Holly hooten hodd! Tom Menino is rawlin' in nizz grabe. #BostonSchlong

0  2016-05-03 by TheAmazingPearl


TRANS FLAG???? The Western world is finished.

Had no idea the "trans flag" was a thing

I think everyone from Boston said the same thing

There is reallya fucking trans flag? Lol, there is a tranny at my work and its so obviously just a dude wearing a wig with a tit job. There was a book on his desk called "The Art Of Female Sexuality" or something like that. I keep forgetting to look at what bathroom he goes into but I'm pretty much guaranteed I'm gonna laugh at either one.

What's the flag for people who identify as massive faggots?

we're here,

we're queer,


The Union Jack

The thumbnail resembles a pud hanging out of an opened zipper (in a Women's bathroom).
