Jim Norton and Calvin Klein. I'm not sure which one has more AIDS.

15  2016-05-05 by ricswrangler


CK looks so annoyed with the grovelling little weirdo.

jesus christ dude, that is a lot of AIDS in one place youre right

He had a photo up with Annie Liebowitz yesterday. Is he finally embracing his "community?"

nah it was some sort of comedians shoot with Jimmy, Amy and Colin. Annie and Colin didn't get on.

I want to see that

Jimmy's regimen of 1100 calories a day and cardio 6 times a week gave him that "Full Blown AIDS" chic that all the black tranny hookers go wild for,

Calvin has AIDS from the 60's. He's way more AIDSY. Jim only has 90's AIDS

Definitely old school AIDS, not that pussified one Jim has.

Indeed, CK's AIDS still involved monkey fucking and the what have you. Jimmy's is that homo version that celebrities get when their time in the spotlight begins to run out.

Holy fucking HIV.

Just 2 fags hanging out. Having a good time!

Poster children for stem cell research and fetus harvesting.

Norton's starting to look like one of those apples with a face carved into it.

Maybe if they stand close together long enough the AIDS from Jimmy will attack the AIDS from CK and they'll destroy each other and rid them both of the disease?

Hard to believe but jimmy actually looks healthier than someone he is in a photo with

It really does look like Jim is winning. So far.

he's just a REALLY ugly fuck who doesnt realize hes ugly (if he did hed stop talking about looking good). And I mean like, another dimension of ugly not regular, average ugly.


I say Jim. He has so much Aids he's starting to look Asian.



Thanks to Prince dying I learned that in the United States one cannot be sued for defamation of the dead. You literally can say anything about a dead guy, present it as fact and there's no legal recourse that can be taken against you.


Can you imagine being one of the biggest designers in the world and you see this worm in an ill fitted fruit the loom shirt and mom jeans try to take a picture with you?