What's Amy Schumer's favorite kind of joke?

0  2016-05-09 by Radank




Fuck off, kike. Downvoted.

I wouldn't have guessed you downvoted me unless you had so proudly announced it to the only person left reading this. Thanks for the heads up?

You posted this abortion of a thread, not me. Faggot. Kill yourself.

Got any more edgy buzzwords in you?

Yeah, your mom is a whore. Fuck off and die.

Never lose that tryhard, slappy. I'll be thinking of you on the other side.

I don't think of you at all.

shut the fuck up holy christ

I'm trying my hardest for you.

Tss no wait I got it. What's Any Shoomer's favrite joke?


Cuz she has to luk at her fat face GEDDIT TSS

I don't think of you at all.