I wonder who Bobes is referencing with this tweet?

19  2016-05-03 by ShitdickJunior


I actually really like that fucking tard.

He's an actual retard but he means well, as much as they shit on the guy for comedic effect, I feel like he is a good person.

He's a bit self-centered, but yeah.

He's always asking for free shit tho

Bobo might be the smartest idiot I've ever seen. At the very least he is more self-aware than Opie. It makes more sense that BoBo listened everyday than it would for somebody like Lady Di.

Hes a sweet boy.

It's hilarious seeing how the retard mind takes events and traits of others and applies it to themselves in order to look as interesting/cool/deep.


of fuck, just looked at his twitter and he has several pics of him in asian eye-glasses..... oh boy hope the Triads dont get to him, or that asian bodybuilder in youtube ads

Holy shit!!! What amazing news!!! Good for bobo!!! Holy shit this is awesome!!!

gotta respect Bobo & his loyality

he must be loyle to his capo


Did Anthony exchange his sobriety with Bobo for money? Is that how this plea bargain works?

Mr. Malonagen has a drinking problem.


Do we have Bobo translator here?

I don't drink much anyway but, out of respect for my friends, I won't be drinking on the made up Mexican holiday.

I appreciate it... but you didn't have to editorialize

All holidays are made up.

Don't forget... He's a schnoodle.


aww i love bobo. what a cutie

Stay strong, Bobo.

Ant is going to cut Bobo out of his life while he's sober. I would put money on it.

He's loying. He railed cock off his coke and got fawkin zooted

What's the savant part?

I appreciate it... but you didn't have to editorialize

All holidays are made up.

Don't forget... He's a schnoodle.

He's always asking for free shit tho

Bobo might be the smartest idiot I've ever seen. At the very least he is more self-aware than Opie. It makes more sense that BoBo listened everyday than it would for somebody like Lady Di.

he must be loyle to his capo