Opie and Jimmy without Jimmy. It's wild maaaannnnnn

34  2016-05-06 by Dennyislife


Opie is desperate to do morning zoo shit like this. He tried it with powdered milk awhile back with Ronnie B in studio. Opie showed some self-awareness and probably realized Ron had zero interest in such a hacky bit. This kind of thing is perfect for Opie, he doesn't have to say anything funny or interesting. This is what will happen when Jim isn't in studio to make Opie feel ashamed.

Opie is a level of terrible I've never seen before so it's hard to tell for sure, but it seems like he wants to team up with Jenny hutt or something and do a Kelly and Michael type show but on the radio. It's been a long time since he's even attempted to put out something funny and I think he just wants to do mundane celebrity interviews, and getting rid of jim and teaming up with a chick would be his best bet at that.

Christ, could you imagine how much worse this dogshit show would be if James never re-signed? Ketchup challenges every fucking week

You think Jimmy would make Opie feel ashamed? I doubt it. Jimmy loves this shit. Jimmy is the type that still thinks having porn stars on is edgy. Like it's Howard Stern circa 1994.

i don't think jimmy thinks about the show at all when it comes to having women on.

Yeah, he doesn't honestly think it makes good radio. He just doesn't care.

Whereas he gets nothing out of wacky food segments, and I'm sure he hates them.

Ah yes a visual bit for the radio where the listeners get to hear them make " ewwww" noises for 10mins. When will he start doing war of the roses?

10 minutes?

There's no way this 'bit' -- including the ramp-up to it and the wrap-up -- was under an hour. I could see lazy-cakes filling two hours if he brought in the staff to do it too.

As long as you preface everything with "I know it's hack but...", no one will think you're a hack

Holy fuck that show looks terrible.

What are they licking? Peckas? But seriously, what are they licking? I refuse to listen to this episode, because of the cast.. Despite the amount of entertainment I get from Bobby Lee.

3 foot long Bull pekka. Not much difference to Jimmy's personal life

"If YOU thought EATING FOOD that's been near COCKROACHES was CrAaAaAzY then just wait to HEAR what these WHACKY KINGS of COMEDY do on today's OPIERADIO!" sponsered by FemFresh

Bobby today? I gotta listen

Yea I was really disgusted until I saw Bobby in the lower right and now I will listen for the first time in months.

Bobby Lee is used to doing shitty morning zoo radio, so he should be entertaining.

Commenter ray_carlone sucks even bigger dicks; "Lol awesome show Op, needed that laugh after a long week"


Staggeringly stupid.

It's as if it were a bizarro world prediction of what the show would be. Opie mixed with outcue.

Why did this sub stop shitting on opie so much? I miss it

Because Ant was being a goody two shoes acting like big shit.

Remember sometime in 2010 when Opie was out, Colin was in studio, and the interns were all going to eat differently-prepared animal testicles? Colin mocked it the entire time. Ant was reluctantly going through with it but finally demanded from Steve C whose idea it was. Of course it was Opie.

It's just a bull penis. It's not like it was on the bull when they were licking it. God non fags are such pussies.


This is embarrassing. The nerve of this fraud to ever to make fun of Todd.

Back to hacky morning zoo radio

Was DeStefano in studio again to talk about how much his father hates homosexuals ? Riveting radio.

I hate Opie so much

Is this 'Mad' Cuban guy and Bobby Lee just the crazy Morning Zoo stunt boy then?

Bobby Lee's a funny motherfucker. Watch early MadTV, especially the Jeopardy segment they did.


Is this is his attempt to win his wife back from Bam?

Opie has officially started from the bottom Of radio, desperating looking for a new look for the show. I doubt he'll find a person like Anthony was, funny and a bit knowledgeable

i like the "defiant badass" face opie is making.

international morning show, 187 likes in 7 hours.

Now that's edgy!

Was Turd there?

Ugh How does fucking Opie sleep at night


just when HATING Opie MORE seems impossible ........he just turns on the afterburners; & takes it up to a whole new STRATOSPHERE

he FIEND like a fuckin DOPE ADDICT for HACK-FUCK.....ZOO CREW.....STUNT BOY late 90s radio

because he eagerly, EAGERLY, reverts to it the fucking MOMENT Ant & Jim exit the building

Today was a good day. Bobby Lee made it hilarious, but Chris and Vic were funny too. I really enjoyed it even with "Bull Dick" as a prop. I don't know what more y'all want from a 15hr a week radio show. More Peckas?

Yea I was really disgusted until I saw Bobby in the lower right and now I will listen for the first time in months.

Bobby Lee is used to doing shitty morning zoo radio, so he should be entertaining.