Opie on Twitter: "Welcome back @AnthonyCumia Kick ass today!"

268  2016-05-09 by [deleted]


That's actually nice.

He's just preparing for October.

As in resigning or Jocktober? I think the pests are largely unaffiliated now. Bonnie blew what whatever loyalty there was to Rich. I think CQ and Bobo are the only ones still venerated here.

Opie knows his show is on its deathbed, Jim is dissatisfied, and we all know Anthony's show is not profitable and he's losing subs every day. Opie is looking to get the show back together on whatever format.

What did Bonnie do? Looks like I missed something.

Did your period synchronize with opie's during the Greggtears show? Yuck.

We're all happy to see this because it means another Opie and Anthony show is not completely out of the question. We all love Opie and Anthony we just don't like Opie and we don't like anthony.

Or Jimmy

Or ourselves

Or Amy Schumer, Marc Maron, Kurt Metzger, Joe Derosa, Vic Henley, Sherrod Small, Justin Stangel, Eric Stangel, Judy Gold, Andy Kindler, or Chris DiStefano

CK is a cuck too

Or Joe Rogan and Bill Burr.

When did we stop liking Billy?

I dunno something about him changing after he married his wife.

Or I_Hate_Knickers

Who doesn't?

Stop that...


He asked for gold and no one gave him any. You people disgust me.

lol that's actually quite profound.


Okay first of all, I don't remember ever saying this so the fact that you remember me saying it is creepy as hell. Secondly, if you're just realizing that they're pieces of shit after the years they've spent abusing retards and the homeless then you're a dumb shit.


Yeah yeah eat my ass homo

Dude calm down. Really. Yer wreckin' the vibe.

I upvoted your sorry ass and you only got a goose egg on that comment. You are a little baby ho.

I'll live I think

This is different. When he cried it was over some petty bitch shit, now he's being a supportive former friend, no tears or any of that nonsense is involved.


Let me turn that -96 into a -95 for ya

Fuck head. If I don't make it to -100 I'm sending cockpics to everyone here but you.

-123, thats impressively low, good work

Im annoyed at myself for respecting opie for his tweet


i don't get it at all either - Anthony sells clothing that illustrates Opie an obese, talentless, record-spinning, sloth (with tits).... being civil with someone like that doesn't register with me.

Hahaha it's so stupid, what the fuck are we doing paying attention to them and their lives?

Opie, he's called Opie and he has a pair of tits! Anthony's a racist pedophile!

They're both multi-millionaires.

It's like pulling off a scab.

I love it.

He's probably able to recognize that Opie and Anthony makes way more that Opie with Jim Norton.

This may be a more sincere attempt at sobriety and cleaning himself up than people gave Ant credit for. Maybe he reached out to Opie last week to make amends.

You know you might be right. But how could Opie forgive him? Oh right, he is very stupid isn't he. An idiot one might say.

God I hope that you're wrong. Imagine if they went back to fake laughing at each other's shitty jokes.


Opie is such a retard he probably forgot about the t-shirts and shit already.

He probably bought one thinking it was a compliment.

Think about it though. Nothing will put that childish shit into the ground then wearing it yourself.

Opie can basically redeem himself on almost every aspect if he would just use some self deprecating humor. Have some self awareness. He often takes himself and the show way too serious.

That would make me do a 180 faster than you can say peckajuice

Removed :O

I got a DMCA from Kikestein, Kikestein and Rabinowitz.

edit: i thought you were talking about the post i deleted. nevermind.

Yes, it's all about you today.

Said the resident attention whore of this subreddit. Go post some more smiley faces faggot.


Ant should be honored to be shown such support by such a great broadcaster who could have gotten every attention whoring liberal comedian in New York to come on the air and tear him apart if he wanted to.

Opie, you are a great man and I will take this flood of downvotes and verbal abuse that is surely headed my way on the chin. Team Opie4Lyfe!


The pendulum is swinging


I've been waiting for this day.

I'm annoyed at. Myself for respecting Opie. For his tweet.

That may be correct, Captain, but trying to initiate a brawl with over 500 crewmen and colonists is hardly logical.

Where does Gavin fall into this equation?

Honestly, i'm glad if he did have a problem that he was able to set his ego aside and say something nice.

It's hard to believe that a man that cried on a public broadcast can set aside his ego. That's probably why it's so strange

Being the bigger man has been the smartest move Opie ever made.

It's all he has.

Well there's his tits too.

It's hard to be the bigger man when you have titties, generally.

Good one. Fresh take.

It's funny how jokes like that are all the rage, until it's time to be nice to Opie for posting a nice tweet about someone else we hate. Criminy.

"Jokes like that."

It's not "jokes like that." It's literally the same joke. Every time.

And yet you only whine about it like a cunt after seeing this tweet, despite the fact it's been old as fuck for months. Played like a skinflute.

I've whined about it plenty, I'm just finally starting to get really fed up.

Don't overfeed, take it easy on the cake Amy


You assumed I was the one who downvoted you. Didn't even read your post until just now, but now I'm downvoting all your posts in this thread just for making an ASS of U and ME.

Redundant? Please elaborate, nobody knows what you're blathering about.

Go for it.

You've got it, fella.

Enjoy thinking reddit matters. I'm out.

Nobody thinks this matters, you're being laughed at



Now you're deleting your posts? I thought nobody took this seriously? I thought you were OUT?? Peace, Seacrest!!!

You lose.

Stallone over here.

Allow me to hyper analyze your comment in an attempt to flip the script in my egos favor, like I am not doing at the moment.

But if you did that, I'd be certainly trumped and proven to be some sort of fool.

What am I supposed to do besides spite the only people on earth I have things in common with?

Develop a dependence on alcohol and opiates.

That one was very low effort. A recycled joke is alright on here as long as you crouch it inside some misdirection.

There is no such thing as a "high effort" Tits joke.

or couch

I wish I'd seen this first before I posted my last comment.


He misspelled ribs.

LOL this must piss Anthony the fuck off. Opie the magnanimous.

Yep Ant wants Greggshells 3 not this.

Imagine wishing someone well who sells shirts mocking you.

Opie is a saint on earth. Or totally unaware.

I know which one is more likely for good 'ol Op.

Say what you want about Opie but fuck that's a solid move

HA HA he said butt fuck


( )*( )

Opie does the right thing 99% of the time. sniff

And the other 1% he uses his pea brain.

Wonder if Ant called to "make amends". Maybe they finally sat down & got a "near beer"

Road soda*


Brutha-man, Brutha-man vodka??

Check out the empties.


Wobbly pop*

Faggot Froth*

Check out all the empties, maaaaaaan!

It was probably gayer than that scene in Some Kind of Monster where Dave Mustaine cried like a bitch to Lars Ulrich.

"They fuck with me, Ant! I just miss my little tin knocking friend! sniff"

Good reference.

I concur. I don't know why the fellow was getting downvoted. I gave an upvote.


That's step 8

That would be very adult of him to do after making two shows dedicated to the sole purpose of shitting on him personally and professionally.

i think it may have happened!

Or some dinner.


I wonder how he feels about the fact that a tweet about Anthony is his most successful tweet ever.

It perfectly represents his career

I wonder what's the most viewed & talked about TACS episode ever.

Dickspray guy

I highly doubt that tbh


I think you've had enough, time to call it a night my love.

Well done, Opie.

Good on Opie. I respect that. I don't hate the guy anyway. His personality just annoys me at times. I'd really want Ant back at Sirius again with O&J. Probably won't happen but a guy can dream.

I hope you never dream again. ...

Damnit this made me kind of happy, what's wrong with me

Well, in Whoville they say - that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day.

Reminiscing about the good old days. :,(

184 retweets... Sits back, hands behind head.. "Nice"

Vury Good.


Managements office - interior - early morning.

Opie walks through the door and starts to speak:

" I don't know if you guys saw any of my tweets recently but they've been blowing up on the Twitter,

I have a pair of tits if you hadn't noticed "

I think you need to go to bed

Ok, let's go.


This is actually a huge step. I smell reunion before years end.

The only way O&J ever rises above college radio level awful is if a solid 3rd mike appears. Otherwise, is worse-than-Imus shit until only 3 listeners remain.

I see a bit of light shining, where there was none...


I strongly doubt it. It's the right thing to do publicly. I can't imagine Opie doesn't still hate his guts.

Who would seriously want that?

You and me, babe

I'd rather see an Ant Sam and Jimmy show.

Call me a homo, but that Neanderthal Sam was crucial in a lot of the great shows.



Pic please.

He had the best rapport with Chip.

Big boy made a doodie!

i hate myself for wanting a reunion but i do. i miss da show.

Like 99% of everyone here I loved the show....but its over. It's done.


it is an irrational want, i know. but if nothing else this last couple of years has demonstrated that the boys are better together, or were better together, than they now are on their own. both shows are garbage and maybe the magic is really gone. there is for sure caddyshack 2000 potential for a reunion, but i have this dream that maybe it could be more like a prometheus type of joint and be compelling if largely incomprehensible.

Well at least we know who'd be playing the 120 year old man.

Right gang?


ME!!!!! I don't have time to listen to two shows!!!

Why would you listen to either show

And me

I hate Opie more than anything in the world but its finally starting to come off as funny how much he won over Anthony. Anthony sells t-shirts on his website basically calling Opie a dumb sloth with tits, and it comes off as Opie forgiving him because he was just drunk and not in control. This tweet makes Opie look great but really could not be more condescending.

more RTs for the opester!

RTs...that stands for ROCKIN TITS right?

Tits really is the bigger man.

Well, the breasts do give him more body mass.

I seem to be the only one enjoying these.


Give him credit on this one. Good move being the first one to reach out after all that shit.

class act opester! impressed.

November 1st - Ecstasy of Gold hits...

This would make me happy.

Anthony will start with his signature black crime statistic "bit" then a quick segway into the Opsters wacky breakfast with roaches and to finish it all off, we get a witty monologue by profund pundit James Norden on the dangers of addiction.

This would actually make most of us very happy. Go figure.

Sirius will never hire Anthony Cumia back. Ever. Also they still hate each other.

don't you dare fucking do that to me. that song represents some of the best years in radio ever, anywhere. don't you fucking do that, you cocksucker. :'(

Opie did a class act move today. Period.

Opie is hilarious to make fun but he's obviously just a nice cornball dad that wants to do safe morning raqio. Cumia is currently Human Garbage, let's see if he can turn it around.

The Greggshells and Torpid Sloth tees are still available at the TACS store for a reasonable price of $22.50

Wow respect to Opie.

October 2016 Sirius announces the re-hiring of Anthony Cumia and welcomes back the O&A show. Anthony Cumia turns over control of Compound Media to his brother Joesph Cumia.

November 2016 Sirius XM announces the firing of Anthony Cumia and the indefinite suspension of Gregg "Opie" Hughes following their on air fist fight that degenerated into a slap fight and name calling. In other news Compound Media has filed for bankruptcy owing to widespread subscriber cancellations and every show host on the network quitting.

What happens to Jimmy?


That sounds positive to me...

Why do I feel like this is going to make Ant drink again?

Opie is a lot of bad things, but a scumbag isn't one of them.

DON'T BE FOOLED! he's doing this for the retweets,opster puttin up numbers

Opie is the winner.

It's nice, and I don't care what any of you say. I'm all out of hate. I just wanna laugh again.

Monday morning podcast is out there

Too bad it's fucking shite.

Too bad an O&A reunion won't be doing that for you.

I hope stupid comes back an insufferable addiction preacher douche like Jimmy so I can hate him even more.

However, it's more likely he's just putting on a break until his trial gets resolved. Then it's back to nights of alcoholic stupor and Sue Lightning's cock.

Opie has devolved into utter dogshit as an on air personality falling to depths never seen before in his entire career. However, you have to acknowledge he's generally been the bigger man through all of this shit.

That was a good move on Opies part.

Which defenceless woman's ass does Op want Ant to kick exactly?

Back handed. He means Dani's ass.

You know what really would have shown solidarity? If he walked a couple of blocks to the studio and cohosted a show.

Do you really think Keith asked him?

Good on Opie. That was a damn nice thing to do.

Welcome. Back Anthony Cumia Kick. Ass Today.

bring it back... please... do something just anything to get Sherrod out of that fucking room!


That's nice of him sniff


Anyone feeling like they don't hate Opie anymore, just listen to the first 15 seconds: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-zmvj5g3bE

Get your shit together, team.

hahahahaha that was this morning

its not like you pulled a particularly bad episode with an atrocious opening where jim sounds so tired of Opie, they're just all like that.

fucking funny

I've gone full circle and now I listen because Opie is God awful. It's like a license to hate and bully an elderly man with breasts and narcissism masking a personality.

This approach is one thing Opie is doing correct.. This is the only approach where Opie can win, no matter what Ant does or says.

Any chance that Opie and Anthony spoke during Ants stint in rehab?

Very possible that Anthony was encouraged to reach out to Opie via letter/apology, etc.

Opie doesn't really care but it is a good PR move on his part. His victory lap continues.

Don't fall for this trap, Opie fucking sucks

Kktitn as joe "gas the kikes; race war now" derosa would say


Just a little taste

everyone recognized that ant has developed some habits that have been holding him back. we all remember him as he used to be before he really let himself go and stopped caring about what path his life takes or how he fit in to the world.

i don't think anybody would complain if we got that person back.

Its difficult to deal with the fondness I feel towards Opie for this tweet after spending so long hating everything about him. Fair fucks Opie

Are...are mommy and daddy getting back together?

If Anthony took rehab seriously, there's a possibility that he hashed things out with Opie.

From Opie's perspective, it makes no sense to continue feuding with Anthony. The problems they had were probably rooted in his addiction problem. So, if the addiction is addressed, they could potentially put their issues behind them.

I'm not saying we'll see O&A anytime soon, nor am I saying that they didn't have legitimate professional issues with each other. But, it's much easier to discuss things when you're both clean and sober and making sound decisions.

Reunion is the only way to salvage anything, both shows currently suck babydick, IAn halprin blew but he did bring one of the golden girls with him.

Ha. Now he looks like the better "man"


Good stuff, right Opie?

Removed :O

Holy shit, the "Greggshells" one too. This is suspect.


Good on op...now if only he wasn't so shitty

They friends now?


This guy will latch on to anything even remotely popular (and I do mean remote) in order to be associated with it. Even if it's someone he hates that has butt fucked him like no other. I'm not falling for this shit.


They have proven to be shit without each other. Both TACS and Opie Raqio are average at best. If they can bury the hatchet and reunite as O&A there's no reason why it shouldn't be just as good as before, if not better.

Hope we can get O&A back so we can go back to shitting on Roland again.




I often wonder why I ever listened to these people.

Now Opie just needs to go to rehab for his personality disorders.

When this sub gets boring and tired we'll know what started it



He'll replace his drinking with buying ipads. A lot of fathers are going to be wondering why their little girls are walking around with the newest Apple products.

Is there some way to listen to the show from europe? some stream maybe?

Both of these shitheads need to figure out a way to get back together, if only so there's only one awful show to have to listen to; and not 2.

I dont get it, did Ant come back for a show on monday? Is he planning on coming back? I saw many people telling him "welcome back" on twitter but idk what they referred to. In case he was on mon, is there a mirror on youtube or somewhere else that I can listen to? (Europe :/)

Love ya, miss ya.

I dont think mom and dad hate each other as much as we believe

Oh they hate each other but love their unruly kids ( because they make them money)

I haven't been around much lately, for a second I forgot Ant went to rehab and thought this was me missing the O&A reunion

Insert generic slam against Opie here.

Opie just wants his friend back.

Been out of the loop. Can someone update me? Has ant been off the air?

I genuinely don't want them back together. Actually doesn't matter to me, because I don't listen to either of their shows right now.

he has no self respect.

No, Opie. We still hate you. Fucking douche.

lmao opie isn't insecure ever since old "everything i touch turns to dust" cumia went to rehab

This makes me hate Opie more than anything has in the past.


Has Opie not proven himself repeatedly to be a phony motherfucker?

Not sure why everyone is all in with the Opster today...

Yeah, it's hella weird. It's like a bizarro r/opieandanthony

What a fag



Who would seriously want that?

Wobbly pop*

Check out all the empties, maaaaaaan!

Faggot Froth*

I got a DMCA from Kikestein, Kikestein and Rabinowitz.

edit: i thought you were talking about the post i deleted. nevermind.

Good reference.

Well at least we know who'd be playing the 120 year old man.

Right gang?

Yeah yeah eat my ass homo

I strongly doubt it. It's the right thing to do publicly. I can't imagine Opie doesn't still hate his guts.

The only way O&J ever rises above college radio level awful is if a solid 3rd mike appears. Otherwise, is worse-than-Imus shit until only 3 listeners remain.

I see a bit of light shining, where there was none...


As in resigning or Jocktober? I think the pests are largely unaffiliated now. Bonnie blew what whatever loyalty there was to Rich. I think CQ and Bobo are the only ones still venerated here.