for all the Big Amy lovers, here is what a real 10 looks like.

0  2016-05-07 by [deleted]



Thanks man I really needed help finding hot women on the internet.


lol they're everywhere.

lol, whut?

I hate you so deeply my dick gets confused and becomes erect.

Fucking stealing that for next Feb 14th

You lied! she's older than 10!

Oh Uncle Paul!

Not a 10 for me. I like my chicks to look like chicks.


She's a bit of a butterface, but I get your point.

He didn't make a point. He said to a bunch of people that don't like Amy here's a hot chick to compare her to if you love her.

for all the Big Amy lovers

Not everyone is a part of the hivemind that is /r/opieandanthony.



Too muscular. I don't like see abs on a woman. Needs to be flat but with out definition.

Yeah, when did chicks with abs become hot? If I wanted to reach down and feel tendons and muscle I would fuck a dude. Like I normally do.

And not over 8 inches.

Am I right boys?



Every fucking woman out here. All of them. Obsessed with fitness, going to the gym, what they eat, and traveling. 97 pictures of them in front of Machu Pichu, the Eiffel Tower, etc. "I love traveling!" We all do, when it's free because some executive paid for it in exchange for getting to drop a hot load on your mug nightly.

LOLZ, very true.

So truer.

One of about a dozen from my Tinder this morning: Imgur

"Please be able to hold a conversation." (About fitness; and food.)


Why did you write that twice?

send >me >a >picture >of >your >penis

LOLZ, very true.

So true.

I didn't. It was because of the echo.

So true.

what are you gay?

Ask your dad.

what should I ask him?


easy there shock jock

Allow me to expound. You see, your father, who is a nigger-cock lover could potentially be a great source of information here. If you two are estranged, however, I can understand not being involved.

you're trying too hard

I ain't trying, nigger. You baby ho.

I'd like to see her take a real 10 inches.

No, she is not a size 10.

She looks like she has a prick, any nudes?