Neil DeGrasse Tyson laughs in Opies face after a genius question (23:26)

38  2016-05-08 by swejeht2


I'm starting to think that Opie might be stupid.

He should post on this subreddit then.

It's really no surprise people started calling Anthony "smart". Next to dumbtits, he easily deserved that Professor Anthony production bit.

Meanwhile Anthony has made some of the dumbest decisions a person can make

What has that got to do with anything. Churchill beat women and was an alcoholic, too. People are individuals.

Anthony is not Churchill

Alright so Churchill had a few things going for him what's your point


The best was when people used to call Anthony "well read".

Yeah, TV Guide maybe! Am I right, folks!?

Opie is like a toddler asking his mommy generalized questions about God & where babies come from.

Someone should stop him.

I love how his embarrassed backpedaling still misses the point. He has the tone of, "Yeah, I know it's a huge question beyond the scope of a short interview," when in reality it's just not an appropriate question for an astrophysicist.

Unless the Hubble discovered Heaven in Gamma Draconis earlier that day, what the fuck could Tyson possibly say?

If they did any prep work on the guy at all, I mean even five minute's worth, they would know he's an atheist.

He does this with scientists all the time. "So, where are you at with the whole God thing?"

"Why do you care? I'm a geologist, not a philosopher or theologian."

He actually claims he isn't an atheist.

He is, but he doesn't like the stigma of the label.

I can think of something else that he is also.

Director of the Hayden Planetarium?

Ant was so obsessed with Hayden Panettiere in 2006 he couldn't stop saying her name 13 times a day. Then she turned 18 and we never heard about her again. I wonder why.

The bush photos came out and he realized she didn't have a dick.



There's no pics there.


Good ole' South Park reference.

She was so hot in Heroes

You forgot to do the Chip voice.

Christopher Hitchens would get this treatment all the time. A right wing show would have him on assuming he is a religious conservative, and learn very quickly how ant-religion he was. The best is when that assclown Sean Hannity made the same stupid points religious people make when defending their faith. Hitchens said something like "you give me the awful impression of someone who has never seen or read the arguments from the other side." Boom

This clip needs to be found

This is the actual clip

The other one is good too though


But mr scientist sir.. My mommy said I'd go to heaven

that is some r/cringe

I really hate and love that opie misses his stupid dead father so much that he keeps asking guys like this about life after death in the hope one will say there is an after life. Just so this fool can what? See his dumb dead dad? Fuck I want him disappointed. In his final seconds, as his synapses power down and his mind is blown away to nothing like sand off a surface, as oblivion pulls him closer, to know and understand that this is what his dad felt and now he knows the reality too: there is NOTHING. No place, no one, no thing.

I hate opie.

Me too, we should start a subreddit dedicated to pointing out all of his atrocious crutches and errors of brain...

Its called /r/opieandanthony


Oh literal u/PeteFo

So where are we all at when we die?...whats the end game?

Opie sounds like Poochie when he talks to black people.

"I am going to assume you are not a big religious guy." - Gregg The Genius Hughes

"we got Neil De-grass-eeee Tyson coming in" Only a fuckin mongoloid would think the 'e' should be pronounced

"Where we at with this whole God thing?"

Tit doesn't even comprehend what NDT says. He asks a stupid question, and his scatterbrain is onto the next thought of picking up diapers on the way home from work.

I imagine Opie turning up at the pearly gates and St. Peter pinching the bridge of his nose and going "aahhhhhhh" through his teeth

they saw how many times he didn't wipe

NGT is smarter than Opie no question

I think that's a beat we can all dance to.

That's like saying a ton of gold is worth more than a copper penny.

Neil Degrasse Tyson impregnated a white woman, corrupting her bloodline - he is an enemy of us.

opie has asked the same question to just about everyone who is even somewhat an intellectual ... he will continue to ask the question until someone tells him : there is a heaven and he's special enough to get in.... it is as much narcissism as it is mental deficiency

Who cares? Anthony and his ilk are pieces of shit.