No one gives a fuck what you changed your sub name to so why is that shit stickied?

30  2016-05-10 by olebillyredface28



I liked it better when Joe's video was stickied.

It was the stickiest for sure

keep the where the fuck is my gun video stickied forever

And the hitler parody video about Ant and his basement dweller creatures.

tss yeah its gotta bunch cum on it

This post is shit

I wish Anthony's retarded rant had been stickied forever

Look at you. Getting all upset over stupid internet bullshit. What a faggot.

I don't know.

He should sticky his faggot sky diving story or whatever that fuck that was. We don't give 2 shits. He should sticky his head into an oven. Hey frunko calm it down.

why are they sticky? what did someone fawkin cum on them against their will when they were underage or sumpthin?