"Rehab is a money making machine" - Glad you're taking rehab seriously Ant

33  2016-05-09 by Ant_Sucks

Right now he's telling other people's rehab stories, and making fun of the rehab process in general. I thought stories you told at alcoholics anonymous were supposed to be secret?

He's behaving exactly like I thought he would. Acting like he's above it all, and that the people there were in worse positions than him, so how could he be that bad.


"Rehab is a money making machine"

So basically the opposite of his network.

This is me posting the textual equivalent of the YouTube video titled Black People Reacting


(Did i do that right?)




he only went to rehab to try and avoid jail, of course hes not taking it seriously but why would he? he lost his cool one night, lost his gun and smacked some bitch around a little bit. this is every day life for negroes!

Yeah but Yim Yim said Ant is secretly taking it very seriously!! He went to dinner with him.

Sometimes I goto dinner, you know, just so I can feel a little normal for a bit

I wonder if Jimmy and Ronnie B will find this behaviour funny and endearing?

You could tell by Ron's face he knew this was coming, he probably just rolled his eyes and went about his day. Jimmy will probably be too heartbroken to edge because he's a dumb faggot. Then Ant will feed him some shit about "Hey man, I just said that to look cool!" and he'll believe him.

Is Jimmy constantly on the brink of an orgasm? That edging shit is such a bizarre past time, especially for a 40 year old.

40? That turtle is almost 50.

Nah. Edging is the best. Just do it for like an hour or two if you're alone for a while. You cum buckets .

It's the opposite. If you're edging for hours you might get a dribble by the time you finish.


See a doctor

If I go quick, I dump some serious loads. I probably have some retrograde ejaculation.

Thanks Dr Steve for teaching me about it!


u/Ant_Sucks, he said that rehab was a money making machine FOR THE PEOPLE WHO RUN REHAB CENTERS. It is. It's lucrative. What the fuck is your point?

All treatment centers in the United States are money-making machines for those who own them, even state facilities. Medicine is done under a capitalist model here.Rehab centers make far less than most hospitals and certainly less than surgical units (cardiac, neuro, orthopedic, etc). So what's your point? Healthcare in the US tends to rip everyone off. Rehab is not more likely than any other specialty to do this. Do you think Ant will take this up with capitalism? I say he won't.

Anthony wasn't complaining about rehab centers making money. He was merely observing that they make a lot of money.

My point is that the thread starter is misrepresenting what Ant said about rehab. The quote makes it sound like Anthony is bragging about the $ he made via increased subscriptions in the last month, or something.

He's pissed they make money off poor stooges like him, when he is so much smarter and better than everyone else there. He's pre-emptively taking no responsibility for staying sober. If you can't see that, you're blind. You're an Anthony ballwasher so that goes with the territory. "He's just saying they make money!" He's saying they ripped him off and they're ripping everyone off. Poor him. He'll have to go back to booze and Xanax stat. Wronged again.

Did...did you watch the show? That wasn't his tone at all.

If that is what he was getting at, then he wasn't doing it in an angry way.

Of course he didn't. This pretentious cunt is trying to white knight the rehab industry over a fucking joke.

He's not wrong. Recovery is big business.

Drug addiction is one of the single largest public health crises in the United States. It's a health crisis that effects young people and causes them to lose productivity in society and eventually their lives. All medicine in the US is capitalist. Until we get rid of that model, yes, treatment for any public health crisis will be very big business. Even under a socialist medical model, the costs go down but the business gets even bigger. Please think about what you're saying. Cardiac surgery is also big business. Presently, much bigger than recovery. And far more expensive.

None of what you said disproves my point. Its STILL big business you silly goose.

This is the United States, dude. A huge health crisis will be giant business. Why did he feel the need to bitch about that more than about the giant business of heart surgery when he had his stents placed? I bet those doctors were heroes to him. But this--these people didn't know what they were doing and were just ripping him off. He's just making bullshit excuses, as usual. Poor baby.

Fair enough, but comparing it to other health issues and the medical industry in general doesn't make the point any less valid. Rehab IS big business. You're right heart surgery is also big business, as is Cancer which is probably the most obscene example out of all of them. The best part about recovery and rehab is most people don't recover. So its a never ending cycle of repeat customers.

All. Medical. In. The. United. States. Is. Big. Business.

Most people don't recover in many types of cancer, psychiatry, neurological, etc. You're really not making your point here. You're singling out the only addiction treatment as very limited. Much of medicine is very limited depending on the specialty. It's all there is for now. It sucks but it's true. And it costs money. Actually, a lot less than psychiatry, which also has a negligible "cure" rate. As does stage IV cancer.

Doctors and medicine in general know very little about the human brain, psyche and addiction and it shows. The treatment models in neurology, psychiatry and addiction treatment (a subspecialty of psychiatry) are extremely limited as researchers try to learn more about the disease and the human brain. Patients still need care right now. I don't disagree with you but you're being disingenuous singling rehab out above many other specialties. Medicine that deals with the human brain moves very slowly. Surgeons performed the last lobotomy in the 1980s, long after it was known to be a dangerous, unethical treatment. ECT is still legal and in wide usage in the US, despite evidence of causing brain damage and general inffectiveness. Notice these examples are both in the psychiatric profession. We're working from a major disadvantage. People didn't used to think the mentally ill or addicts were worth anything. Their illnesses were blamed on their moral characters. That stigma is still very much with us. People have only been even getting treatment for addiction for about 30 years. That's a very short time. It's incredibly slow, but very little money goes into attempting to "cure" addiction and mental illness. Cancer, heart dx, etc. get far more $$ every year.

All. Medical. In. The. United. States. Is. Big. Business.

No shit, we are saying the same exact thing. Using heart surgery as an example does NOT invalidate the idea that rehab is huge business. Why are you championing this point so hard and replying to every person here with the same shit? Why such a hard on for this? Did the idea hurt your feelings? Do you run a rehab or halfway house of your own and got your ego bruised?

Also, I'm not singling anything out. Anthony didn't have heart surgery this month. He does not have cancer. He went to fucking rehab. He was commenting on the fact that he went to rehab and it's big business. That is what this thread is about. Rehab is big business. Its the topic of the thread. It in no way suggests that Rehab/recovery is the ONLY sector of the medical field that exists primarily for profit.

He's saying that in the context of Ant's situation (just coming out of rehab), pointing out how the treatment he just underwent is a cash-grab makes him sound like he isn't taking it seriously.

Goutastic is some slit who migrated from the Jezebel article. She jumps to defend rehab because she's the kind of broken slut who is in and out of them.

Ahh. Makes perfect sense now. I forgot those fat cranky blue haired dykes were migrating over here. "All Men are Pigs...Women are equal to Men.." Wait what? lolz

Yeah! girls are dumb cunts and shit

Glad we're on the same page.

Shes probably on her period, am I right?!

Are you?

Then why single it out at all when it's a self-evident fact that all medicine is big business? For him, it was to denigrate it. That was pretty clear. He's smarter than those doctors and counselors. It was a waste of money--it's a waste of everyone's money. It did nothing for him and it's not his fault--the system is broken. This is what he was saying by extension. It's pretty simple. Singling out rehab is a see-through ploy for him to avoid taking any responsibility for getting better. This is what many people do.


If you had cancer and went through treatment and bitched about how cancer is big business it doesn't mean that other sectors of the medical field aren't. It doesn't mean you are "singling out" cancer. It means you are commenting based on personal experience.

Crack open a cold one and relax chico, its gonna be ok.

If you think that was his subtext you're incredibly high.

You need to stop taking the comments of a guy doing a comedy show so personally. You work in the rehab industry. WE GET IT. No one is attacking you or what you do and stand for. Stop acting so butthurt sweetie.

The whole point of this sub is taking irrelevant idiot's comments personally. Don't pretend you're better than this when everyone knows you aren't. Anthony sucks more than most humans. It's natural to want bad shit to happen to him. Often.

I come to this sub for entertainment. Not to hate on people whom I've never met and have entertained me for years. Of all the things to get butthurt and have a hard on about you choose this? Let it out at your next meeting, it's going to be ok. "This too shall pass."

Now I know you're lying. This sub is entirely based on hating people we've never met who at one time may have entertained us for years. Fuck off.

We are not the Borg. I realize that the vast majority of posters here do nothing but spew hatred and that's why I read it. Because its entertaining and hilarious. But I hold no ill will towards Opie or Anthony or anyone else I've never met for that matter. How do we really truly know Anthony isn't taking this seriously? We don't. No one does other than him and the people he is closest to.


Wait is this /r/politics? what's this berning sensation I'm getting?

What was political in that post? It's facts. Are facts socialist to you?

capitalist. Until we get rid of that model

Yes, a berning desire for socialism

You deny the US healthcare system is a capitalist model system? We are a capitalist country, buddy. That's how it works. Medicine is currently no different than any other business. Try again.

There are few industries with more complex regulations, subsidies and general government intervention than healthcare. It's not capitalist to force people to buy health insurance, nor is it capitalist to subject an industry to entitlement programs like Medicare. Healthcare is one of the least "capitalist" industries in the country.

It is still a capitalist system based on a capitalist model despite having mandatory health insurance and Medicare. Those are semi-socialist "fixes" in an overall capitalist system that would price most Americans completely out of the healthcare market without aid from corporations who employ them or the government. The American healthcare system is a laughing stock to other 1st world countries because it is still based in a capitalist system which precludes basic care for many, often including the middle class.

Given that American corporations run this country and have very few regulations, it's not unusual that medicine has more than almost any. There would be far more deaths if there weren't. Medicine/drugs and even agriculture need tight regulations and intervention to simply protect the consumer.

It is really, really not cool at all to tell other peoples' rehab stories. It's one thing if you cared for those people and you're talking about your own problems to a loved one (even then, you need to respect the other person) but to tell a bunch of fucking ne-er-do-well losers on a podcast? That is fucking scumbag behavior. I hope he gets sued. Of course people would have to watch his shitcast to do that...

He was also smarter than all the counselors and doctors there. "Hey, I got a tan! Here are some embarrassing stories of other losers!" Fucking shitheel. He's probably already using again.

Maybe its okay as long as you give a detailed description of them so that if anyone who knew them heard it they could be sure of exactly who you were talking about.

Oh fucking kill yourself already, nobody gives a fuck about AA rules it's stupid

Probably never stopped. Joe had to be smuggling stuff in to him if he didn't go out and get some himself.

Joe was smuggling Xanax in via his asshole.

Jesus, that's like 600 Xanax!

Agree, nothing surprising here. Still the same piece of shit of a human he was 35 days ago.

The only difference will be that due to being gone for this long he'll have fresh stories, so he may be fairly entertaining this week. But he'll be back to the same repetitive, worn out lines and references by weeks end and it'll be more of the same bullshit that passes for the Cumia Show.

The man has ZERO accountability or self-awareness. He's a repetitive, woman beating man-child with artistically placed follicles and mouthful of gleaming veneers. Which one could potentially overlook if he was just funny again.

You take one quote from a clear observation joke and completely write it off, despite the prior 30 minutes of reflection that preceded this. Stop being a prick and give him a shot. The guy is trying to host a comedy show, he needs to try and be funny you fucking Negative Norman

Easy with the insults Nana

I read the comments on the sub before I listened to the show. The quotes are completely cherry-picked and do not reflect the actual content of the episode.

No one here mentions this quote from the episode: "Rehab taught me to reconsider a lot of my processes. You're taught at a young age how to deal with things. If you don't reevaluate, you'll continue handling things the same way forever."

That quote isn't mentioned because it doesn't fit their narrative.

Yes, Anthony joked around about the monotony of rehab and the "feelings"'part of it. That's his schtick. It doesn't mean the place had no impact on him.

"It's one day at a time and I didn't drink toDAY wink wink". He actually thinks that's hilariously original.

lol and ppl said we should give him a chance and stop shitting on him

LOL exactly, what a bunch of fools. Addicts are a waste of time and energy.

In my opinion addiction has nothing to do with it. He could be stone cold sober and he'd still be a shit person. It's just what he is.

Also, fuck his brother... just because.

Fair enough, I think the consensus can be that he's a piece of shit with or without substance.

I hope nobody actually believed he went to rehab for help.. I guarantee he went to rehab because his attorney advised him it would look a lot better in Court and would help him avoid jail time.. It would be funny if the prosecution used his comments on his show that he didn't take rehab seriously.

He let slip that he was pissed the first three days because he had to be there, which I guess proves it wasn't a self improvement choice.

Didn't he say as much in the last episode he did? Something along the lines of "Hurr, hurr, gotta take a VACATION to make some people happy", as Ronnie looked at him like "This fucking cunt dragged me here for this shit?"

I'd blow a huge wad if Ronnie took the gloves off and went for his throat. (or anyone's, really. Ron's a savage)

That would be beautiful. But he'd never do that because he's still grateful Ant helped his radio career. But he should absolutely come on and call him out.

To be fair to him if he did take it seriously we would be calling him an over dramatic faggot like we do with Norton

Ant actually has substance abuse problems. He beat up a chick because he was fucking zooted. Jim made a prank phone call.

She did seem really annoying tho

Plenty of addicts never touch a woman in anger. Many never even fight with other people of the same gender. Anthony beat up a chick because he is a woman-beater. The substances just lowered his inhibitions ever so slightly. His father and brother are also woman beaters. That's the strongest molding influence for woman beaters: what they saw as normal growing up. Don't make excuses for his greasy, coward ass.

Ant went through a nasty divorce and some bad gf breakups. None of them ever accused him of getting physical. Ant all of sudden beats a chick at 57? It's because his xanax/booze problems have gotten out of hand to the point that ultra passive aggressive sissyboy stomped a chick.

Women famously hide abuse they undergo. Most never report it. I'd bet serious money he has hit women before. He is certainly emotionally and mentally abusive, which pretty much all of his exes confirm. Booze doesn't make you beat women. It just lowers your inhibition if you think that's OK.

Nah Anthony has actual issues Jim was just a dramatic teenager.

3 wine spritzers in a night is no laughing matter.

Shut the fuck up.

He'll be shocked to learn that Pfizer, Guinness and Anheuser-Busch are also money making machines. Anthony's a fucking nimrod.

What about health insurance? Their revenue is guaranteed by law.

Every surgeon in America is a money-making machine. He never talked about his stent placement surgeon this way...

What a fucking child

Oh it's something elses fault again?

and that the people there were in worse positions than him, so how could he be that bad.

Of course he'd say that. He a drunk millionaire with a team of round the clock enablers who didn't start hitting bottom until recently. There were probably people in there like the junkie he was into estranged from their families because they lie and stole from them for dope money and have no idea what they're going to walk into when they leave rehab. Ant was going home to his mansion and NYC studio to yuck it up for a few thousand fanboys. He's not exactly Lady Di. He isn't going to take it seriously until he goes to jail.

He said he was acting like that, he didn't actually say that. Retard

Say, act, whatever. Anybody shocked by this is insane. It's the only way it was going to be. He'll have to have sobriety buttraped into him in prison or have to go back to knocking tin to want to get his shit together. And even then, he might not stop.

No one is shocked. As a matter of fact I'd go as far as to say this is all fuckin boring.

Odds are he cracked a beer or 40 the moment he stepped foot in that free loader hotel he calls home

You think he waited that long? I would wager KtC had a 6 pack on ice for the ride home.

As someone who has been to numerous detoxes and rehabs he is describing a first persons rehab experience extremely well. Oh and the rehab / halfway house industry in Florida is a massive scam. The halfway houses actively recruit people and get them to relapse so they can get that insurance $$.

I'll be honest, I'm glad he didn't change.

I mean if you went to rehab you'd see what he's talking about. They're businesses that hire former addicts to run them: they usually only have a psychologist come in once a week or so.

You basically talk to super fuckup a while somewhat rehabilitated losers run the show. Rehabs are usually 10's of thousands and advertise all over the place to get more clients. Many of them are almost purely profit driven.

Someone in my family is a recovered addict of various substances. Stabbed a guy, went to prison. Got out, went to college, got a degree and is now a social worker for other addicts and assists in rehab and counseling. He has had 4 major relapses and was caught stealing pills from other new rehab recruits. We all just wait for the next relapse. But HE is the guy the new ones look up to!?!

Way to misinterpret, blow it out of proportion, take it out of context, etc etc etc.

I've been clean for over ten years and I bag on all of it. You faggots will see what you wanna see. Ant is gonna be just fine, and a better person for going and taking it seriously but also taking it all in with a grain of salt. Everything he said about the recovery industry is true, and the majority of people in treatment and in meetings are some of the hardest people to be around, let alone have to hear their bullshit day in and day out.

Unless you've personally been through it and been in meetings and rehab facilities, you'll never understand it.

You should get back to using, I'd bet your posts would be a lot better. Do it for all our sakes.

Like I said in Cumia's first show back thread, it's fucking sad. It's horrible in those places.

I was 25 and lost my first "real" job out of college, had to move in with my parents, and started to drink heavily every night. They said you're using your paid-for health plan (severance) or we're kicking you out. I was really just in a depression spiral more than anything else.

Six or seven days in and I had to leave... not for booze, but it was so fucking depressing. I couldn't stop crying at night. I was the guy who had a bachelor's degree, a life, all my teeth, no warrants, and ideas for my future that extended outside of avoiding prison or a longer sentence in rehab.

As I said in another thread, it was the saddest thing I've ever had to go through. Watching 30-40 year old women (who looked older than my mother in her late 50s) who have been through multiple rehabs -- one who had maybe three visible teeth talk about wanting custody of her kids. Another talked about shooting up in (enter bad part of a city here) then going back and taking a class of elementary school school students though a museum -- after getting several probations. Teenagers, who after never graduating high school, were facing prison time. They were good, smart kids, but they lost their life to drugs and lousy parenting.

I was the person who was treated as the uppity one. I didn't want to get better according to them. I was "too good" for it. It was like middle school politics -- high school politics would be too kind of an analogy. I didn't want to share at AA meetings, "because I was to good for it," -- according to them. I hadn't hit rock bottom.

Thankfully, my parents allowed me home after I discussed my feelings with them. I moved on, my life moved on. I still enjoy a drink or three, but that wasn't the place or time for me.

It's a comedy show and you're upset that he's making jokes. If it really upsets you that much and you can't stop listening maybe you should go to Cumia rehab. Apparently you just can't quit him. Queer.

I always thought the O&A show brought real life shit to the show and made it funny. How do you know behind the scenes he isn't taking it seriously? If he didn't address it, there would've a bunch butt hurt faggots here today.

Wow, who could've guessed that this would be the reaction regardless of how it went. Most of you should kill yourselves.

Alright then, start the countdown.

I'm not sure that you can argue much of what he said. Capitalizing on mental health is fucked up.

Some people need to learn to let things roll off of them. He is whatever the opposite of that is.

Tss the opposite I guess that would be a kcud tss

Anything he said would've gotten the "OMG, what a piece of shit" response from this sub. Don't lie to yourselves.

the problem is not specifically that he said "Rehab is a money making machine" ... the problem is that: everything he says is indicative of a person who is just patronizing people; so he can go on as he pleases.

I'm not at all mad at this. Did anybody seriously expect something different? He yucked it up talking to a recovering addict (and that Jimmy guy) on his way out. You only get clean if you want it. He'll only want it if he goes to jail or loses his money.

I don't think anybody did, no.

I agree with you and I think Jimmy is going to be really mad at him if when he starts drinking again.

Ant, After laughing at all the misfits and closet drinkers, blackout drunks, court ordered instant aholes, functional alcoholics, and repeat dee -wee offenders lets hope you spend some time in self reflection.

Why does he have to "take it seriously"? Jesus Christ shut up you fucking pussy you "take it seriously" up the ass.

Probably because he has a trial pending about beating a 90 pound drug addict.

Probably comes with the territory of dating 90 pound drug addicts.

Oh so the big case is going to trial huh? You got a date of said "trial"?

Why can't any appease the courts by going through rehab and jumping hoops to get out of trouble? That's literally what 99% of anybody does when they get in trouble.

I don't want Anthony "taking the program seriously" like jimmy does. Because faggots do that shit, and it's not entertaining. Fuck white knight faggots I bet Dani deserved that beating.

whoa boy, look at this edgy guy!


Just what I thought there isn't a trial date from what I've read. You are a boob.

I wish Anthony would beat you, too.

5/19, I believe.

Well, "faggots" and sober people. Fuck them, the losers.

Awww look at the emotionally unstable tween run to Reddit and post about the problems of 50 year old radio personalities they obsess over!

What's more pathetic? Listening to someone talk about their experience in rehab, or posting on Reddit about some guy talking about his experience in rehab?

(It's the 2nd one, plz take more pills)

You guys really are just some holier than thou cunts in every way possible at this point

The downvoting here to people who apparently weren't conned is pretty funny. Did you really expect a big "I feel great and now I am only high on life! And I now realize I was wrong about the coloreds because I was drunk! Black people are alright in my book!" speech before Street Fighting Man plays and Opie and Jim walk on for a big group hug to say all is forgiven and they'll be regular guests on TACS now? You're seeing the only possible result.

The downvoting here to people who apparently weren't conned is pretty funny.

no you stupid fucking queer, we are here for a comedy show, not to talk about what some old fuck is doing in his spare time. how about you make another post about how he looks today, faggot. I would love to see how fat you are.

Fair enough, I think the consensus can be that he's a piece of shit with or without substance.

Joe was smuggling Xanax in via his asshole.

I'd blow a huge wad if Ronnie took the gloves off and went for his throat. (or anyone's, really. Ron's a savage)

All treatment centers in the United States are money-making machines for those who own them, even state facilities. Medicine is done under a capitalist model here.Rehab centers make far less than most hospitals and certainly less than surgical units (cardiac, neuro, orthopedic, etc). So what's your point? Healthcare in the US tends to rip everyone off. Rehab is not more likely than any other specialty to do this. Do you think Ant will take this up with capitalism? I say he won't.