If you don't think Compound Media is gonna be a success you're in denial

0  2016-05-10 by goldstandard32

The network has the most informed political commentators in the US media (Anthony Cumia, Gavin McInnes) along with the funniest comedians in the country (Mike Finoia, Dave Smith). Combine those two elements and you've got the most entertaining subscription based show worldwide. Linger Longer SJW faggots. #youguysarejustjealous. #cumianetwork


Your gimmick is boring. Add some flavor to it.

Should have just called it "Cummy Central".


most informed political commentators in the US media

Between all the guys on the network, you couldn't get a solid restaurant recommendation let alone a cogent political opinion.

If he can somehow convince him to drop everything and join up, he should push all his chips towards Joe DeVito as permanent co-host. Subscriptions would skyrocket. DeVito's got Hollywood by the balls right now, it'd be a huge get.

If he can somehow convince him to drop everything and join up, he should push all his chips towards Joe DeVito

Tss I don't wanna get all the MEES pushed towards Danny Deveito ya fawkin sockcucker. Fawkin berried him.

Be more funny.

Not even saying the network will fail, but if you believe ANY podcast network will become "Americas number 1 destination" for anything (as I've seen you say in other posts) you're delusional


Whatta queer

This guy's cool. Listen up to what he's puttin' down!

Fawk yeah

Yeah. If O and A fans can pride themselves it's long term loyalty. Oh wait.


It's already been pretty successful. I can't help but feel embarrassed for everyone who's been calling it a "sinking ship" (I'm talking to you, /r/tacsdiscussion mods). They're just completely deluded and enjoy lying to themselves and each other.

fawk yea

But as Jerry Springer reminds us, we should all be good to ourselves... and each other.

Heck yeah.