Writing an editorial on Amy for a news site.

15  2016-05-02 by Jackthejew

Exactly how many jokes did she steal? I'm getting multiple numbers from my sources and you guys spearheaded the movement. Help me out here.


-Fantasy Real People League (Hannibal Buress) -Vietnam Is A Veteran Of Her (Chuck Norris Facts) -New Sex Acts (Patrice O'Neal) -Reasons Not to Date A Magician (Joseph Tran) -Needing Help From Black Employees (Mad TV) -Pay For Sex (Wendy Liebman) -Dressing Men Bad (Tammy Pescatelli) -Slap Chef/Sleep Workout (Kathleen Madigan)

Please include Metzger's attacks on the female comics. He said some awful, hurtful, terrible things about Madigan and Pescatelli, and Girl Power Schumer let him do it. I don't remember her disagreeing with or coming out against those comments.



Might have known you'd be in the media with a name like that.

Yeah yeah eat my ass

That got suddenly sexy.

I like how this conversation is going.

John mulaney blackout one was the most obvious stolen joke.

Her body weight. In grams.


All of them. Don't just focus on her joke stealing. Remember she stole over $100,000 worth of goods from various stores.

This will be a well rounded article don't you worry kid

Then don't forget to include she stole Bonnie's cadence (and her baby weight.)

And Bonnies sisters face.

and retardation

Don't forget to include this tweet. She has no regrets about shoplifting at all.

Here's an article where she claims its normal for white girls to steal

Jesus, what a stupid cunt. "And I didn't feel bad about it, it was this huge corporation. You know, I never stole from people. I never stole from a little store"

LOL what a delusional fatso

Big store, little store, they all raise the prices to recover the loss, and honest people have to pay.

It is pretty common though. Women are worse than blacks when it comes to petty theft.



"It felt really bad being arrested. You have no say."

And she raped a dude

I think you should focus way more on her recent terribleness and her joke stealing way more than shop lifting though. That's really not that big of a deal.

But it's her attitude towards thievery. A blouse or a joke, it's all the same. And according to her, no big deal.

Comparing it to her joke stealing, good point, I was overlooking that, you're right.

Wasn't she responsible for someone being killed when she was younger? I remember reading that here.

It's uncorroborated and I can't use it

It's too bad you're a journalist with integrity

Yeah good point I'm an idiot


Two girls one cup (collegehumor)

Its not really an amount of jokes, she's accused of stealing premises and various comedic-material, though jokes as well. Heres the video that has the most amount of examples that i know. some of the clips include multiple jokes. Whatever your count is it should say "at least" since there are other examples that were excluded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv0eWN8v_tg

My count is 17-20.

She's fat.

Ooh ooh, don't forget this!

interesting, do you guys have any sources for this angle tho?

you should do a janitorial, cos she's a piece a shit. tss

I demand a link to the finished article if source information is being used from here.

I can't cite this sub id lose all credibility

If you know this sub is responsible and that the information came from here, it's bad ethics to not attribute it properly

Oh suddenly y'all care about ethics now. True tho.

If I don't see /u/bonniesretardsister credited in your article, I'll call the Pulitzer board and get your ass banned from whatever it is they do.

oh yeah, I forgot to mention, if youre doing this you should really watch episode 2 of the new season of her show. its impossible to accurately convey how truly bad it is.

Thank you but I'd rather cut my mothers head off while she begged me not to

I don't know but she's a disgusting fatbody and that should be enough.




I just googled your number. The only other hit it gets is a website called "chinxx"

Tree fiddy

She didn't personally steal them. She has them stolen for her.

Yeah, she's a top tier level jew nowadays.


Ever heard of Jesus?

Stop that bullshit. Jesus was Jewish like George Washington was British.

jesus.. read a book and get caught up with modern theologians. that nigga had brothers and sisters, just like every good jewish family doing carpentry work in Sepphoris at that time, and they all lived their entire lives in Judea.

What's the news site?

What's the jews site?

Fixed that for you

where can i find this negative coverage of amy?

6 085


All of them dude.




What's the jews site?

Fixed that for you