Opie & Anthony - Rachel Jeantel's Testimony [6-27-2013]

3  2016-05-08 by EskimoEscrow


The Zimmerman trial was probably the worst era of O&A.

That was definitely when I tapped out. It was just fucking unlistenable, uncompelling, frustrating radio.

Anthony sounds like a virulent hateful ignorant racist... until you listen to this bitch

To be fair it's an uneducated kid who's friend was just murdered and english is her second language. She's hateable but Tranthony didn't need to do a big radio bit shitting on a fat traumatized kid.


Great rebuttal, boy do I feel silly.

She got her court nails! Trauma my ass. Shes uneducated yes and its her fault. Hating her is fair. Theres a reason this "star witness" flopped.

And it wasnt murder.... you sound like BLM