The Sicilian Viper is dead. Long live Guitarzan.

23  2016-05-03 by yzyman


The man is 59 years old and makes up new nicknames for himself on twitter every week.


Just a shitty way to ride a motorcycle if you ask me


Nigga, no you don't. You don't know politics. You don't understand how the world works. You just hate black people which is ironic because you are 75 percent one. Being mad about black people all day and liking Trump because he purposely says hilarious things to stir up stupid people on both sides of the political/autism spectrum doesn't make you right wing.

And does he not realize that his stupid daughter is going to fuck a black guy the second she's able to because she wants to rebel against daddy? I sense a Guess Who's Coming to Dinner scenario in Joe's near future.

he has kids?

I think he means his dick leans to the right.

"Pro guitar/gun, motorcycle rider & I LEAN TO THE RIGHT"

Careful people, we got a real maverick here! A man's man, a rebel without a cause!

He's pushing 60. What an embarrassment.

fuck I played guitar for 20 years at this point, I would never give my self a guitar nickname. well maybe GuitaraqiOpsterinO !


ACTUALLY, Tarzan was born into...ahh, who gives a fuck?

What's best is I have no doubt Anthony loves his brother but deep down recoils at what a fucking posing wanna be fucktard Joe is. He has to like his brother but if were he not related to Joe so closely, Joe would be ripped to shreds by Anthony if he were some stranger or random OnA fan he came across on a jocktobered podcast

Joe changed it because he finally saw the Dennis Hopper scene in True Romance and figured out why his brother had that sweet afro until 1997.

Is that Ant's new girlfriend?

"The Sicilian Viper"?!? You mean, the "Sicilian Viper"?

Oh boy, I wouldn't wanna tangle with that Skeezix!

silician viper is what i call my pecka... and i'm not even sicilian

At least we still have the Puerto Rican Rattlesnake.

No, he'll be gone soon. The LOS podcast network will be putting up Scorch level numbers with the amount of fans they claim that they brought with them.

The degree of loser is incalculable.

wats dat short for, guinea tarzan or sumptin?


So he went from a bad CB handle to a Ray Stevens song. Next week a call sign from Top Gun.

oh, no


Do you think that him putting a photo of him and his daughter is to try to appeal to the humanity of the shit-trolls? He's' using her as a human shield.

More like GAYtarzan am I right fellas??

What a zilch.

I thought this was a shop. Please, tell me this isn't real.

i wish there were a way for me to type the embarrassment i feel when i see that he wrote in all caps, "I LEAN TO THE RIGHT".....


He leans to the front when his boyfriend is in town.