Look at this butthurt fag

58  2016-05-06 by not_AIDS


I'll have you know my wife died under very suspicious circumstances.

mine just up and disappeared one night, never to be seen again. I was so broken up about it that I made a concrete patio in my backyard in the middle of the night, just to keep my mind at ease..... and now when we have family gatherings in the backyard, I calmly stare at the patio and think of her.

Aww that's sweet.


You missed a really good opportunity to off her and bury her under that patio. No one would have looked there!

You are a true loving husband. To put in a memorial patio in her honor when for all you know she could be shacking up with some other guy down in Florida.

One question about the patio, how did you handle the smell? Mythbusters did an episode about patios made with "special" concrete and the smell was terrible even through several feet of concrete.

Yes, she may have started a new life somewhere far away, but she's always welcome to come back home. Thanks for asking about my patio. I spent a lot of personal time, and effort in making it look nice. I finished it off by adding a thick epoxy sealer on top with a pleasant color that my darling would love to see when she decides to come back home.

That's really sad that she would leave without at least saying goodbye. If she eva cums bak yu shuld like GROUND her or sumfin tssss

she was burned on 93% of her body

we never stopped makin love

"When did she pass away?"

Two weeks ago.. well, the fire was several months before that but she succumbed to her injuries two weeks ago.

Was it a house fire Uncle Paul?


What did you buy with the insurance money?

Warm papaya juice

Divorced? C'mon, none of us could get a woman to marry us in the first place!

Kinda hard to get a girl when we are stuck living in our mothers basements.

You're in your mom's basement? What a loser! I'm in my mom's attic! It's so much better, I got my own mini fridge!

Yeah, well at least i have my own door. I don't have to go through the kitchen to get to my bed.

I go through the living room & my mom and her boyfriend are almost never in there! Trust me, it's a sweet deal

Naw the attic is too warm. Cellar dweller is where it's at. I have a mini fridge AND a hotplate.

You're in your mom's attic? Oooh, look at mr living outside of the stereotype over here. How's it feel that no one's makin' jokes about you?

Hey, I dated my coworker at Panera for six months. Then she graduated and left me behind.

you have schools in your country?!

We discourage interpersonal romantic relationships between employees, I'm going to have to write you up.

plus all of us are virgins, who read pickup artist tips online to get into the psychology of women

I think the morbid obesity would be more of a hurdle.

Jokes on you! I moved out a week ago after living with my mother for 26 years!

I've been told I'm an unfuckable hate nerd

By everyone. Teachers, parents, strangers on the street will even take a moment to tell you that

alcohol , a lot of drugs and Las Vegas = winning combination

  • anything is possible my friend do not loose hope

"loose Hope" is actually the name of the only girl that would fuck the guys on here

hey , plenty of East European and South American girls would fuck almost any guy here.

Bite your tongue, Loose Hope is a saint

These fuckheads have zero creativity. Much like Kurt Metzger, they always fall back on "well you are a loser living in your moms basement." Meanwhile they are on Reddit and Twitter just as much as anyone else. Everyone on the internet can't be World of Warcraft playing slobs.

It's like that time back in high school I would get made fun of for my shirts a lot. There was this one kid who pointed out that the shirts were always wrinkled and covered in cum and that everyone found it repulsive. Piece of shit even offered to buy me a new shirt. He bullied me like this often.

Everything changed when I realized he was just a lonely bitter loser who was obsessed with me and probably lived in his basement and stayed up all night thinking of ways to comment on my clothes. He probably wanted to fuck me too. He still made fun of me now and again but after I told him I'd suck his dick as a joke he kept his distance.

Jesus Christ dude. Gross.

Wrinkled shirts? Come on.

You went to school with Jim Norton?



You should speak at schools about bullying

These fuckheads

I only read what was in the pic but it seems pretty sure that's one of the queers (if there are more than one) with 5 new accounts here every day, not some random reddit person out there.

I meant people like him, and there are a lot of them.

Doubt it. There's probably 3 or 4 at most. Fuck him and his trying to trick people here into thinking he represents the mainstream or whatever by posting on a bigger sub and starting sentences with words like "Let's all...". It's just some obsessed queer looking for attention.


Well someone here struck a chord with that massive faggot.

Tremendous even

Amy isn't ruining my life, but I'm sick of Hungry-Man dinners always being out of stock at EVERY fucking grocery store I go to. Same answer every fucking time. "Who do you THINK bought them all?".

It should be Hungry Peoples TV dinners I'm triggered

It really should be Hungry Manchild


I'll have all the ham

Someone read the cracked article and learned a new phrase.

Another comic trying to get a role on the next Amy Schumer movie

Joke's on them I've never been married or loved.

I wish i thought of creating that fake account. #jealous

Not ruling out that isn't BroJoe just yet.

So he agrees? He thinks we're really funny.

They better stop disparaging us or they'll find themselves banned from my Panera store.

I didn't even realize he was being sarcastic. This sub is a lot funnier than the Shooms.

What's the story with him??

It's an alt account for tonyzaret, who thinks this sub is a bunch of right-wing trump fanboys

Amazing that you have some people calling this an sjw sub and others calling it super conservative. This sub is one of the most politically diverse subs that I've seen.

Not to mention how sarcastic we are, I bet most outsiders can't tell if we're joking or not.


People like simple narratives, good/bad, red team/blue team. They can't handle the varied renaissance men that we are.

*tips fedora*

Check out his post history of white knighting for fatty schumes.

Probably that faggot from here that called us cucks because we're bored by Anthony's "THE JIGABOOS KNOCKED OUT ANOTHER WHITE MAN AGAIN!" routine.


That's actually the nicest compliment I've received in weeks.

We're just civilians after all.

I wonder if it was Hurt or Charade who wrote that.


A lot of the people in there seem to be Rogan types. Way too concerned with the craft of comedy and uninterested in actually saying something funny ever.

They conveniently leave out all of the other comedians/entertainers we crap on (even those this sub is dedicated to), in order to push the narrative that we hate Big Amy just because she's a woman.

The other day, someone in the R&F sub called us "dumb zoo gorillas". That had really hurt my feelings. But this... this is something else.

People love to hate us this is how Stern probably use to feel. not comparing calm down.

We are bigger than Howard Stern ever was.

Edit: If you didn't read this as tongue in cheek, you're a dumb-dumb.


I'll have you know that my wife is only contemplating divorce.

If they pick one of mine I hope they use "She's only 34?! That sickening baby headed cunt looks old as fuck." :D


Damn, we've just been POWNED.

I like how we're characterized as angry and lonely divorced men.

Who is this faggot anyway? Why is he/she worthy of mention?

This post is off topic for /r/opieandanthony. Please refer to the sidebar for more information.

How? The post I took a screenshot of linked directly to this subreddit.

The sidebar also only has posts of links to AMAs, wikis, Twitter accounts and other subreddits?

No need to draw attention to this sub. It's just going to cause problems

Entire subreddit dedicated to hating 2 people= fine. one comment criticizing that subreddit= butthurt.

Seems about right

A entire subreddit dedicated to hating 2 people = butthurt, a entire person dedicated to hating the people that hate the people = fine. Seems about right.

Its fun to be here isnt it? Why are we here then? That other faggot (the OP in the screenshot) is just a dick that got really mad when people turned on Ant. And he washes Ants balls, so..

Calm down buddy! want some candy?

What kind?

I didn't say I had any. You just seem like your blood sugar is low

If its cuz I sounded cunty it was simply mimicry, my candyless friend.

Yup. I brought the cunty to this place. my claim to fame

If its cuz I sounded cunty it was simply mimicry, my candyless friend.