Why does Nick DiPaolo lie about donations on his podcast?

16  2016-05-02 by TonyFromLongIsland

Does he think some idiot will hear it and think "I should donate some too"

Also he's a Cruz voter, lel. Poor Nick.


Has he made any new groundbreaking points about white men in commercials lately?

They be acting so dumb n shit, who paid for the computer you dumb whore Lulz, rite guise

I haven't listen to him since he was on Free FM in New York but that was a huge point for him even then. Aside from that one thing that stood out for me was him trying to accuse black people of starting the crossing against the light phenomenon in NYC. A caller was like "uh I think everyone does that" and he's like "yea well but I'm sure we can guess who started it".

Why isn't this guy selling out the garden????

I don't have the energy to help tear another persons life apart.

Here's my generic response for every new target in 2016:

"Yeah fuck him or her. We'll see"


On Dan Carlin's non-Hardcore History podcast he was describing the process for selecting delegates in Ohio. After you've compiled the necessary signatures to be a delegate you have to go and give a speech to a crowd of 10,000 people on why you should be chosen but your time limit is literally 10 seconds. So most speeches went like:

"Don Kolway, #12281, TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!"

Never heard of it is it nice?

Been listening for years. He has a great way of arguing the rationale of his arguments whether they're "left or right", and he's open to being wrong. It's a good level headed view on current events.

Hardcore History is the best podcast out there

Currently listening to "The American Peril"

He's the best...agiiieeenn

The "Wrath of the Khans" series will change the way you look at history.

Recommended even if you're not a fan.

That was the first one I listened to. I need to re-listen because I mostly listened when I was going to sleep.

It's fucking crazy... Genghis Khan did so much raping over so much area, 1 in 5 people are his direct descendants.

Dude...catapulting dead flaming villagers at their own village to burn down houses is the single most gnarly thing I've ever heard in that respect.

When your done with that check out Prophets of Doom. Just as badass, but way shorter.

Somebody's doing the raping.

i always assumed this sub liked trump and if he was degenerate loner he'd probably like this sub too, he's such a god-like shitposter on twitter

Nick used to be very funny but he's turn into one of those comedicans who thinks everyone wants to hear about his politics. He's basically pearl jam of comedy without the fans.

He's a cumia

let's cut the bullshit about Pearl Jam politics. Preaching about world peace in a concert is not the same as niggermania discussions on a podcast

yeah, it's far more obnoxious.

What is his justification for voting Cruz?

I haven't listened lately, but I remember him saying he wants the most right-wing candidate possible. He doesn't particularly like Cruz, but Cruz is the most conservative.

Nick is just as retarded as the liberals he hates. He's voting for a party rather than choosing the candidate who he has the most in common with

Nick is a funny guy and he's good live, but I'd rather blister my eardrums than listen to his dumb podcast

I agree, and stopped listening to his podcast because of his politics are dumb and uninformed. That said, of the candidates left I can see why he supports Cruz.

lol, that's so fucking stupid

He's a selfish, money grubbing idiot.

you realize bernie's tax plan hikes EVERY tax bracket right?

Right, some even to commie Ronnie Reagan levels.

when there is a chance another country will destroy the US with nukes, then we can go back to those tax levels. Also most people hate reagan now and part of it is because of the taxes

That's bullshit because the % of budget spent on defense was lower 30 years ago.
Plus, when has ISIS or a rogue state or faction ever entered into a nuclear disarmament treaty?

It's true, but that's a very simple way of looking at a very large plan. I don't want to debate politics on here though.

Why would they down vote that. Truth hurts huh. Yes you will be paying more with sanders. That sucks for the working class people, who and continue to be the majority

my taxes would go up about 1-2% and I wouldn't have to pay for health insurance. It's a net gain in my book

Trump has basically the best tax plan out of all candidates.


Seriously Cruz? Wow lost a bit of respect on that one

Better than Hillary or Bernie. Cruz or Trump would never be on my short list, but look at the alternatives.

cruz is a fucking sociopath whose entire campaign revolves around stealing his main opponents platform and them paint him as a complete foil of what he is. fuck that

Literally the only reason to vote for Cruz is the opportunity to bring closure to the Zodiac killings.

president kumacho 2020

Fuck yeah!

Cruz is a religious wingnut, the worst possible candidate behind his VP choice

Cruz better than Trump? How so?

I think Trump is better than Cruz, but they're both pretty bad. Compared to Hillary or Bernie, they're great. This is a fucked up race.

It's like picking the best of something bad. Possible, but weird to do.

I want Jesse Ventura for president, I really think the guy is absolutely insane but hey this would be the year the Norton stomper could have won it all.

Also he's a Cruz voter

Really? I'd have bet money he's a Trump backer.


He's a different kind of dumbass.

I don't know nicks podcast. But you'd be surprised how much donations people with fans get.

Word on the street is a cool $60k


Funny how such a right winger like ND doesn't see any irony in basically begging for money just for the "privilege" of hearing him speak.

Why is he asking for handouts?

The argument would be he's actually providing something for the money. Although I have heard his podcast and I can't say it's much of an offering.

Do you know for sure? Im sure theres 1 human being who has given a dontation to him. Probably 5 bucks, but still...

Nick DiPaolo ?

We are going against Z-listers now?

I hope that was just a typo on lol and "lel" isn't some Albee stupid thing.



what does albee mean? edward albee? honest question, that's the only thing google gave me

I have no idea how autocorrect got that but I think I just meant to write new there

Eh I voted for Cruz too. He seems like a total weirdo, but just the best choice out of this crapshoot

Poor Nick, he chose to vote against his own self-interests and those of his fellow man by supporting a Republican at all.

vote against the interests of the 3/5 Man


I love how saying anything about how Republicans are Bible-thumping retardates who actively harm the lives of everyone not in the upper 1% of wealth yields downvotes here. Like anyone here is even at Ant's level of pseudo-rich or higher.

Stop it with this Republican or Democrat partisan horseshit, it's all a clusterfuck, No wonder that Jack ass Trump got the votes, there is litterly no other outsiders except for Bernie who got fucked over by the system in voter fraud and by black people who seemingly vote for the wife of a man who put their uncles in jail for petty drug charges. I am an Arab dude who would go for Trump at this point. Atleast he is saying something and not appeasing his fucking donors or some Holy book like Cruz.

100% in agreement. Bernie is the only one I support at all in this election; Hillary is a corporatist and goddamn rich cunt. I'm not Jeff Goldblum, but I agree with his stance on goddamn rich cunts.


There's that word again

No wonder that Jack ass Trump

the guy got into upenn and built more skyscrapers than any of us built sand castles. you can disagree with him or hate him but to say he's dumb is retarded

The last skyscraper the Donald built was Trump Tower in 1983. Everything else with his name on it is licensed. Big diff.

You're right, he's not dumb. He's ignorant.

If you compare old Vs new speeches and interviews you see he playing stupid becasue he gets votes that way. No he's not a jackass but that's the image he puts out

I did but I was just jumping on the bandwagon

See, this I can respect. It's honest.

Yeah this is the right place for serious political discussion

Reading is for faggots.

I didn't downvote you.

I didn't say you did, I was just bitching here because it was easy to reply to you. :P

I love how saying anything about how Republicans are Bible-thumping retardates who actively harm the lives of everyone not in the upper 1% of wealth yields downvotes here. Like anyone here is even at Ant's level of pseudo-rich or higher.



what does albee mean? edward albee? honest question, that's the only thing google gave me

Never heard of it is it nice?


He's a cumia

let's cut the bullshit about Pearl Jam politics. Preaching about world peace in a concert is not the same as niggermania discussions on a podcast