Opie pronounces "Sci-fi " as "Sky-fi" in front of Louis CK and Patrice O'neil.

29  2016-05-05 by axeheadroad


It's like he does literally everything wrong.

Seriousy how fucking retarded does a person need to be, to not know what science fiction is? I'm not too smart myself but I just cant picture being Opie level dumb. Did he just think it was some ramdom letters sitting next to each other??

His main goal growing up was to sneak by without doing ANYTHING cause his narcissistic ego convinced him he was above anything that other people had to do...like learnin'. The result...? Just a bunch of ego and emotional reactions to everything. With. Zero. Intelligence.

Yeah somehow he got the magic wand like a retarded tinkerbell.

The world must just be a huge blur of chicken scratch to Opie. Stock market fluctuations scrawling along the bottom of the TV when he watches the news, just numbers and red/green plusy-minusy thingiez to the Opester. A guy on a Harley pulls up next to Opie at a light and revs his engine. Opie probably wonders how the guy is revving but the bike isn't moving? I mean, we're talking about a guy who dumped Frank's red hot on a New York strip before slapping it on a grill. He's only a few IQ points above believing that newborns are delivered to the door via Stork.

He's like a dog. Everything around him must seem like magic.

But a dog would probably feel actual fascination and interest.

Never forget Steakgate.

What's this?

He invited Roland and Erock to his beach house (because he has no friends). He made them steaks, but he put BBQ sauce on them before he put them on the grill. It makes them charred and generally disgusting.

They bashed him. He came in the next day and tried to be funny ("Those f-f-f-f-f-faaaaat f-f-f-fuuuuuucks" and "Food pigs" repeated a thousand times). Everyone gave him pity laughter.

Then there was Ron and Fez "Steakgate" where Fez brought in Steak n Shake and pretended they were real steaks for a bit. But then it got real and Pepper and Fez really got into it. Definitely worth a listen. The O&A steak stuff isn't.

I don't think it was a bit. He was losing his mind at the time

Of all things Opie has done throughout his life, grilling steaks covered in barbeque sauce is the most unforgivable.

ALLLLLLLWAYS been good with the numbaaaaahs. Lessee...he was born in '49? That makes him....67!!!!

He can't even say he misread it.

But the same can be said for Patrice who says "Nucular."

True, but Patrice is funny and talanted and so poor.

Yes, very talanted

Not at living.


Ohhh, you hadn't heard?

lol. Heard whut?

He's not talanted at living?

He's dead Jim.

Jim, he past.

I'd upvote that more if I could

and so black

I live in the South and a lot of smart people pronounce it retardedly. also he's black, and they aren't into bookreadin

I said the same thing until I heard someone on here making fun of it

Don't feel bad, our last president used to say it too and he was from Connecticut.

Those people say all sorts of words wrong

that idiot literally doesn't know what it means. because he has never, and will never read any books to the point that he would understand there are different categories of them.

I'm not into sci-fi books but I know what it is and how to pronounce it. And I literally thought everyone else did too. His idiocy is astounding.

ALL IN with the skyence fiction, brothaman.

Opie looks like a lesbian.

*A chubby-titted, balding lesbian

Opie's a Blade Runner replicant. Only with less charm.

And unfortunately a normal life span

And unfortunately Harrision Ford isnt trying to kill him.

Opie's the kind of person who would flip a tortoise on its back in the desert and upload the footage on YouTube in a desperate attempt to go viral.

Tit truely believes hes on the level with some of these great comedians. As if his show somehow anoints these comics to be successful in their career, instead of their talent. He's reprehensible.

I hope he's killed by a falling air conditioner

Wait which ones patrice o'neal again?

N person.


N person? What tha... OOOH you mean Nigger. Got it.

It's a show reference

Now you guys are just posting shit I got annoyed at when it happened.


Yeah, it's almost like I was aiding my point by making it legible or something.

I meant "peckas rich vos tranny lol." My apologies.



What a dootch-bag

Gregory always claims to be one that he steers the ship but he's an insufferably stupid man and I'm pretty sure Bobo could do a half-decent job in his position. Also, I'm not sure if anyone has noticed before, he has very large breasticles.

Opsters illiteracy got a nigga.

Ribs hurtin' today.

Post a fucking timestamp on your shit people.

I did.

FAWK yeah you did.

I took a dump at 7:32 this morning you faggot fuck. There ya go. Shit's stamped.

But the same can be said for Patrice who says "Nucular."