Louis plugs Jane Austen & Samantha Bee "is like the funniest person"

6  2016-05-05 by angostura71


It probably happened awhile ago but I'm choosing this as the interview where Louis CK stopped even trying to be funny or entertaining. What is this, the fifth time he's been on a talkshow complaining about the internet?

What is this, the fifth time he's been on a talkshow complaining about the internet?

your CK is done, he is through. he's not coming back to you

Horace & Pete was more comfortable with silence than any show in my lif-...

Oh fuck this faggot already.

This asshole is two weeks away from insisting that everyone learns how to spell "Székely" properly with that faggot accented e.

I miss the old Louie who didn't give a fuck.

Louis wears a suit, now?

Normally he wears an ironic sea captain outfit.

Listen to his very recent Marc Mar on appearance. It is full of pretentious horseshit like this. Did you know that cried for real onset because of how powerful the acting was.

He cried for real over that first year art student wannabe auteur drivel?

Listen to his interview with Maron. It's unbelievable how much Louis has changed. For a start he wasn't funny once in the whole interview. He nearly burst into tears several times talking about these dumb characters and how hard their fictional lives are. Every shitty moment in that show has some story behind it of how he came to a profound revelation while writing or filming it.

He also talked about how difficult it was to play a guy who verbally abused his family, because he would never do that. "No you would never do that", echos Marc. I thought that was pretty funny, since we all heard him call his wife an ungrateful cunt on satellite radio. When aliens pick up that XM signal from they're going to know two things about Earth: Jim Norton fucks trannies, and Louis' wife is a cunt.

This is a man who openly admits he cried at his own writing. He may be the most pretentious man I've ever seen.

And yeah for a guy who would never be verbally abusive to his family he sure made a career out if verbally abusing all of them savagely and publicly.

It's unbelievable how much Louis has changed

Sing you fools but you got it wrong

enjoy your jokes because you haven't got long

your Cuck is dead, your Cuck is through

he's not coming back to you

Louis about why he hates the Internet...'Everything is mean, weird, and upsetting", which is funny because that was his comedy, and arguably non-comedy (Horace and Pete) , is all about!

It's weird thinking back to how much I use to like this guy ten years ago.

He likes Jane Austen more than the Brontes? What a cuckold pleb.

Jane Eyre > Pride & Prejudice, that red-headed faggot wouldn't know literature if it was Russian and gambled away his ancestral home.

Ladies and gents, Lou "Hollywood" CQuay.

What the fuck happened to this dude? Really bums me out seeing this shit.

He's turned into such a faggot.

Watching this makes me want to get behind Trump for President

Its nice to see Louie maturing and becoming a reader.




i think it is subconsciously about the realization his children are vapid useless shit heads who wont succeed without people heaping on unearned praise. you know ... cause their broads

Opie is more talented and intelligent than Louis.

As insufferable as the man has become...

Only after worms & maggots build a hostel in his rotting brain will Louis(or any semi-intelligent lifeform) be the intellectual equivalent of Opie!