Jim Jefferies Mocks Paul Mooney (REALLY FUNNY!)

58  2016-05-08 by HeyYoLessonHereBey


Good God, Paul Provenza fucking sucks.

He does. Some episodes of his Showtime show had great guests though.

The only thing Paul Mooney hides better than his gayness is the fact that he's black.

Paul Mooney is the worst.

hes like a cumia, but way worse


Yeah, he already said he's like Cumia.

I got tickets to his show for a birthday or something and I gave them to someone else.

Oh ya did not!

He's hardly black too. He has Brother Joe's complexion.

I liked Negrodamus. But this black supremacist cunt sickens me.

If you told him white people invented the canoe he would perform a new special on the spot.

Jim Jefferies is hilarious. He is in my top 3 O&A comedians. My top 3: Patrice, Louis CK, Jim Jefferies. In no particular order.

Cool man, keep us updated.

holy shit brotherman! i laughed at this way too hard.

More than a 100 upvotes on that motherfuckering comment. This sub really consists of assholes, I love it.


Dat dont maek no sense!!

What your top 5 break up songs John Cusack


Godfather of Goth.

throw some CQ in there and you got funny man omelete!


What's your top 3 movies?

Star Wars III, Godfather III, Jaws III

Gotta have my III's

Glad you asked that. Goodfellas, Bronx Tale, Forest Gump

right off the top I'll go:

3) Down by Law directed by Jim Jarmusch

2) Amarcord by Fellini

1) The Royal Tenenbaums by Wes Anderson

Jim Jeffries standups are amazing, especially the way he turned the crowd against him by shitting on jesus and brings up the fact that they had no prior problems with his material. His show was good but got cancelled

As a fan, I hated that I knew all the material already. But as a fan, I really appreciated the Cliffy back story.

Fox wanted to fuck with his show. That's why they changed what channel it was on with no advertising, then claimed low ratings.

Fox always does shit like that, but they do give people a chance

I'm sure this sub will be shitting on all of them within a month

Paul Mooney has no flow at all. He is more rigid than a stereotypical white character from a Def Jam comic bit.

You can tell he hates white people

But he defended Kramer after Seinfeld gave him some sheckles

He's like Patrice in that he assumes all whites are foaming at the mouth racists, so when he hears one dropping N-bombs and openly hating blacks, it reinforces his beliefs, and that makes him feel justified.

It's like when Ant sees a news story about a home invasion, and it's a black suspect, "It fucking figures" and his world view is reinforced.

How many fucking drugs was Pryor taking to find this asshole funny?

If I remember correctly, doens't Pryor's widow have nothing but bad things to say about Mooney?

Paul Mooney is racist and he sucks and I hate him.

Paul Mooney is the shitty comic that Sherrod Small aspires to be.

he should be reminded of this every day.

I hate this fucking show. Shitty Tough Crowd rip off with an overacting douche host. It's basically west coast Tough Crowd. And by that I mean shit. I've seen a few eps and the only raw, honest comics on there are guys who came out of the east coast.

Or Australia

That's far east coast

it's terrible. the host is terrible, and he always seems like he wants to "balance" the acts. can't have Colin and Burr on without some cackling women to offset etc. i like that 1% of the show is worthy of youtube clips though, so god bless

The host acted like a black at a dunk contest, who flies out of their chair like that?

Well yeah that was kinda the joke. It wasn't good or interesting or something but he at least tried to call Mooney on his horseshit.

Idk why ppl like mooney so much,yea he wrote for Pryor... But Mooneys nothing but a raciest fucking jerkoff,fuck um hate that pice of shit

Still hilarious usually

So if I wasn't such an awful racist I'd find him funny?

I always confuse Paul Mooney with Kevin Meaney



Sherrod's uncle

Jim Jeffries gave Paul Mooney his Nigger Wake Up Call twice.

Mooney's whole gimmick is talking shit about white people and counting on the fact that they'll be too uncomfortable to ever challenge him on anything. He's got nothing when a white guy like Jeffries, who doesn't give a fuck, starts to fuck with him.

I hate this Jim Jefferies guy. He sounds like he has a cock and a gulp of Guinness stuck in his throat.

Paul Mooney is exactly what the anti-PC/ SJW crowd on here acts like. Everything has to have some kind of political/ cultural angle.

same as your comment

That was a funny story Mitchull...

Fucking buried that cocksucker.

same as your comment

That was a funny story Mitchull...

He does. Some episodes of his Showtime show had great guests though.