Kenny with two very comfortable young men

17  2016-05-07 by CompoundMediaPR


I've never wanted to see someone do a backflip so badly.

How much do you think the kid on the right posts on /r/raisedbynarcissists?

i hate that sub very much. you can go on reddit and write diatribes about how evil your mom is, then you can live on your own. get a fucking job and shut up.

^ No issues here!

have you read that fucking sub though? it's probably mostly kids that are just angry at their parents for taking away their new iphones. also, i can imagine going on there when i was 14 and filling my head with all their gobbledigook. they have their own lingo and everything. being a parent in the digital age must be torture.

Hahaha is this a bit?

they stare into their touchscreens and their brains turn to mush! your lips, gods ears, etc.

At least the new generation of children will be easier for you to rape


Granted there are a lot of narcissists OT there but a skim of that sub seems to be whiny kids. Some unintentional comedy there though for sure.

Why the long faces

Weird genetics

They have AIDS.

They all have Easter island heads

Fists clenched and bent over. Must be post-rape.

High tops on the beach.

Kenny looks like a big retarded version of Jerry Seinfeld.

It looks like Jerry Seinfeld's face if you played with Seinfeld's face in the Mario 64 face stretching main menu screen.

Fuck that made my day, and it's only 12:30am.

Kenny wears autism shoes.

Colin's "cascading neck" line works so much better on Kenny now.

Kenny looks happy and his sons look like they want to be far, far away. They probably secretly hope their mother cheated on Kenny and they are not really his.


Bird lookin' niggas

The younger one is surely on the spectrum.

ken's borderline on becoming an egg on toothpicks

Tough to stare directly at a camera after you've been molested.

Are those supposed to be his retarded children? Lol, his wife cheated on him.