Neil Macdonald; Norm's brother

8  2016-05-02 by cuntbudday


Looks like a real jerk

Actually, up until recently, he had way more hair and less grey. He looks weird here. Must be a brand new pic

Every Canadian knows Neil. There was some shitty morning zoo show where Norm was on with Super Dave and they kind of surprised him with his brother. It was really awkward.

Great insight on the real Norm

Didn't Artie say that Norm is basically a recluse when he's not doing stand up? He's the anti-social type who doesn't leave his house.

He doesn't hear from his brother so that means he's bad enough where he is like that with everybody he knows probably.

He has said himself that he rarely leaves the house unless it's for "work".

Why r putting work in quotes

I love super Dave

He was a senior political correspondent for a while too, not sure if he still is. Bright guy though

He was a real dick about backing up Amanda Lang. Made all kinds of excuses for her and people hated him more for it.

For conflict of interest stuff? I had to google it because I didn't know that. I've only seen him on TV.

Wow. That's a handsome old coot.


I can't even imagine norm doing massive amounts of drugs or using his celebrity to chase young ass all day. In my imagination he just watches golf channel.

He seems somewhat religious. He goes against militant atheists on twitter sometimes.

I think Norm is really only interested in doing stand up. It seems like he doesn't really take advantage of mainstream opportunities offered to him much even though he's universally recognized as one of the best stand ups working today. I just don't he is really into doing anything else unless he needs the money. He doesn't even really do specials either.

Every few years Norm pops up with a new show or something and it never lasts long i.e-The Norm Show, Mr. Hooper, Sports Show w/ Norm and his podcast. You always get the impression that somebody talked him into it and he's already sick of doing it.

Norm does a voice on the Adult Swim show, Mike Tyson's Mysteries. Its an odd show, but then again, so is Norm.

Its one of those stoner-geared surreal/meta-aware shows where randomness trumps plot, but im sure its a decent paycheck

im sure its a decent paycheck

On Adult Swim? Doubt it.

He looks like Sean Connery

There's uuhhh, ya' know.. there's gonna be a war today, ya' know? since we're talking about Norm

Is this who he walked through blood and bone in the streets of Manhattan to find?

We can tell who the funny one of the two is just by lookin at him


It's Sean Connery

He's got the anti-comedy routine.

Wow, and we're sure this isn't just Norm on a grumpy day?

Looks like 88 year old Karl Pilkinton!