Will the Donald Trump phenomenon give Anthony weeks of content & breathing room from personal revelations?

0  2016-05-09 by bobomobile

Anthony skipped a week and now he has 20 hours of Trump content available. We will never know what his inner demons are and how rehab really went.


he will continue to make the exact same points about trump he was making before. superficial and hypocritical.

can he get the Trumpster on the show?!

I was looking forward to his first show back and how danced around his embarassment but now that you mention it, yeah he'll just deflect and talk about Trump for two hours. Thanks alot for killing our hopes, asshole.

zzzzzz Ants show sucks! Im sure he'll talk about all the pressing issues of today! fuck that shit, who needs ant putting his spin on shit people heard and read about all day. Ant sucks dude hes not good!

I can't wait until he's back on. No one in the lamestream media is talking about the violence in Chicago or other cultural problems. I particularly want to get his fresh take on Trump's successful lately.