just having that is enough to keep the bullet out of the chamber.

And he had his wife to focus his rage on.

Yeah, but 1998-02 Anthony isn't modern Anthony with or without the booze. WNEW Ant just wanted to talk about sex and do Reagan, Tyson and Don West impressions. Opie actually came off as more racist sometimes back then.

He wasn't funny when he was drinking either. He would just tell about the blacks. It's his age. Old, angry Anthony isn't funny. I don't think funny Ant is coming back.


Us liberals. Us liberals that loves dog rape. These guys are so delusional. I can't remember the last time cuck liberal or SJW hasn't been used in a comment defending Ant. Blind support with rhetoric terms.

The teeny tiny influx of crusty of racists from the FAILURE of a sub /r/tacn is adorable.

literally in response to nothing. what babies, if they hear something they don't like they have their little words to cry out

The teeny tiny influx of crusty of racists from the FAILURE of a sub /r/tacn is adorable.

we heard you

Everybody loved Ant doing racist jokes. Stuff that would get the bell was the best part of the show. The problem was when the jokes turned into boring rants. I don't care at all if he's racist or not. I just don't want to pay to hear a bunch of ranting and raving about it. There's probably a million podcasts I can download for free where some guy rants about black crime if I ever want to. Nothing he says offends me, I just don't want to pay to hear it. If he had some hilarious Trayvon Martin jokes, I'd have laughed my ass off. Instead he just screamed about it. It was boring.

I very seriously cannot wait until syrian-style conflict comes to the american heartland and we get to see what kind of stones y'all have really got. The rhetoric of you anthony trolls always turns into an us vs. them tribal spiel that is honestly more extreme and hate filled than the banter that happens in /r/syriancivilwar between the hardline al qaeda islamists and secular government forces.

You sound like you've been gulping the LIEberal sjw pc white guilt cuck kool aid, friendo. You must not be over 30, or pay taxes, or have mental issues. That's the only explanation for your sjw flag flying so high!

its almost as if we enjoyed ant with Opie and Jim but not without. Drinking or not makes little difference.

Yewh now he loose cannon with no boss in ass is bad peeps

that sentence reads like an interview with one of those dingbats from die antwoord





Did you get all your work done for the day?

It can't be the drink. He hasn't been funny for years.

No one is as funny on their own. You need to be in a group.

This is the correct answer.

The only people in the whole O&A universe who could carry a solo show are Ronnie B and Patrice. And even they have/had other non-comedians to play off of. Without guests, Anthony talks and talks for two hours with the occasional one liner from Garrett. When he has a guest, it's done like an interview rather than a hang.

I think Anthony can be funny again, but he'll have to flip the format of his show, get 2-3 comics on mic at once, and expose himself to newer shows and movies.

I feel like with Ronnie B that he isn't so much playing off others as hindering himself. Almost everyone that's ever been on Ron and Fez/Bennington aside from Ronnie B and Fez have been complete and utter albatrosses. Unfunny derailing morons who can't hold a decent conversation on anything, but Ron still makes it listenable.

That's why my favorite thing is seeing Ron as a guest on something else or doing an unmasked. I can't stand the people he surrounds himself with.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

The irritating quirks of the other people are what make the show such good theater. That's why Bennington is about 10% as entertaining as R&F.

Solo Patrice would be good for the most part. But part of me wonders if we would have gotten a lot of The Black Alex Jones Show endless rants without somebody to immediately tell him he's a fucking idiot for believing some of that shit. Like how much better Ant's race rants were with someone like Bill Burr to mock how stupid it sounds from the outside.

Black Phillip was basically solo Patrice and it worked really well because he was smart enough to put in a new hole every episode that would disagree with him

Alcohol and racism is a huge part of what made him funny his entire career. Once he got fired those things became 100% of his personality which made him boring and embarrassing. He will never be funny again.

Ant hasn't been funny for over a year, with or without his xanax/alcohol.


It was a rough watch. Both guys seemed uncomfortable. Anthony was nervous and unfunny. He kept trying hard to get a laugh. He obviously needs the alcohol as a crutch to make it through these 2 hour shows.

Obviously you just see what you want to see.

He wasn't drinking during o&a when they were on mornings

Doesn't have to be drunk, it's the mentality

He was funny on O&A, I'm sure he wasn't coming in drunk every morning.

That's what the Xanax was for

What are you talking about? His jokes about his hair SLAY!

It only took him minutes to go into a movie impression/quote.

I'd really hate it if someone posted a link.

Holy fuck, he's had one show. Give it a week?

And you aren't as gay, but at least you can take a dick in the ass.

It's just funny how his brain requires alcohol to access the part of the brain that feels humor

Yes because he was such a riot when he was blathering about Trump and waving at the camera with his thumb.

He made friends with a hilarious person at the rehab and they talked about how to use a newborn baby as a hammer. He told Anthony that once the baby starts teething you can use them to pull nails out. Comedic genius.
