Another fan led to believe he was meeting his idol: "I was so excited to meet Bob Kelly today!"

2  2016-05-08 by ricswrangler


Maybe if Bob Kelly started taking fashion advice from Joe Cumia

Nah, Fat Joe actually had the self control to lose weight.

I'm almost certain that you made that up.

This is bugging me.. Who is he? Is he a rap singer?

that is Big pun he is pitbulls brother.

Didn't big pun's heart explode?

Is he a rap singer?

A rap singer? What are you? 76 years old like Anthony?

He is a rapper. Or just call him what Anthony usually calls them. It's spelled with the same number of letters and ends with an "er" as well.

Fat joe is white, and a dope rapper

That's not Bob Kelly.

Amy needs to shave.

More like frog Belly tsss tsss

ME: Look at his giant tits! UHHHHH UHHHH HHHHHHUUU lets photoshop him amirite?

This guy is much funnier.

Tits as big as Opie's.