Is Anthony gay?

8  2016-05-09 by unclepaul84

When did he officially come out of the closet?


Ant's gotten more cock than Fez so that makes Ant gayer than Fez.

To be fair, the straightest man in the world is probably still gayer than Fez really is. Fez is just gay so he has more reasons to whine and cry. He always complained how gay people treated him bad and I think that was because they saw through his bullshit.

And yeah Anthony is a giant faggot.

Leave fez alone unless your using his gayness for funny

Party at the MoonTower

I hope his first gay experience is raping your Dad. Cakehorn forever

Wow some butt hurt Fez lovers here. He's not gay, he's not straight, he's asexual. He wouldn't have sex with women and made up excuses why he didn't and now he is afraid to have sex with men and makes up excuses. He called himself gay to have a soapbox to preach from and wield power to threaten people calling them "bullies" while all the while he was being a bully himself.

I've been listening to old R & F shows a lot lately and he just sat there, never saying much of anything and leaving his partner to fill the air time and bring in interns and producers to try and take up some of the slack for Fez. But when a caller or someone on the show mentioned Fez leaving and being replaced he'd go on the attack and say it was his show and his job despite the fact that he didn't say shit 98% of the time. And when he did speak it was usually for some bullshit tirade against perceived insults against him or the "gay" community which he claimed kinship with. Even the cakehorn thing, which was pure comedic gold and should have had him happy and laughing along turned into him crying and saying he was being "bullied" and not getting the fucking joke.

He'll die a virgin and still be no more gay than he is straight. He's asexual and not interested in sex in the way that normal people, gay and straight, are.

Down vote all you want but the truth is the truth.

How do you not understand how ridiculous you sound when you just point out all of the things that made Fez interesting? An asexual who played a flamboyant gay CHARACTER in the south, who then decided he was gay. He kept this a secret, and after years finally came out. If that wasn't interesting enough, the listeners and Ron realize the guy isn't interested in men or women and is living as a virgin. It completely changes his personalitly from this strange loud entertainer, to an anxiety ridden mute. Which was all narrarated by the hilarious Ron Bennington. Fucking get with the program shithead.

Fez was interesting when he played the flamboyant gay character. I liked the show a lot when they first came on WJFK in DC. Actually liked Fez more than I did Ron at first.

His nervous breakdown and the Fez/Todd paradigm that created was sort of funny at first and it was brilliantly narrated by Ron. But listen to how fucking disgusted, annoyed and aggravated Ron sounded the longer it went on. Ron wasn't happy very often during the last 4 years of that shit and you could hear it in his voice whenever Fez would pipe up with his gay crusader shit or one of his crying jags. The listeners knew he wasn't gay as you said but they also grew as annoyed at it as Ron clearly had. If it was so great then why did Ron phase Fez out? Why does he sound happier now than he had in the previous 10 years? You need to take off the rose tinted glasses and get with the program yourself it seems.

Jesus, who gives a fuck? The show was never not entertaining and his long downfall was compelling. Miserable Ron is just as if not funnier than happy Ron. Stop being a cunt

Go and get your fucking shine box.

You two are so cute.

Want to be the flower girl at our wedding?

Yes please.


He didn't. A ex outed him. Then months later this sub found out. And then he started deleting stuff from the internet and making his transsexual lover do the same. However it was too late and Ant sulked about it before telling us it wasn't our business who he has over. A few weeks later he goes to 'rehab'

Ant's a piece of shit, but I'm more surprised there's some people on this subreddit who don't wanna fuck trannies.

It's 2016!

I think he's at least two fifths gay.

Y'see the homos, they did a lotta fuckin' ....

Ant makes up 3/5ths of a fayg.

Which means he's as much of a fag as a Black was a citizen in the 18th century. Full circle.

Cmon his dick wouldn't be that big.

Edit* Ahh forgot to calculate for the one in his ass.

The preferred term is queer.


looks like a quair, talks like a quair. i'm going to mark Anthony Cumia as a probable quair.

Don't they call each other "faggot" amongst themselves?

He ain't gay he just likes to fuck guys in the ass.

I think he is the kind of fag that justifies it by only giving and not recieving.

Like a prison nigger who has alot of time.

I bet he's the kind of person that would a fuck a man in the ass and not even give him the goddamn common courtesy of a reach-around.

he quietly came out of the closet with sue lightning, but when it become more public and he got shamed for it, he back tracked.

He is, yes.

Oh most definitely.


And so is Joe Rogan

Anytime the thought of a man begins to give him a boner he quickly thinks of women. Problem solved. He's not gay at all.

And if that doesn't work he calls over a tranny to fuck him missionary style so he can look up and see the tits and feminine face and convince himself it's a woman and thus be able to say he is not gay.

sounds pretty foolproof to me

I started listening in 2010. In all seriousness, the first couple of weeks I heard the show I just assumed both Jim and Ant were gay, largely due to their homoerotic back and forth and calling each other queers etc. It reminded me of the guys at school who were in the drama club, most of whom were pretty damn funny too tbh.

yes and his show sucks!

Language, sir/madam!


Hes not a fabulous gay man. Hes a pedophile with a heart of gold

Love how quite obviously one or two people just went down the line down voting. Haha be thankful this isn't stickied you compound queers. Upvotes for all

Gay for dicks


Tune in at 4pm!

Shit, I forgot he was back on today! lol

Joe Cumia Sr. was right all along.

Joe Cumia Sr. was also very, very gay.

Joe Cumia Sr. was not a gay man. He just liked diddling his sons.

No straight man tries that hard to overcompensate his entire life. He had his son raped by an adult woman at 13. That man was gayer than a Spring picnic in France.

So that explains his chemustree with Norton.



Anthony Cumia: Captain of the Butthole.

He's referred to in the black community as on the down-low.


he's not out, but of course he is gay

It's not gay if it's your cat.. Cuz it's YOUR cat.

*..sorry beavis, i know you read this shit

Nah. I like to make fun of these people but being into made up fan fiction about them just makes me feel like a faggot and you should too. Except for anything about Opie's kids.

Not as gay as you.

"The gay store called; they ran out of YOU."

Yes please.


I bet he's the kind of person that would a fuck a man in the ass and not even give him the goddamn common courtesy of a reach-around.