Norton tweets something hilarious, then instantly deletes it.

90  2016-05-09 by greygooser


"Go fuck your mother, if you can find her."

"Whenever Morris is fucking your mother she leaves a little yarmulke on top of his dick."

"Has a briefcase full of money handcuffed to his cock shaft"

He Torah a new asshole.

requesting link to this clip, i fuckin loved this beating!!


then he apologizes after like the sweet boy he is

"You know he's just destroying that goyim pussy"

One of the biggest laughs I had. Norton is a funny fella.

there is still a glimmer of the man we once knew



Yeah, how can we steer this funny joke into a spiteful criticism of Jim? Good job, for a second there it looked like this subreddit wasn't filled with depressed losers

why do you think he deleted it, if he thought it was a funny joke?

"Did your mom have big tits?"


"Well she does now, Morris likes big tits!"

"Oh he had her fucking face in legal pads. The first time she ever squirted when she came was her fucking face on a yellow legal pad."

"I'm sorry Travis I know that's your fucking mom"

"Fuck me like you're Dominic Barbara and I'm a fucking guinea radio host."

Had to go listen to the segment again, haven't heard it in a few weeks. For those who haven't heard it or just haven't enjoyed it in a while......

All credit to Yarsh29 and their youtube channel.

You know, this sub almost had me convinced that I should have always hated them, but thank you for reminding me with that clip how fucking funny they were when they were performing at the top of their game

Opie tried his best to ruin it though, everyone was enjoying themselves so he had to yell out some terrible instant feedback lines.


A fun bit Opie completely derailed by taking awful listener comments.

As always. It's so easy to picture the anxiety and insecurity building up in him like grape juice filling up a glass pitcher whenever Ant, Jim, anyone that isn't opie is killing it for longer than 90 seconds straight. He's literally the type of cunt who hates fun if he's not directly involved in it. The fucking worst.

So good

That is hilarious. Why delete it? He could have just tweet next saying "Sorry, Travis " like he usually does. I'm really annoyed that he deleted this.

Why would he delete that? Any time Jim has mad a Travis' mom joke, he always would say I'm sorry and Travis would always say it's hilarious and he has zero problem with it.

So much savagery in such few words.

Holy fucking shit that's perfect

Thats a bummer. I started cackling and then i remembered he deleted it. Pretty much sums up lil Yimmy these days.


Hoping serus doesn't even offer these fuckos a new contract, yuckaroo