Amy Schumer's 'Rude Fan' Gets Death Threats ... Calls Amy a Cyberbully

150  2016-05-03 by ScorzeMan


Won't be long until she apologizes and tells everyone she snapped because of all the new stress fame has put on her life. She will go on Ellen & talk about how she loves her fans, but this is all so new to her!

This is frighteningly accurate.

I don't know how far she will go with it, but she might also tag it with how hard it is to be a female celebrity and men can't understand how trying it is being approached by them in public.

And all the new stresses that her added weight have put on her skeletal structure and vertebral disks.

Her story is that she was "jogging".


You got an over/under on the time frame? I'm guessing this friday before mothers day

I doubt. More than likely she will double down on her story and be called a hero.

I can't believe people are going after him since didn't his wife already put out a video that shows he wasn't threatening her at all???


meme magic

Praise kek

This sub has very responsible memes.

100% clarified dank.

At this rate Opie will get breast cancer, Anthony will come out as bisexual and Jimmy will die of AIDS. We need to slow the fuck down.

Or double our efforts!

Don't forget Bobby Kelly dying from overeating.

Don't say that! He'll be dead in a week, thanks a lot.

I'm sorry. Then I won't mention Bill Burr being beaten to death in the south for being a race traitor. Louis C.K. being shot for trying to cross the border back into the USA after a trip home to see his family. Colin and Bobo getting signed to a 7 picture deal with Sony Studios to reboot the old Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, Road To movies and turning out the 7 highest grossing films in the history of the world.

More like Bobo getting arrested for raping and murdering an intern on the first movie.

i like the idea of Bobo as a violent mass-murdering sadist. it's all just a clever ruse... he's like Keyser Söze with a micro-penis

I really don't want Bobby to die though, I love beluga whales. In all seriousness I really wish Bobby would lose some fucking weight.

I don't believe in Gods, peace, or good will within all men, but I'm starting to get genuinely worried that meme magic is real.

Welcome to the Church of Bald Opie. There's an open "pew pew pew" in the back

We have the best shitosts, the top shitposts. Tremendous shitposts!

For real. Anthony beat up a young girl. Jimmy robbed his fans. Opie betrayed the definition of loyalty. We're an evil curse.

We're an evil curse.

We're just shitty people that are attracted to other shitty people.

why does everyone we hate fuck up so much in the most unpredictable ways?

not true Maron hasn't fucked up yet, and neither has any of the cunts at jezebel

Well jezebel is going down with Gawker who was sued into oblivion by the Hulkster. Theory holds.

Maron will be busted for CP, I'm calling it right now.

I'll put my money on DV of some sort. He strikes me as wimpy and weird, but fame already inflated his ego so some bruises are in order soon.

You're probably right. Some little hipster chick will get too uppity with him and he'll use his knuckle hair as brass knuckles to teach her a lesson.

"This was a chick...who didn't even know who Captain Beefheart was until she met me!"

For some reason I think there was a domestic violence incident with him. I could be completely wrong but I'm not sure I am.

I googled it and the closest I got was a link back here to a story where Cuck Metzger admitted to choking an ex of his criminally. It linked because Maron was mentioned in it.

I tried Marc Maron Domestic Violence and Marc Maron Physical Abuse and drew a blank. Just lots of link to him talking about his drug abuse.

Thanks! I think what I'm remembering is Mark Maron being on with O&A telling the story about a fight with his girlfriend on the National Mall in DC; he was very detailed about his anger and the way he behaved in the very public fight. From that story I thought I wouldn't be surprised if that relationship became violent.

Yep. A guy that beta will eventually try to grow some balls and hit a woman, thinking that's what real men do.

IIRC he always dates young, damaged girls just like Anthony.

Cerebral Palsy?

I totally meant cerebal palsy and not child porn. wink wink nudge nudge

We in the buis like to call it "Cheese Pizza"

Anthony likes his with extra sausage

Why not both!

Maron will eventually commit suicide and then be hailed as a tortured genius for the rest of eternity.

I don't hate any of these people, but Maron already fucked up long ago. Between the Kinison era, and acting like a psychotic asshole to everyone who talked to him for decades he was pretty much at the end of his rope when he started the podcast. None of these other people have ever really been humbled after becoming famous.

I just wish his dad wasn't a surgeon so no one would have supplemented his income into his 30s to pursue his dream of being a comic.

This lady is a real jerk.


Is she for sale at the jerk store?

I just checked, they were all out of her.

Apparently one of her upcoming episodes is all about how women are mistreated online, receiving death threats, etc. What perfect timing, considering she just did all of that to this guy.

I know it seems like that to the uneducated, but that black person was a man whereas Big Amy is allegedly a human female. We all know that multi-millionaire jew woman related to a congressman cannot physically take part in cyberbullying toward a male because: power+privilege+internet connection=cyberbullying.

Does Big Amy seem more privileged to you than a regular black MAN? Yeah, think a little harder next time shitlord.

i really am sick of this cunt.

I really hope she's forced to apologize.

Never happen. Woman is now higher on the victim chart than black.

Only way she apologizes is if the media coverage of it gets out of control or he gets attacked or killed and even then she'll say what a tragedy it was that he invaded her space and she posted about it and a few of her fans took it upon themselves to attack him. She'll never own up to it personally in either instance, she'll shunt the fault off to a fringe element and not take personal responsibility for inciting it.

Ironically, I think she's so cunty because she's not happy with the quality of dicks she's able to catch with her "homeless John Goodman" chic.

I think she'd still be cunty even if she was, but not this cunty. This is vendetta-cunty, at a time when it seems like she should be completely footloose and fancy-free.

Let the dude have his pic. Let the kid make the (extremely mild) joke about you being easy. But no, she's got to set every record straight, even if she's got to lie and rewrite history to do it, and she's hell-bent on shaming the offenders as much as possible.

This is a mental breakdown, or the symptoms of a person who was always crazy, but was forced to hide it better.

It reminds me of that Always Sunny episode with the dating app where Dee is trying to be "empowered" by sleeping with a bunch of dudes and giving them bad reviews, but the dudes don't care and she just ends up a whore surrounded by a bunch of desperate trolls.

The similarities between Dee and Amy are many, though Dee manages to remain thin while being a massive alcoholic who looks like a zoo animal.

Thinking back, there was that episode where she becomes a famous standup comedian and all her jokes are about her pussy and it infuriates Denis. Parallel birding.

The way her face gets more bloated by the day suggests she's a heavy drinker, if not a full blown alcoholic. The sunglasses covering the piss holes in the snow eyes. She was probably nursing a hangover when Urkel approached her.

Piss holes in the snow for eyes

Haha holy shit

To get boringly serious for a minute, I think it's part of a strategic plan to manipulate people into keeping her at the top of social justice ladder. It's too successful and unapologetic for it to be the natural reaction of a single individual. If she was really flying off the handle I think there would be more randomness to it. It's almost like she's being controlled by aliens or a cult. But I think it's just business. Not that that lets her off the hook for being a massive shitheel.

And how the fuck is not a single one of the cellar comics calling her out for violating the types of things they abhor the most to the point that they're practically considered dogma? Are all of them really that hard up for movie roles? Wouldn't there be at least a few who think "fuck it, she's never going to put me into anything anyway"? I'm telling ya it doesn't add up.

Excellent post.

On the last episode of Artie Lange's Comedians' Roundtable, it came out that, sadly, that ball-busting, keeping each other in check vibe at the cellar is gone.

Artie's come real close to giving Amy a what for. He's taken a few small digs here and there, and doesn't have many fucks left to give. Hopefully, this latest episode might get him to let loose on her.

I'm torn on your Hollywood thermite paint theory, though. This latest incident is clearly an example of personal insanity, imo. At the very least, the powers that be would have wanted her to make an example of a white fella.

I also think a big Hollywood studio would rather see Amy offer a playful shot back at a 17-year-old's joke, rather than a shaming finger-wag.

At most, she's been given her marching orders/pet causes, but is putting her own spin on them, with disastrous results.

Either way, Patrice should be alive for this.

Thanks mister.

Shit, forgot about Artie. I never really hear him anywhere but he would make the top candidate for sure. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

You might be right that it's a legit breakdown, but the part that keeps standing out to me is how could she imply a rape-culture induced level of threatening, aggressive behavior AFTER watching the video? There's no way she could really think he was "chasing" her when it's clear she wasn't running anywhere, which, fat jokes aside, is part of the definition of to chase. And "yelling" in her context would have some anger to it, when you can see he's anything but. It just seems like a coordinated stretch to keep that victim of rapey man-rape culture chugging along at full steam. But who knows.

I think it was a coordinated stretch by her to get her out of posing for pictures with civilians, with the ultimate goal being not having to deal with them anymore, on any level.

Occam's Razor, not to mention history, says she's a lying, conniving cunt.

Why would she be trying to catch a dick? She is happily in love with a guy a few years younger than her who is just a simple furniture maker. He's young and hip and manly and totally not with her because she's famous and has a shit ton of money and takes him on trips and lets him meet big celebrities. He'd absolutely love her even if she wasn't famous. And I understand he's a proud feminist as well. He also carries around a 5 pound sack of flour every time they go out.


Before we go off half cocked and form an independent opinion on this, what does Jezebel say about this situation?

That this sub has turned to them is so cringe worthy.

well maybe if you didn't miss this sub's weekly memo you could have a say in which woman's blog sight we would support.

It was all voted for, and much to your disliking everyone in this sub took their vote and is okay with "turning" to them...

Tss yeah wuldnt wanna know what woman's blogs smells eitther

If you are not with the rest of us SJW's, you will be on the wrong side of history.

I can live with that.

That, and you are a complete and utter idiot.

I guess I can live with that too. I mean, you're doing ok with it.

True dat. Your ignorance isn't really affecting my day at all. Quite a pleasant conversation actually.

I really hope he sues for damages.

"Sue everyone!"

"The people you work with and handle I probably will sue them too."

Guys, she was just playing a character. She's moved on, why can't you?

she was jogging in Greenville

Amy says the video is heavily edited and doesn't show Leslie chasing and yelling at her to stop for a pic.

LMAO! Thats the most unbelivable aspect of this entire story, Amy wants us to believe she jogs so fast that a black guy has to "chase" her.. He probably caught up to her in 2 strides.

He's lucky she didn't eat him.

Where was her bodyguard? Artie said she brings him everywhere, why wasn't he there to tell the guy to back off if he was so bad?

She was probably purposely waiting for something like this to happen, hence the evidence that the encounter wasn't even that bad.

She does seem to have stuff like this chambered. Like her response to the red carpet kid, I'd bet she'd been expecting that kind of interaction for a while and the entire rebuttal was completely calculated. Or when she apologized on twitter for her old "racist" jokes and thanked the guy twice for asking about them.

Because even the bodyguard could tell this was a harmless dope.

There is no stronger evidence that we've failed as a species than a fucking selfie being covered as actual "news."

What a hippocritical cunt.

What a hippo

I misspelled that word on purpose. For levity's sake.

Well now I feel silly.

Don't sweat it, it wasn't particularly clever haha

this is going to blow up again, just like with that kid, why are newly-made-celebs so retarded when it comes to social media, entitlement completely ruins their common sense.

If literally can now mean figuratively because of usage, maybe the definition of death threat should now include "dislike expressed online"

Not to mention he was there with his wife and kid so how much of a predator could he have been?

And people here still support this piggy cunt.

No they don't.

Being a fat female is a huge stressburger.


"It takes Amy Schumer yet again to let the public know their place"


this bitch's arrogance knows no limits.... it's as likely she will apologize as it is she will press criminal harassment or assault charges ... she is erratic, irrational and inconsistent like all women

I read the fan's side of things. She seems to be overreacting. His video of the incident is also online.

Isn't this the second time she has reacted strongly and negatively when interacting with a fan?

I think it's time for everyone to give her some space (literally and figuratively) I don't think she handles fame well.

Before someone thinks I'm being condescending: I wouldn't handle it well, either!

You're being condsecend--oh, OK.

Well I also wouldn't sic rabid internet crazies on someone for filming me, either. But...oh wait...

She should just be happy anyone wants a picture with her ugly ass.

Kidding aside: I think she's having some sort of breakdown. People really should avoid this woman rather than attempting to film her, much as one should avoid a bear rather than trying to get a selfie with it.

Her fans on the other hand are run of the mill internet psychos, and the ones making threats need to go to jail.

Her fans are all rabid feminists and manginas. The two worst type of people you can think of.

I'm a feminist, and I think she's losing it and her fans are rabid fuckwads. But then, I suspect you might be a different kind of rabid fuckwad.

Takes all kinds to make the world go round, don't it?

Uh oh somebody got triggered.

LOL did I miss something since I've been gone, when did the O&A sub reddit become full of feminists and manginas?

Jezebel are here now. They're like pigs escaping a sinking ship.


I'm sorry you got triggered. Please seek help. Hating half the species is not good for your mental health.

Although if you'd like to join us misanthropes and hate the entire species, come on in! We have cookies and strong coffee.

Otherwise, you're just a half-ass hater and not really worth the time to argue with. Though you are fairly amusing in your scrabbling, feeble attempts. You're just artificially limiting yourself to the females of our loathsome species. Someday you will realize that hatred is pointless if it's not all-encompassing and completely independent of your inability to get laid.

Shut the fuck up you daft twat.

There there, it's not so bad. I know you'd rather not be confronted by your limitations, but sometimes it leads to growth. Sometimes it's good for you! Go ahead, though, I hear this is a safe place to let your rage out. Then there will be room for the healing. pat

I'll leave you alone for awhile, clearly I've upset you. You might need a cool-down period before you can discuss anything like a sane and rational adult. I understand. That sort of thing takes practice.

You really are the worst. Take your dumpster cunt and fuck right off please.

I hope you have a bad run in with a pack of feral frothing at the mouth niggers you dyke.

You're in the wrong area.....Safe space is over there ---------->

You're a Fag/whore.

What the hell are you even doing here?

I simply agreed that the poor woman seems a bit thin-skinned for someone who makes her living in the public eye.

I don't want to insult Opie and Anthony and the entire forum by assuming it's a 'safe space' for bigots only due to an old news story (that I didn't know about until I googled it last night). I thought they were just a couple of guys commenting on news stories. Well, I guess they are.

I was commenting on a news story, too. I meant to be reasonable and to bridge the divide between the rabid women all suck crowd and the reality of the situation, but clearly I failed. All I got was weird psycho threats.

If that's the best this forum can do, I'll leave you to it!

I guess it's a safe space for...?

I guess it's a safe space for...?


hard to give her space when she TAKES UP ALL OF IT!!!

I heard when she sits around the house, she needs to take out a second mortgage or sumpthin'. I'm just riffin'.

I don't understand why you people call her fat and ugly, I think she looks great in that picture.


He's just some guy living in a middle america shithole that got excited about seeing someone he thought might be famous.

Subjecting him to a campaign of abuse and threats by fabricating a story about how events unfolded makes Amy Schumer a piece of shit.

Twitter should suspend her account as others have lost theirs in the past for doing much less.


I hate Big Amy but farken boo-hoo you nigger: she's a cyberbully, wahhhhhhhh.

To me Amy Schumer is the Ronda Rousey of comedy.

Overrated? I agree

Overrated and should go away I think he meant.

She's the Holly Holm of keg stands and food eating competitions.

a annoying little fan boy, wanting his 15 minutes of fame. He getting it, what he bitching for? I can't stand Amys fat leftist jew face, but fan boys should be thrown from the tops of the Trump Towers.

Fuck both of these two. Her for using him as a scapegoat to make her a victim of her fame. And him for walking up and filming her like a creep and thinking it's okay to do that to a person. It isn't. Regardless of fame or not. They both stink

*escape goat

*landscape goat

You're in the wrong area.....Safe space is over there ---------->

Shut the fuck up you daft twat.

*escape goat

Cerebral Palsy?

I'll put my money on DV of some sort. He strikes me as wimpy and weird, but fame already inflated his ego so some bruises are in order soon.

Well now I feel silly.

I guess it's a safe space for...?
