Shock Jock experts: Do you think Glenn Beck is doing a bit?

4  2016-05-04 by Ant_Sucks

He said he will kill himself if Ted Cruz loses.

Ted Cruz lost.

As well as shock jock experts, you are by now, mentally ill narcissist experts. Which do you think it is?

  • Doing a bit for ratings
  • Mentally ill narcissist
  • Will kill himself today

Glenn Beck read the Book of Mormon as a full grown man in his thirties and decided that's the right religion for him. He didn't get indoctrinated into it by his parents. This retard read the book as an adult and thought it seemed real. Why did he believe that? Because he's such a god damn Patriot that he had to go with the religion that says that Jesus is gonna come back and rule from Jackson County, Missouri. Jesus was American!!

This says everything there is to say about that lump of shit.

I've use to hate him, and just didn't want to be a part of it any more when hipsters started turning his books over in bookstores, but I have actually always givin a pass for that. Yeah it's stupid but he says it helped him a lot with quitting drinking, and that's pretty obviously something that is for the best with him.

He was such a piece of shit that he needed a sky daddy with an American son watching over him in order not to be a fucking degenerate. Yeah let's give this fool some air time.

Yeah he turned out crazy but I dont think theres anything wrong with that particular part of it.

I'm fine with the Book of Mormon or any book for that matter helping somebody quit doing something destructive. If he thinks that book helped him then good for him. Don't ram that shit down people's throats though. He talks about Jesus and the Constitution as if they belong in the same sentence and justifies all of his conservative beliefs with his religion. I have a hard time swallowing it when anyone claims to be a "true conservative constitutionalist" and then pretends the 1st amendment is the right to be a Christian country.

Have you seen the Trey Parker and Matt Stone musical BoM or did you just happen to know those things about mormonism? "Jackson County, Missouri" is something I never would have known without seeing the musical. Paid over 300 dollars over the years to see it 3 times. Pretty good stuff, ftr.

Mentally ill narcissist

I never saw the musical but I heard it was really good and I'd like to see it. I just know some things about the religion from reading about it.

He doesn't even believe it, he admitted he only became mormon to fuck the woman he married.

One of the reasons he got shit-canned from Fox was because he lost his mind towards the end and dedicated entire shows for weeks at a time bringing on Mormon "scientists" and "historians" to prove that Jesus was coming back to Missouri. He absolutely believed that shit. He lost a career over it. Maybe now he's repackaging himself as "Christian" in general because that offers a much bigger audience for him to attract and a lot of Christians who liked him didn't like that he was Mormon but the guy is a mixture of retard and snake-oil salesman so who knows what he actually believes.

You know Glenn Beck makes an estimated 90 million dollars per year, right? He is making WAY more than he was at Fox News. He doesn't need to "repackage" himself. His hustle is working very well.

He might not need to "repackage" himself but if he wants to be a political player he needed to wash the stink of Mitt Romney off him. Mormonism is associated with Mitt Romney and Mitt Romney is associated with being a losing candidate who Beck has said he's embarrassed to have ever voted for. Beck re-selling himself as just a Christian instead of a Mormon is more of a political branding decision than a business decision. It does make him more appealing to Christians in general but it also helps disassociate himself from supporting Romney.

Link? Links?

This is just one clip where he does some of that goofy shit but I was actually watching his show the last few months he was on Fox News because it was amazing. It was watching a man unravel right before your eyes. He always did shit where he would have a chalk board with key-words on it and draw lines that would eventually connect Obama to Napoleon or some shit but Fox was OK with that. Towards the end he started getting obsessed with conspiracies and religion and this idea that the American public was being denied the truth about Mormonism so he had to show the world. It was great.

He's not Christian though, he's Mormon

They are "Christian" in that they believe in Christ and "following the teachings of Christ." Beck tends to just talk about Jesus and that attracts Christians in general.

Similarly, Christianity is but a sect of Judaism.

Except for the key difference being the whole "Jesus is the messiah" part... The "Christ is the savior" thing is what separates Judaism from Christianity.

Judaism believes, also, in a messiah, a final revelation, and end times, and the righteous living forever while the unrighteous are punished. The addition of Jesus is what makes it a sect, but Jesus was a celestial angel in Judaism already, and it seems his earliest incarnation was as a spirit who revealed himself in dreams before his euhemerization. There is nothing the grand overview of Christianity that is totally incompatible with Judaism, and of course, Christians come from Jews as Mormons come from Christians. (The Christians have and continue to argue for centuries over the nature of the trinity, so that doesn't count.) Jews believe God created the world, that human beings have original sin due to Adam, and that this sin is alleviated by sacrifice, scapegoats, Book of Life, etc. Christians believe the same thing, and add, to their sects, that God sacrificed himself. This ultimate sacrifice alleviates the need for all future sacrifices, as the blood of God is surely powerful enough. Politically, this helped to remove power from the Temple Cult of the Jews which, as organized religions do, collected fair amounts of money and power. With no need to perform sacrifices at the Temple, there is no need for Temple Cult and its systemic problems. This is the meaning of the parable of the Fig Tree, Jesus has come when it is "no longer the time for figs", i.e., we're done with the Temple sacrifice, and withers the tree from the "roots up", the whole system is done for, "it will never bear fruit again".

Right but the reason Judaism isnt Christianity is the same reason Islam isn't Christianity. They believe in the same abrahamic God but Christianity believes Jesus was that God on earth and Islam and Judaism both don't. When the messiah returns it won't be Jesus Christ. With Christianity it will. Mormons started putting an emphasis on the teachings of Christ to make them more "inclusive" with Christianity... If you ask a Mormon if he is Christian most of them will tell you yes. If you ask a Jew if he is a Christian none of them will tell you yes.

Yes, because it doesn't go backwards. Are all monkeys humans? No, certainly not. Are humans monkeys? Yeah. Is all Mormonism derived from Christianity, yes. Is all Christianity derived from Judaism? Yes, it is a Jewish sect, but Judaism isn't a sect of Christianity, so while all whales are mammals, not all mammals are whales, all Christians are Jews, not all Jews are Christian. It's a sect, not the same thing. As you point out, Islam and Christianity are sister sects. As Mohammad received revelation from the angel Gabriel so did Paul receive revelation from the angel Jesus.

That truly is a special kind of stupid.


nailed it.

Glen Beck is the GG Allin of conservatives

The guy was a shock jock who admitted smoking pot every day for 15 years. He never went to college and made a heel turn influenced by JW and Ayn Rand. Dude doesn't know shit about shit. He understands less about politics than a 7th grader. He made the successful conservative shift that Mancow attempted but failed and has been blowing cum wads in that demographic ever since.

I'm glad his mom drowned. He should follow in his brothers footsteps and go through with it.

You're a completely misinformed dunce. He went to college, then went to Yale on a recommendation from joe Lieberman, but dropped out because of his addiction, not from pot but from Jack Daniels, which he freely admits. He's goofy about his religious beliefs but he's the only mother fucker that's true to the constitution not a political party. I'm a libertarian and listen to everyone, he's the only one that hasn't sold his soul to the elephant or donkey for personal gain.

He took ONLY one theology class and the reason he was allowed was not based on merit, but because a fucking senator got him in. The guy has zero credibility. Only a huge faggot would respect anything about Glenn Beck. Go wrap yourself in a gadsden flag doused with gasoline - you can figure out the rest.

Holy shit... this reminds me of old O&A

Bless you Dr Panera

He was actually okay for a short period of time when he had his Fox show. He's gone completely over the edge now though.


Mind if I use this? This is the best description of him I've read.

He told me to tell u that u couldn't use it,bro.


Gosh darn it.


Glen Beck has been doing a bit from the start. Nigga had chalkboards with "OBAMA = 666 MUSLIM COMMUNIST" written on them a few years ago.


Is that THE Billy Mitchell?!?!

Nah he's a professor of economics,not the Donkey Kong dude.

You tell me.. This is Zoo Keeper Beck

This is straight out of the Todd Petingill playbook

All of these guys are playing characters. Its pro wrestling carny bullshit for dumb white trash who want to convince everyone that they are not dumb white trash.

Glenn Beck is mentally ill. He won't kill himself by we can hope.

He's just a crazy man. He's a mentally unstable former addict who clings to the weirdest parts of Christianity and had a fleeting acceptance from Libertarians.

you described what Ant will be, when he returns from drying out

Ant isn't drying out. He went on vacation for a month to suck up to a judge.

Do we like the Glenn Beck?

Where we at with the Glenn Beck?


He did call Vos an idiot, so he's not all bad.

he does not like Trump ... sooooo ... fuck him I guess

did he really say that or are you making shit up?

He just said he'd be suicidal... I hope the pissy-eyed Mormon fuck goes through with it, though.

He's making it up. I listen to him in morning since o&a crumbled, this never happened. He jokes about moving to another country but even that is sarcasm.

Beck has seriously lost it.

He's an ex-crackhead from back when he was a morning zoo guy in the 90s before he went political, so he's probably mentally ill.

I am not particularly cynical about Glenn Beck. I think he believes the shit he says the moment he says it. I think like a kindergarten teacher he has to fill a lot of time with really dumb shit for his audience, and it has, over time, eroded, his original world view to a pretty dumb one - but it is still completely his, and completely honest.

Mormons can't kill themselves. They'll get stuck in spirit prison then after judgement they'll end up in 3rd tier heaven. No one wants to be stuck in 3rd tier heaven while your wife is up in top tier heaven getting married to Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith lines em up and finger bangs them at the gates

all of his fingers are little dicks that shoot jizz out of them.

Is he any worse than Sean Hannity? I really enjoyed Christopher Hitchens dick slapping him.

Yes. All the far left/right anythings are doing a bit to attract retards who live for fucking drama.

Bill O'Reilly is the biggest fucking troll on the planet..

Per a 5 second Google search, Beck said, "I will be suicidal." Kind of a big difference between that and "I will kill myself."

Glenn turned into a conspiracy guy and is I think maybe a doomsday prepper. On The Blaze theres always ads for food pellets or survival kits and water purification stuff, but I haven't read that webiste in like 5 years. When he was on Fox News I was a fan of his because he would tear apart people he disagreed with and he called a lot of liberals on their shit. Then he started crying on tv and I lost interest.

100% Glenn Beck is a character and the actual person is nothing like him.




Hey that's my bit! Are you calling me a hack?

No, he really is a lunatic.

He was on CNN before moving to Fox News and helping set in motion the nomination of Trump. Similar to how Ed Schultz, who you may remember flipping past when he was ranting on MSNBC, is now shilling for Putin at RT.

mentally ill narcissist... he will say he can't kill himself because he is needed

Glenn Beck has always been doing a bit.

Gold line is all you need to know about Glenn Beck. He peddled the shit out of that scam for years. He is a modern day PT Barnum

I think he just isnt in exact agreement with you and it bothers your to the point that you have to make up weird shit about him for approval online...the real question is, are you doing a bit or are you just that faggy?

used to love him but hes gone so fucking bat shit crazy i had to jump off years ago. but i had to tune in today to hear him whine like a little bitch. it was glorious!

He's a nutjob.

Link? You're full of shit, this didn't happen you Australian faggot.

The SJW takeover of this shit hole subreddit is complete.

I'll link you to the time you made an account about me and had to stew 2 days before using it. Maybe I'll link to all the pms you sent me with all your accounts days after I owned you.

U mad bitchboy ; ) of course this retard is a Beck nut hugger, not just a Cuma ballwasher.

Nice try, Glen.


Ant isn't drying out. He went on vacation for a month to suck up to a judge.