unmasked with anthony cumia

8  2016-05-07 by [deleted]



I don't think it's a mask. I think Dad Cumia tossed some molten hot pizza on his face while he was crying when he was a kid. Sort of like a white trash middle east acid attack.

Molten hot spaghetti

He's never been able to talk honestly about himself. I doubt he's self-reflected in the last 25 years.

Drunk fucking idiot, used to be funny, tranny fucker, pedophile, went to a fake rehab to spice up my shitty image. racist, has money, got fired, started a network (soon to be taken over by Gavin), and a brother who is also a fucking idiot in wanna be biker gang. Done.

Hi, Ron!

All said with coy laughs because he hates discussing reality or emotions.

He's a has-been.

This would never work because Ant is incapable of being honest and vulnerable. He lie and try to laugh His way out of even the softball questions. It'd be a waste of time.

There is no removing his mask. All underneath it is gone away.

It would be like that scene in Kingdom of Heaven after the leper king dies and they take off his mask.

It would suck. Ant would do his usually 'I just want to have an open and honest discussion about race' routine. Then move on to how all the problems in his life are not his fault.

I don't think anyone gives a shit at this point. We know all the fun stuff. The rest will be lies and boring family stories about him and Joe and how cool they are.

I dont think Ron Bennington would sully his brand by having Ant appear. Unmasked is supposed to reveal more about the person than what we already know. We all know Ant was a L.I. tin knocker, loves young girls, booze, cats, fbi statistics, & when he can find them, his guns. He cant get real - and unless he did that, it would be a who gives a fuck.

EDIT: He loved his guns EDIT: Loves young girls - even if they tote a weiner.

Unmasked like that Chapel Show sketch with the black Klansman

I thought someone lit his face on fire then stomped it out with golf spikes

"Unmast" is for comedians.

Ant is an alcoholic racist who happens to be funny.

It's Unmasked not "Unmast" you degenerate. And it's not just for comedians, Opie and Anthony already did an unmasked special in 2014.

Ron still pronounces is as "Unmast", so that's what it is to me, you corndog.

And you're right. O&A were Unmast a couple weeks before Anthony went ahead and fucked everything up.

You want to also remind me of the last time my parents hugged at my birthday before my dad caved mom's head in with a tire iron?

Shutup stupid.

I'm amused that this has one downvote to zero.

I can't help but visualize Ant reading it, saying, "Hey!", and hitting the down arrow.