Bill Burr endorses Bernie Sanders (05/09/2016)

0  2016-05-10 by beavvv


I wish politics would die

Every election year is worse than the one before it. I assume next time it will be two actual clowns in the running. Maybe we can get Steve-O a GOP nom.

Does anyone really give a fuck who he endorses...

Apparently, all the socialists on this sub do.

Naw just people who hate banks. $2.50 TO USE THE GOD DAMN ATM FUCKING CITIBANK YOU ASSHOLES.

This sub has been overrun with liberal scum. True Americans and smart conservatives like us don't stand a chance in a liberal pc sjw white guilt safe space cuck smug libtard socialist communist black lives matter hive mind like this.

What about all us communists who have been here for years?

No. You either were persuaded by the SJW pc liberal white guilt cuck agenda or you sold your accounts to jezebel crusaders so they could infiltrate and destroy. Those are the only possible explanations. Free speech is becoming extinct!

You seem like quite the butthurt liberal cuck.

It's a very lib sub I've noticed. Mention anything about blacks, and all the white guilt motherfuckers who think white privilege is a real thing down vote you.

He's doing a bit. He's making fun of the type of comment you just posted.

It's not a bit. You can tell by all the agreeable replies I get. Fucking sjws DIE!


Of course he did. He's got the black vote. Nia's really got his balls in a jar.

Clinton has the black vote for some reason. It's actually killing Sanders.

She carries hot sauce in her purse

I don't know how in good conscience anyone will vote for any of them.

Lol fuck sakes Burr. He's going off the grid and putting his money in bullion soon enough.

duuuuude you got ya gold bars, ya got your helipad, boom! you're the new king of the NCR!

This sub really is for cocksucking liberal faggots.

ayo where da white cock at?

Idk but you probably have HIV.

Bill already fell for the white guilt propaganda perpetuated by kikes years ago.

Nia probably pegs him while he apologizes for slavery.

We get it. You're obsessed with bills wife.


Yes. We all do. We notice you. You did it.

We get it. You're obsessed with bills wife.

Regardless, it's over for Bernie.

I surely hope so. I can't believe someone with such a thick jewy accent got on the ticket.

I was hoping he would become president, just to mess with the Clintons, rather him than shillary, and rather him as president than flipflop Trump who now is starting to accept donations from lobby groups in the fight vs Clinton. The flip, once again, has flopped


That's assuming his goal isn't to just force the democratic party back towards the left end of the spectrum, in opposition to Hillary's natural hawkishness. The same way billionaires spend untold amounts of money on fringe neocon candidates that have no realistic chance of winning because it forces the other candidates with an actual shot to also skew in the direction of their personal interests. This is a comedy forum, fuck me and fuck you, we stink.

Your both right and annoying at the same time

Apparently, all the socialists on this sub do.
