Opie Saying Something I Think You Guys Might Like Spoiler Alert:It's Breast Related

0  2016-05-04 by iWhereSchortSchorts


With Opie, it's ALWAYS breast-related. Love that pregnant silence after he said it too. #GreggShells

Sherrod and Metzger are in studio. There's so much estrogen flowing through that room I'm surprised the people in the adjacent offices didn't grow breasts.

He's a narcissist. He knows that no one in that room would dare bring up his delicious nips, so he proudly says something he knows everyone in the room could trash him for but wont. It's the equivalent of women asking if you think that other chick is hot and getting wet at the thought of you being too much of a bitch to be truthful.

Women want you to be truthful, because if they can force you to do something just by threatening to throw a fit, then anybody else can too, and you're a weak shell of a man not worth their time.

And instead of making a joke Jim immediately starts pontificating about the sexual hardships of being a woman. These guys fucking stink now.


Despite this clip, many friends have made fun of him for it to his face, and on air(Kelly, Vos). I wonder if opie believes : "well their just exaggerating, I have a great chest for someone my age" ... i mean enough about our bias against him : he has tits by anyone's standard. whether he has a hormone problem or its purely dietary : he has tits.