Chip cartoon update from yesterday's disaster of a show!

6  2016-05-05 by beeseesee

with a couple minutes of context, if you can bear it:

2:26 for mobile


I listened until 8 minutes in and he still hasn't talked about the cartoon, how much fucking context did you need to give and when the fuck does he talk about the subject of this post?

Edit: I listened til 13 minutes in and he still hasn't talked about it, you worthless faggot.

Edit 2: It's 2 hours and 26 minutes, you dumb motherfucker, not 2:26. I seriously hope you die for having me listen to 10 minutes of this bullshit.

April Fahls.

I applaud your stamina.

I was getting more pissed by the minute.

oh shit! im seriously so, so, so fucking sorry for making you listen that long.


I'll never forgive you.

"People told me ' Yeah, you should watch some animation.'

I just can't bring myself to do it because it's not my interest."

Solid logic from the guy creating a cartoon.

So instead of educating himself on the history of genre and learning from the countless mistakes that people made to date he just shrugs all that off and hopes to wing it. Really shines the light on why all of his projects suck so much cock if this is his creative process.

I guess talk shows, stand up and acting are not his interests either.

Jim doesn't have to do what normal people do. He's the modern-day George Carlin. If he watches them then it will corrupt his natural vision for the project. He has to go in with his pure, non-establishment, outsider take on the medium or it will just be corporate censored mainstream gratuitous peckahs

Jesus he annoys the shit out of me. I think I'm going to become a chef, but I'm not going to take any classes or even watch anyone cook anything.

No wonder he wanted to use other people's money.

The thing is the animation aspect of it was decent. It was the writing and storyline that fucking blew. Watching cartoons wouldn't have fixed that.

But to get 60k from fans and having a cartoon made without at least watching a few cartoons first... Is just insulting.

And again he states that animation isn't his thing. Good on Erock for calling him out on it.

What the fuck is Jim doing? It's like half Edgar, half sad noises while no one in the room acknowledges him.


i thought modern miles davis was hilarious and he should do that character on the cartoon.

Nope, couldn't get past Sherrod saying...

"Yep, we all we got" and "how's the sleepin there?"

I really hope he dies soon.

When did jimmy become unlistenable?

And Sherrod... He's black right?

When it became The Tits Morning Zoo. He just doesn't give a fuck anymore. He tried to keep being who he was when Anthony was there, but Tits made it known he didn't want him riffing anymore. So he just shows up for a paycheck.

Wow... I could barely get through that. I guess I'm officially over little jimmy.

jim is creating a series of variables to preemptively excuse his failure to meet commitments of the crowdfunding agreement.... the perks are delayed for some reason as the chip character on the merch is an old version, and only a possibility of one more episode. this is just pathetic.