Jim Norton gets another celebrity soup endorsement.

44  2016-05-03 by yzyman


Picture of Hitler with a can of soup and the message ''my gas bill was over the roof before i found the Hot Can Self Heating Soup™''

As someone who loves Kurt Metzger, I can't help but laugh at this anyway.


Now there's a man that put up some "big numbahs".

ME: "8 + 69... thats umm.. 77 right?".

Fun fact: I was 36 seconds from being killed by his bomb in Oslo.

Obligatory response, I wish you would've been 35 seconds sooner that day and been maimed.

And drink aids or sumtin

Go on

I was walking towards the building Anders Behring Breivik blew up as it exploded. I was the closest witness to not her harmed. Had i not been late for work, I would have been 30ft from the bomb. Had i walked like I did the day before, I would have had to squeeze past the bomb truck just as it went of (and met him as he escaped).

Sometimes you need some sacrifices to advance the white race

This is the weirdest fucking place to hear a story like this, I swear. Good fortune to you, sirrah, and I hope your life is less catastrophically-eventful in the future.


No soup for you! ahahaha, right guys? Seinfeld reference! Who needs an actual personality when we're living in a Vonnegut book and everything we say is a TV show quote!

Anders Breivik is Norwegian.

aspiring comedian and marksman hahahahahahahhahaa

What a ringing endorsement.

"Hey Jim, I tried your soup. It surprisingly didn't make me vomit uncontrollably" #hotcansoup

I've been seeing this with some increased frequency on this sub; is this a ruse or is Jim Norton legitimately involved in soup promotions?

He's been sponsored by this self heating soup can company for years.

Jimmy should endorse hot meat in the can....I think he understands that better...ALOT better.