Jim Breuer's new song premiere "Trash"

25  2016-05-05 by pabbenoy



I'm a sad dad. I won't even click on this bullshit. It could easily put me over the edge.

Reminds me of the Denis Leary cringe video from a few years back, "Asshole". Even O&A had a hard time faking the lameness of it when he was promoting it on the show.

I hope the mods delete this.

It was reported as "Cringey. Please delete this shit"

Is this going to turn into another one of those 'report summary' threads? The last one was awesome.

Not today. I did save a weekend's worth a couple weeks ago, though.

I was really bored, and people were really looking for attention after the last thread. Shit's hilarious.

Coming soon.

Can't waiy

I agree with the shit-report.

Though the reporter might have meant deleting Jim Bruer.

Gotta make way for all the other quality posts...

There definitely haven't been enough topics about Amy Shumer lately.

Anyone past 40 that hasn't outgrown Metal is a child

True. It shows a complete lack of curiousity about other styles of music and any desire to grow and progress as a human

That's the saddest, most embarrassing thing I've ever seen.

By the way, "The Osbournes" show premiered in 2002. The joke of the video is pretty much a 15 year old reference

Marriage turns you into a retarded pussy and slave.

I was gonna say, "Isn't it great being married with kids?" Seems like a real blast.

Truer words have never been spoken.

ME: FINALLY someone making music for my demographic. Rawk on, brotherman!

Aptly named

So is this horse shit a parody/satire? Or does Jim Breuer legitimately like music like this? This is the kind of bland and boring "heavy" shit that suburban dads listen to to feel like they haven't lost their edge while they're scraping cat turds out of a litter box or doing other domesticated things. And here's Jim Breuer doing all of those things and rocking out. Is it legit or is he actually self-aware?

Either way this is terrible though.

Nothing says metal like doing a list of chores your wife made you.

Da nah nah nah nah THRASH

Rock out with your junk out!

Get it?! 'cause...

Men really aren't meant to live past 40.

Speaking from the other side - we don't.

How is it there? Does Jesus give hugs every day??

Nah, he's 33. Won't hang out with us olds.


It was smart showing the garage door going down and then the headphones and then putting up the volume (All the way to 100 maaaaaan) EVERY fucking bridge. And the dudes in their 40's who can't run in a circle or twostep so they flail their arms and make pained faces reeeally puts it over the top.

As embarrassing and horrible as expected.

Hard to criticize the lyrics, man. "Called out sick to work to-DAY Did the same thing yester-DAY"

That rhymes. Period


unlistenable, embarrassing, sad? there's my review.

Somehow this ended up being even worse than I imagined.

fuuuuaaccckkk that was brrrruuuutaalllllllll

not biyutiful?

I swear to god by trash he means household chores. Otherwise it means nothing. The lyrics are really all about malcontent fathers FINALLY getting some alone time. Doesn't even mention jerking off to tongue kissing asians on youtube.

I had to see if people liked this so I've looked at the comments on the video and I don't think I have the stomach to repeat some of those vile things.

This is so much worse than Rappin' Rodney.

Didn't he do one like Santa Claus AIN'T comin to town?

We don't talk about that

That one was embarrassing.

As opposed to this newly-carved gem?

Haha....true....both suck.

hevy metal fawk yeah!!! dvv dvv DVV DVV dvv

Hopefully Meshuggah and Jim Breur do a collaboration. Meshuggah could learn a thing or two from ole Jim.

This is so unbelievably embarrassing. Imagine how humiliated you'd be if your 50 year old father made this garbage.

Maybe Adam McKay could watch this while polishing his Oscar after listening to Breuer calling him a talentless hack

Breuers ozzy impression is a really good Austin powers

Only suicidal people can identify with this song.

Is the name of his band really "The Loud & Rowdy"?

That alone made my dick go inside of me.

You don't think The Loud & Rowdy is relatable to today's metal scene?

These lyrics are infantile. Should have at least showed the big bad special high output ford you bought in one the garage scenes. Plus you're a freaking comedian who travels from 4 star to 4 star hotel who never worked a 9 to 5 so stop pretending .

Produced by the man behind that Rebecca Black Friday song i guess

Nah, Breuer had socks on.

His tear sacks offend me

Right? His face is screaming, "Stop eating like an 8-year old, I'm getting diabetes!!"

Holy shit. That was horrible.

I always thought Breuer was just OK on O&A..

I've seen some of his social media stuff, like his "marriage warrior" encouragement videos. It's vomit inducing.

Other videos in this thread:

Watch Playlist ▶

Stay At Home Dad 3 - Breuer's second single
Meshuggah - Dancers To A Discordant System 3 - hevy metal fawk yeah!!! dvv dvv DVV DVV dvv
So, Isn't This Great? 2 - all I hear
Beneath The Massacre - "Pedestal" Official Track Stream 1 - Exactly the kind of watered down "metal" I was expecting. Play some tech death, pussy.

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Have they played this on the show and pretended it was good yet?

Down goes garage door

On go the headphones

Up goes the volume

Wow, he its like he was just writing down what he was doing at the time and figured it could be a song.

Breuer better find that Zoltar Speaks machine and reverse his wish.

You guys don't think this was good?

Who the fuck is telling him that this is ok..

Who would ever enjoy this? Like, who is this for?

Other dads who just want a Me Day. Am I right, gentlemen?

If Johnny Depp or Russel Crowe can't make it in music what does he hope to expect?

Bruce Willis Bruno?

This is the gayest shit I've ever seen in my life.

Breuer's going to be very busy playing at all those corporate picnics this summer.

This is what happens when you give some christian cunt, or any cunt for that matter, control over your attitude and personality.

I never want to get to the point in my life where I think this is funny and say, "Boy, do I relate to THAT!"

it will never come, when the wife and kids are out you order pizza, play pc games until your eyes pop out and you jerk off about 15 times. This shit is horrendious

"Are you through!!????"

Who texts this ever?

Didn't Brian Posehn already do this unfunny video concept at least partially in "Metal by Numbers"

This is seriously the shit that he has been working on and perfecting all this time? He has been building this up for years like it was going to be his comeback. Is he trying to be as disappointing as possible?

Je-sus Christ

He looks so fucking similar to my uncle it makes me uncomfortable

I made it one minute in. I can't do this. It gave me the same guttural reaction I had to watching Martyrs for the first time. My tum tum hurts

I thought I was getting to the end of the song so I checked the progress bar but to my horror it was only just over 2 minutes in with over 3 minutes left. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing.

When the hell was Jim Breuer even a "musician" comic? I mean guys like Stephen lynch, flight of the Concords, Reggie watts got their fame from their music day 1. Bruers shitty observational stand up comedy wasn't getting the fame he was expecting so he just decides to transition to music comedy mid career? Fricking moron

Didn't he open up for Metallica or some shit? I think he used to tour with other bands, too.

I think he did some thing for them on MTV Icon many years ago

He didn't even do music bits on SNL like Sandler, Fallon & Samberg did. He never sang a song on update or did a musical short

This reminds me of the first time I watched the "Making Out" song on YouTube. All I was thinking after the first 30 seconds was I can't fucking believe this goes on for another 5-6 minutes.

Music like this makes me wish I had ear cancer

This reeks of faggotry.

This would make a great opening song if they decided to do a re-make of Friends.

omg this sucks!


Exactly the kind of watered down "metal" I was expecting.

Play some tech death, pussy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eypbCvZRIfA

You expect Jim Breuer to play comedy tech death?

like what was this man thinking.. he did this infront of people like you and I

I just don't see it, it's not even mainstream or something like auto-tune where everyone was doing it, no this was something he thought would be a hit

and then aside from that he's lip-synching so there's production done, those people arent there for free, i'm guessing he used his house because he thinks it's rock-heaven or some bullshit, and then there's the several different camera shots

I just can't believe this, he at least sunk 20-50k into this

I really like Breuer...he seems to be a down-to-earth guy, but this stuff is brutal. Not sure why he thought this would find an audience.

Because he's well liked so nobody, not the metal icons he ball washes nor his fellow comedians will tell him that it's laughably bad

Welcome to cringefest

Lyrics stink but the music isn't bad.

It's painfully generic, these riffs wouldn't make the cut for an Anvil b side, which is funny considering how he talked about the legitimacy of the music on this project

Man, this is just like when you see metal guys try to do stuff similar to stand up...you can see what they're trying to do but it just doesn't work. I'm not against people being creative or having fun with side projects but really....seems to work best if people just stay in their lane with things that already made them successful, rarely ever works out when "celebs" try to do other shit

The music is definitely bad, well played shit is still shit.

It is horrible generic buttrock

Da nah nah nah nah THRASH

How is it there? Does Jesus give hugs every day??

Because he's well liked so nobody, not the metal icons he ball washes nor his fellow comedians will tell him that it's laughably bad


True. It shows a complete lack of curiousity about other styles of music and any desire to grow and progress as a human