Oh Uncle Paul.

113  2016-05-09 by Stiffstick


Reminds me of Mr. MacGregor

Im gonna take this picture to remember the daaay we spiiilled the paint. sound of a polaroid being taken and dramatically developing over ominous music

"real men take their shirts off when they work"

That's what my gym teacher used to say. Dude was quite a character always insisted on showering with us.

Go on...

Mr. Mac is a silly goose, and Mrs. Mac is an enabling blockhead.

That kid looks like a little taddle tale.

Now let me show ya how to work the flyin stick nice and proper.

Massaging his aged, swollen prostate.

Anything worse then a pedo is a gay pedo, 'Specially if it's pop pop

Buy yourself some scissors.


This planes made of wood, you want to see some special snake wood Leo?