LMFAO! Women behaving badly! So Brave!

8  2016-05-03 by Grillskillz


haha, if anybody needs a break its the moms out there, right gang?

If we all have one thing in common it's the fact we all had a mom. Even jesus had a mom.

I wanted to hate it but it actually looks really funny. Moms will be Moms, haha.



Haha anyone else LOVE the part where the dog was wearing a BIKE helmet in the CAR!? I remember thinking "bike helmets are for humans, not dogs", I'm laughing now just thinking about it! Seems like a wacky/funny movie that the whole family could enjoy! C:

i liked when coffee went on kunis' face. it made me think oh no she'll be burnt surely... what about her lovely face?? but then i remembered its just a movie, and they probably used cold coffee.. maybe not even coffee at all! just brown liquid! if anything, that made it funnier :D.

You do a good Kirk Sinnamin, we need some kind of wacky way of typing beyond just saying his words. Like Opie has "Me:" and "Sniff"and Edgar has the alternating upper and lowercase. The smiley works, but it needs more.

It's the "oh no" that gives it away

Please. I know Mila Kunis' cunt is still perfectly intact. Don't try to fool me shitty trailer.

They tried to make fun of her awesome boobs like they were some sort of saggy mom boobs.

Her ass is like Margaret Cho's face.

Best description I've seen since "Sam Kinison looks like Alex Jones dressed up for halloween as Axl Rose".

Come on, it's not THAT flat.

Opies got his ticket pre-ordered.

with a movie title as creative as this we can all be assured it's gonna be a good film.

hopefully it doesn't get ruined by involving any men in it

shut up meg

Do you notice how the problems in these movies are never problems for anyone who isn't a mental simpleton? Like the little kid going "I'll be late for my first soccer practice?" Who in the right mind would get flustered at that and not just tell their shitty little daughter "Yeah well I'm sure you'll live."

Can the Jews in Hollywood and the media stop trying to destroy the White nuclear family with every film, television series and music album that they release?

"Yeah being a mother is lame! Responsibility sucks! Go out and act like drunk whores because that's brave and empowering and you deserve it for being so amazing, girl!"

What women act like that? Or even want to act like that?

Western women

I noticed in most of these movies there's a least one scene where women are discussing dicks. We saw it in the trailer for this one but all the others it's a group of girls talking about defective or ugly or weird penises and laughing about it. I can't remember a single "guy" movie where men sit around making fun of vaginas or describing them being defective.

I know what you mean, but there are plenty of smelly vagina jokes or big-titty talk. But I get you, if you're gonna collectively complain about sexual-belittlement and objectification, then how about not dishing it out too (though it was probably men that wrote the film?). Unless the women in this film don't mind being called fat-shits, or dirty-cunts, or cum-receptacles, or impotent (imagine making fun of a woman's dead womb), then it is a double standard.

I hope there's a scene where they do a dance routine, because girls just wanna have fun.

Oh I hope they use that exact song. Its been like months since anyone used it in a movie or a TV show.

She keeps getting food on herself in the car LOL. I was laughing, then that urban music kicks in and I'm dancing! So fun!

First off, I'm disappointed this trailer had no farts or queefs. Farts are funny. Especially really loud long ones. Or when they just can't seem to end.

Secondly, I hope all 3 of these Jew whore leads playing middle American white mothers have to cut their tits off from the same cancer that claimed Applegate's cans.

Kristen Bell isn't Jewish. Otherwise you're solid though.

I believe her mother is a Jew of German-Polish decent.

We'll put her on the "suspicious" list until we get a blood sample.

Someone somewhere is writing an article titled "bad moms is the film we've all been waiting for"


Christina Applegate keeps on trying, eh?

I may be off my rocker again, but it looks like we're not the target audience for this piece of cinematic gold.

A reason to send the woves out and enjoy a few beers and television at home

Just fucking kill me, fam.

Brought to you by these Chinks.

Haha oh wow these Mom's are a riot.

Absolute mad lasses!

This is so empowering. Almost made me cry. Just beautiful.

This was the top comment on an ad for this shit movie on Facebook. I hate modern America. http://imgur.com/SojtkiZ

I'm just waiting for the movie that gets us.


Ugh so sick of these shitty "comedies"

sure sign this movie will be terrible. they give everything away in the trailer.

Yeah, it could have been amazing otherwise.

I hate it when people talk for months before some Space Wars movie or Superman and Batman movie should come out , and almost no talk about this great movie in media.

Old White Man at it again. Women should protest.

fuck those cunts for making a movie broads will watch.

The only good thing about this video was the Nappy Roots song at the beginning. I hadn't thought about Nappy Roots in over a decade.

This'll show those uptight buzzkill helicopter moms, amirite?

I wanna furiously hate-fuck Kathyrn Hahn's face and then playfully pinch her bottom, but I'm not a healthy individual.

I didn't dislike this as much as I thought I would, but to me a lot of these movies fail because they are "it's like the Hangover, but with chicks!" The thing about the Hangover is it wasn't about dudes being friends and getting wild, there was an actual plot where they have to find their missing friend and reverse engineer the evening and all this other crazy shit happens involving criminals and car chases. The guys were doing guy shit but it was in service of a larger story.

I look at this and Bridesmaids How To Be Single and all of them and I can't find a larger story other than "women behaving badly." That can't be it, that's not a fucking movie. It's just going to be a romantic comedy where a single mom finds a caring and understanding dude.

Kristen Bell isn't Jewish. Otherwise you're solid though.