I don't want to start another Schumer thread, but here is a rough edit of some possible "parallel thinking" on the newest season of Inside Amy Schumer. – MischiefMakersProd

85  2016-05-06 by [deleted]



Pig Amy roots around the depths of YouTube for truffles to consume.


It's a solid theory. At this point, it's apparent that people on her staff & probably Amy herself are dedicated to stealing more than they are working.

Someone mentioned here that Mike Lawrence was bragging about the short working days for the writers of her show. That all but guarantees that they're both stealing and completely hack, imo.

At most, it's a "why don't we do (established idea), but with (lame, douchey liberal slant/twist)?" type deal.


First off good job, this sub never disappoints. However the second example isn't similar enough and takes away from the overall argument if you ask me... but the first one, holy shit.

I sort of disagree. Totally agree on the first one. Wow, that is some blatant thievery.

The second one is more of a wholesale theft of concept with some tweaking of the dialog. The only wrinkle that they've added is that Michael Strahan was an actual football player, so there's a little role reversal than isn't in the Burress sketch. But the entire concept is completely lifted. People drafting regular people in a fantasy 'Regular People' draft and they score or lose points based on their regular activities. They're identical.

And Gregg Olsen and Vernon Davis. Didnt recognize the 4th guy but I'm sure he was a football player too. Thats just a hacky premise, I wouldnt be surprised if 100 other shows that touched on it, using actual players is actually kind of a step up for that bit. I'm sure it isnt funny, I watched on mute, crazy though how she cant come up with anything without someone finding the exact same thing done previously within a week. What a fucking hack.

The 4th guy was comedian Mario Joyner, which I guess is why I didn't recognize Davis and Olson. Joyner also messes with the premise. Three football players and a comedian draft regular people. Makes less sense than if it were four players.

lol I just googled him, that guy just looks like Vernon Davis, the 4th guy I'm talking about was the other white guy, I dont think Mario Joyner was in that sketch.


There was a The League episode from 2 years ago with football players that was closer than the Hannibal skit.

Was it regular people drafting other regular people like Hannibal's sketch? Or was it football players drafting regular people? I haven't seen the episode.

Taco and Golden Tate created a league to draft people.

Football players draftong regular people if i remember correct. It was a dream sequence.


Both of those Schumer sketches are entirely devoid of humor. But I'm just a civilian, what do I know?

Your username is funnier than any of Amy's recent material.

The first British sketch isn't that funny either.

That gun one is the most convincing theft sketch yet in my opinion. And I laughed that they even mocked the serious PSA part they both ended with

Well what's comedy if you're not making a difference? Pure rubbish I say. Rubbish!

It would just be funny without a shoehorned social message! What a waste!

Speaking of that...sexual assault is no laughing matter!

nah, the two sequential sketches stolen from the same youtuber were the most damning pieces of evidence


I skipped to the end to see if there was a Bald Opie pic. There was not.

Please get on it.

yeah, it genuinly bummed me out not seeing bald opie in any of the videos since the first one

I don't own guns, and don't really understand the fascination with them (then again I grew up in a country where they're hard to get, so was never part of the firearm culture). But holy fuck even I'm angered by the blatant lying and disgusting liberalism in that sketch. I can only imagine how gun nuts feel about it.

She's such a terrible person. I fuckin' hate her.

I wish we could buy guns (with extreme background checks) in Europe, fuck calling the police and waiting for 3 hours if someone tries to fuck with my family in my house, you always feel unsafe.


None of that approached something funny. I just saw some of The Daily Show and they spent 10 minutes on female athletes not being paid as much as men. Comedy Central is now just a clear liberal message with the worst comedy imaginable somewhat blanketing it. Amy Schumer and her cousin Senator Chuck Schumer said to the press together that they are going to work to push their agendas like gun control. So, obviously Amy's side in this is propaganda.

I'm not a fan of Gavin, but he got an unfair shake on his appearance. I know the Daily Show has been criticized in the past for quick-cuts and taking shit out of context, but I never Jon Stewart do it as blatantly. Gavin was clearly trying to be funny about the whole thing, but they heavily edited his interview and made him sound like a complete asshole.

"Silly goose." Where have I heard that before?

Big Gay Al?


The world.

Both ideas are something my friends couldve made up at our middle school lunch table. I think its just straight up hack

Do you have a visitor's pass to get in that school, sir?


Looks like she stole everything except the humour.


on one half, i believe anyone fortunate enough to make it in the world of comedy writing wouldn't be dumb enough to risk their own comedic honor by copying another's writing work,

but on the other hand, people are dumb,

and dumb people are most likely not forward thinking enough to think that other people would find out that they stole from people of a pre-internet era...

in other words, this type of shit is bigfoot's foot print, BUT instead of being some lump of shit, we have video evidence of someone taking a large dump nearly identical to the same shit that we are seeing now. These dumb fuckin lairs cant deny it forever

The first thing you notice aside from the (((((((parallel thinking)))))) is the difference in tone and delivery. Big Amy is just really bad at delivering lines and being on camera.



What tediously unfunny garbage.

Whats funny is that clearly she has an anti-gun agenda, yet she couldn't even pitch an original sketch about the issue: she had to take one from Ireland. I even like how her accomplice Kurt Metzger acts as a caller, which is hilarious, and an unintentional nod to the fact that they're obviously complicity involved .

This girl is not going down without pulling out every single SJW card along the way, and meanwhile the SJW's HATE her; so it'll be a combination of funny, awkward and sad when she tries to appeal to a group thats not even in her corner to begin with, yet she'll act like they are. It won't end well for her. Or clean.

I even like how her accomplice Kurt Metzger acts as a caller, which is hilarious, and an unintentional nod to the fact that they're obviously complicity involved .

He's her head writer. Not a secret.

yes i know

the first bit is a generic "home Shopping" bit, lazy as fuck. The fact that they needed to steal it from Secret Policeman is even lazier.

Time to clean house again Big A.

Make sure you post it on /r/videos at 9 am pacific standard time and let us know. We will all go upvote it!



I hope you know I'm kidding, stupid. That's what almost got this sub banned.

Or it will get it attention. A post from a random user will not tie it to here at all. No reason not to post it and it wouldnt get this banned at all.

Bald opie better be in there



hahahaha! hahaha! it really is...Im really happy someone noticed that thats hilarious.

These examples are also added to the pile of the others that never made it to a bigger compilation, (milk milk lemonade, chappelle's show, kevin nealon, 2 girls 1 cup, etc.)

What did she steal form Chappelle's show? I must've missed that one. That angers me more than any of the other theft.

She did a sketch that is a hybrid of Chappelle's Show sketch and a MadTV sketch.

Amy Schumer did a sketch on her show where she roasts a make a wish kid.

The set-up is lifted from the Chappelle's Show sketch where he goes to visit the make a wish kid and plays Street Hoops with him, and there is a MadTV sketch where they parody the Comedy Central roasts where the roastee is a make a wish kid.




There's nothing funnier than a comedian towing the party line and pushing mainstream politics. It's always better when we stay safely inside the box.

She's really mumming up the place, isn't she?

Why is Susan Boyle on Hannibal Burress's show?

"Up Next: that moment when a whale breaches near the docks."


The worst indictment of this manatee's "comedy" is that despite thieving concepts from others she is still kebab skewer doen the Jap's eye unfunny. Oh, and fat. Never forget fat.

When she says "silly goose" ugh


Are we even still going after Amy at this point? She doesn't write this stuff. There are three possibilities here:

1) Amy Schumer is some kind of theft Typhoid Mary who transmits joke thievery to people near her.

2) Tons of comics are also coincidentally stealing jokes.

3) We're being overzealous and unreasonable, and very few comics have material that would withstand this level of crowdsourced scrutiny and comparison to all other existing material.

4) Why don't you come back here and shut up?

The 4th guy was comedian Mario Joyner, which I guess is why I didn't recognize Davis and Olson. Joyner also messes with the premise. Three football players and a comedian draft regular people. Makes less sense than if it were four players.