This place is just plain gay now

0  2016-05-10 by HerpesLipStrangler

the 2 green posts are gay, removing tacs link from the sidebar was gay, easing up on the Opie hatred is gay, being nice to Ant for faking rehab is pretty gay, politically correct animator Jimmy is still gay and finally of course I'm gay


This is a SafeSpace

is it?

i've murdered so many children.. it's nice to be able to get that off my chest

Now vent against your white male oppressors that implicitly restrict your freedoms as [insert minority here]

i guess as a white male minority I feel like the wealthier and more successful white males on campus are oppressing my right to lose my virginity

White male minority->error,error->does not compute shitlord

Unlike Opie.

Let's all make love.

Way ahead of you.


Everyone's positive outlook on a possible O&A reunion makes me ill. Do you idiots not remember how fucking terrible the show was for the majority of 2013 and 2014 before Anthony was fired? And that shit was lightyears ahead of what happened after that. Do you dumb shits really think they would get back together and make magic again? Its over. They're old. They don't care. They're too wrapped up in their own bullshit to ever be able to make a good product again.

Putting that aside, how would they do a show? Do you think Sirius XM will rehire Anthony after all this bullshit he's been doing? He's a toxic person who will never, ever, be hired by anyone ever again. So what's the other option? Opie and Jim leave SXM? Sure, it's possible if they are fired. But Tits and the Paycheck Keed will never leave that place to hang out in Anthony's basement with a handful of obese pedophiles.

You guys sound like stupid children with your "Mommy and daddy are speaking again, yay!" fag shit. Go take your childish positive vibes somewhere else and stop stinking up this joint.

I don't think for a second there is a chance of it getting back together again, but if I had any hope for it to it would be to see it be a trainwreck and eventually fall apart again.

Excuse me, but I am not plain gay. I am fuckin' fabulous.

As opposed to exotically flavoured gay

I agree with the herpes-lipped strangler. We need to straighten this place up.

This sub needs a night of the long knives.

Except with cocks, right?


You mocked my Reich but it was damn good sir.

So, everyone is happy

Whats wrong with being gay? and why are you trying to use that as an insult?

You're a fucking dumb faggot aren't you? It's wrong to think that your childhood rape had nothing to do with you liking men, it's wrong to deny reproductive evolution, it's wrong to turn down vagina for a life of man asshole and AIDS... should I continue?

Did I hit a sensitive spot? You don't need to project your life experiences on me. There is no shame in being gay or liking cock. Just because daddy was a homophobe doesn't mean you have to be one to. You sound like one of those self hating fags.


easing up on the Opie hatred is gay

I think we all still despise Opie. It's just that his recent magnanimity makes Anthony look bad, so we celebrate it.

This should be the new green post

The gayest thing here is the SJW invasion. Why don't more people get behind truth tellers like Ant and Gavin? Except for the rectum insertion Gavin is the best entertainer in media

I don't think for a second there is a chance of it getting back together again, but if I had any hope for it to it would be to see it be a trainwreck and eventually fall apart again.