CONFIRMED: #DeportAmySchumer has been shadowbanned from Twitter

65  2016-05-05 by EskimoEscrow


what the fuck? On what grounds would they think to ban that hashtag?

Would they say it's a personal attack or something?

Maybe? But it's not #KillAmySchumer or #StuffTwoDonutsInAmySchumer'sFaceAndRapeHer. "Deport" seems pretty innocuous.


Things that will never be shadowbanned:

-#DearWhitePeople -#HillaryItsHerTime -#Manspreading -#WhitePeopleProblems

Swarmy Jews at it again.

I got it, how about # IMPORT Amy Schumer, whereyou encourage other countries to import her... like Yemen

Oman that's a good idea

Gaza so at least she can help her people steal land.

You Kuwait and let me handle the references.

How did I Dubai the way?

Amy eats Turkey with Greece. Tee hee

I heard she gets most of her food Togo.

this is the gay aspect of reddit that i didnt think would trickle into this sub


This Israeli disrespectful, leave the portly, humourless sow alone.

I don't get that. Please Spain yourself.

Well, I'm gonna have ta Afghanistan and get back to ya later. Tss tss...


Oh no...not a pun thread, really? I hope there is an irony to this that im just not seeing.

I can't believe you replied to yourself in a pun run. Yech.

No, you and Esther Ku wait.

I Saudi tried to steal your joke.

Wonder what the import tariff would be on that tonnage.

Yes. A kike sow would find Yemen an inhospitable place.

.... we did it?

We have no effect on their lives remember?

This was mostly the "Alt right" to be honest. Nearly every tweet had a Trump or Hitler profile.

You. You shut your whore mouth and let me believe.

You effect them if youre on twitter or facebook. Not on here.

I'd wager most of the posters here are in that group.


Twitter gained fame as a means of spreading ideas and free speech amongst those in other countries in which those concepts were banned. It was a bastion of freedom. Now they ban people for calling someone fat.

Why are people allowed to hate each other now? The world isnt fun anymore.

I think you mean "aren't".

ohhhhh.... sourry. ohhh.

Amy is asking for a war.

What a fat bastard.

That would be great if this shit sub could expose twitter malfeasance.

How did this hashtag come about?

fuck twitter


How does this confirm anything? Maybe twitter's algorithm just doesn't work the way you think it does. Just because a hashtag gets lots of tweets doesn't mean it's going to stay trending forever.

You talk about algorithm? How I can help you sir? Shut de fuck up!

#WhatMomsNeed has been trending for hours

Maybe? But it's not #KillAmySchumer or #StuffTwoDonutsInAmySchumer'sFaceAndRapeHer. "Deport" seems pretty innocuous.

ohhhhh.... sourry. ohhh.

This Israeli disrespectful, leave the portly, humourless sow alone.