At one point there was a genuine buzz for TACS. What would you have done differently if you were Ant?

11  2016-05-02 by Lilcumia


I'll humor you and pretend that Anthony is open to new ideas. Here is what I would have done if I were in his position two years ago:

  • Before anything, talk to Opie and "figure this shit out." Seriously. Grab a beer and talk to him, in private, like an adult male would do. In fact, talk to everyone on the show and, if nothing else, just ease the tension. Admit I fucked up. Admit that it was 100 percent my fault and no one else's. Tell them that I meant the show no harm and I will do what I can to make sure that it stays as successful as it possibly can and hopefully we can help each other out. Plant the seed that I would like to come back if Sirius will ever take me back.

  • As for the show, fuck the visual element. It is 100 percent worthless and distracting because I am not an attractive man, I'm in a bad period in my life, and I don't want people dissecting my appearance 800 times a day on Reddit. I would only post videos in special cases, like if I am actually doing something interesting.

  • Would I even need a producer? An intern? Whatever else? I already knew how to put LFTC online. Just keep doing that like any other person does. In fact, I probably would have just kept the LFTC name because it had some buzz from how much I've talked about it over the years. At least old O&A fans would know what to look for.

  • Make the daily/weekly shows free and charge for special content, like if I went to, say, a roast. It would entice people who like my show to want to check out the extra stuff.

  • Get a co-host, or at least a cast of semi-regular characters to liven things up. And not my shithole cop friends and bums who hang out at my house. Actual people in show business.

  • This is probably a controversial one, but I wouldn't hire people for extra shows. If they want to be involved, then they do it on my show so that we create a fun, you never know what will happen next vibe that made the whole shock jock thing popular in the first place. Do not deviate from that. That is where my strength lies, so use it to everyone's advantage.

  • Get the fuck off Twitter. Only use it for show promotion and maybe some funny lines here and there. It is not a tool to change the world into thinking how I think and it never will be. Stop chasing that dream.

  • And this will drive people nuts, but stay cordial with Opie and those guys. Don't burn the bridge, come back, and burn it again. I managed 20 years with this guy. Was it that bad? Hell, even if I hated him, now I don't even have to see him every day! How easy is that? All we have to do is be cool to one another and maybe the time apart will give us some perspective and we come to realize that we need each other to work. But I would cross-promote the two shows as much as possible, or as much as Sirius XM would allow. It would feel a lot less like both shows are on their own lonely islands floating out there somewhere for a pathetic handful of people. Try to keep the O&A brand alive.

  • And then, when all is said and done, as much as it would pain me, the audience, whoever, fucking apologize. If not for being a racist asshole, then apologize to Opie and Jim for fucking over the show. Apologize to the fans for ruining the show they loved for years. Don't sell out my beliefs if I feel so strongly about fighting big black trannies in Times Square, but at least take some responsibility and realize this all was my fault. You don't have to back peddle. You don't have to go on a national apology tour and say that you're taking classes to understand the pain of the black community. Just own up to your mistake and move on. And then, at some point, reach out to Sirius XM and see if they will take you back because you know what? They probably would, seeing as how badly Opie's show is doing.

I know that was long. And really all of this is pointless anyway because Anthony is Anthony and he is not open to reason, so there's no sense in saying what he should have done. His life has been on a rapid downward spiral for the past two years and if he was a reasonable person then he wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place.

This, plus he should have done an audio only podcast IMO. sure there are some benefits to video but only with a big budget. He could of came off way more professional with only audio instead of that hacky green screen shit and would of been much more cost effective. He could of twiddled his thumbs to his hearts desire without scrutiny and overall would of caused him less embarrassment.

On the other hand that also would of robbed us of much enjoyment.

he said that too

Oh shit, I'm dumb as fuck LOL missed that whole fucking paragraph. Nevermind then, boardroomBimmy Nailed it 100%

I wrote an essay. Its understandable.

And you guys would still hate it because he doesn't talk about the Reddit sub like it's the ONLY fans he has. I like pretty much everything on the network.. I think Pat should just do like "The Pat Dixon Show" or something because he's hilarious and shouldn't limit himself to NYC crime.. Also LOS would be better if they did 5 shows a week but split to 2 for each show plus one guest (like Gomez + Big J Monday, Dave + guest Tuesday, Gomez + guest Wednesday, Dave + Big J Thursday, Gomez + Dave Friday) alternate different combos every day.. But that would give them a solid show (because they're all funny as shit but all talk over each other) and would have a shit load more time off to do stand up to make more money.. Then on special occasions have all together..

It's odd because there are times with his interactions with Jimmy or Ron where he would probably admit a lot of this. Someone tells him the truth in a brutal funny way and he gets it. But it's a very insular, creepy vibe over there - yes O&A was an 'inside' show but there were millions of listeners. Trying to do an inside show with a few thousand subscribers is just dumb.

The weirdest thing is how he's embraced the 'wack pack' corner, like if Opie has gone full Oprah, Anthony has gone full retard. The shots of the fans there live are just horrid, it just screams out fringe creepiness. It just adds to the sense that the visual element is wrong for this show. Also he really missed an opportunity to call it "Anthony Cumia's Downward Spiral" with DS logos on mugs and shirts.

well, i'm just curious what the fans in studio looked like at their zenith.... i don't think things have fallen off much in that department.

I'd let that Anthony sleep on my couch and drink every drop of liquor in my house.

I wouldn't let actual-Anthony out of his cell for more than one hour of exercise per day, for fear that the Aryan Nation will stab him to prove a point about pedophilia.



grab a beer

So much for rehab!

But I thought Opie Raqio was killin it? Management loves the show, and there are great supporting / spin-off shows like the Doc Series and Sam Roberts' Show (is he still on?)

Oh I don't think Opie is doing quite as well as he leads you to believe!

But he's got 325,000 Twitter followers!

yeah, for years they complained about not having the visual element, but in the end it just isn't needed that often on a radio show. it's great to have a set-up for those times where you do need it, and having the occasional interview at some part of the house when there's something crazy going on (or with somebody that you just know would make a great youtube video), but it's fucking overrated. Doesn't even make sense, the people that listened to you for years only needed audio.

the other thing is, I always felt it wasn't his place to tear apart opie here. that's doesn't make a host look good to come trade petty jabs at opie with the fans. if the fans hate opie, let them hate opie, but it lessens you to not battle your partner on the level that you belong at. obviously things are said here that ant would never say about opie. by trying to win over disgruntled fans here, he alienated the whole opie side of things and essentially gained nothing.

That could have been the single worst business model I have ever fucking seen in my entire life!

Hindsight is always 20/20 though

Yeah, and foresight is hitting a woman and losing your gun while she is broadcasting it on the Internet

Probably wouldn't have broke a bitches ribs.

Ant's got a nigga.

Ribs hurtin' today!


The exact opposite of what he has done. Got a decent co host, hired a competent producer, not spend every waking second talking about race and politics.

I know right? Sanders 2016 by the way, why couldn't he touch more on that?


And I hope you're terminally ill.

No, less politics retard

Are you voting Sanders this year?

Are you spending the rest of the day obsessing over him?

No faggot I'm not, and it's funny to see how hard this sub is trying to deflect.



grow goatee

This needs to be higher. He really needs some facial hair.

Having a paywall is stupid.

Especially when you rely on comedians coming on the show. They want exposure.

His network content is also pretty atrocious in terms of trying to grow an audience.

Why don't you like Gavin's asshole?

But we're talkin' uncensored!!!

It became a televised mid-life crisis. He should have stuck to the funny but I don't think he was in his right mind anyway.

"Mid-life"? Think I'm going to take the under on Ant living to 120.


lol midlife you're shooting high, buddy

Wouldn't have let the show become a bitch fest about race and politics, unless you actively marketed it that way. He promised it would be as good, if not better, than "the good old days" not Fox News meets the KKK.

I agree with him on 98% of his rants too, I just don't want them to consume my life like he obviously has.

I would have gotten a cohost and a third mic and tried to replicate the chemistry of O&A. I also would have thanked Keith for his service on getting the show up and running, and then hired a real producer with radio or tv experience. I also would have hired someone other than a 20 year old libtard Jew that lived with his parents to run the network.

I get trying to keep costs down, but, how much do you think the decisions to keep Keith and Rat cost the network?

He needs yes men, broken ass Yes men. Not real creative types

Isn't that what sent him to rehab in the first place?

Yeah I'm saying, he cannot work with people who aren't his biggest fans, too bad his biggest fans are people like Keith

maybe i would have gotten that NYC studio for easier access to guests...

I would have gone audio centric with a "visual element" - I would have tried to get Sam on the show to be a cohost - way more affordable then the Jim or Ron nonsense - but could have played the role well - I would have not turned the keys to my operations over to a failed cop with no broadcasting or business experience, but one of the dozens of unemployed or under employed radio guys out there -

would have done more of a hybrid between free & paywall - rather than an hour a week of free material, go with an hour a day of free, then go to the "paid" 2nd hour. Pick up a lot of subscribers who'd sign up on an impulse buy if they were really digging a particular show. Also be able to sell real ads during the "free" hour

I would've switched to dabs so drinking didn't ruin my career.

I'd like to see Bobo take a dab. Hahaaa, bro, he'd be lit AF!

The only thing I'd want more is to hear Opie try to conceptualize what a dab even is after someone 30 years younger than him basically explains it to him.


Not hire your ex cop butler as a producer and try to do a solo nigger rant show with no reach past your old fans.

Tell jokes instead of just being one.

Stop drinking and beating 17 year olds is probably what I would have done.

Create a show that would appeal to an audience, not just himself and Keith.

First off fire Keith and find someone who knows what the fuck they're doing. Podcasts have been around for awhile, you can certainly find some consultants or production people who could bring you to the forefront. Ant started out ahead of most podcasters with a built in audience and a bunch of money.

I'd work on a more aggressive marketing strategy to put segments of his videos out there. There is an audience for what he is doing and having a paywall is perfectly fine, but he needs to put more work into attracting an audience. I would have liked to see him do more with live events and reinvest some of that money promoting Anthony Cumia Network Comedy Nights or something similar. Broadcast live from a comedy club once a week, once a month, whatever. These events could even turn a profit based on ticket sales.

Opie and Jim have been doing this a bit but Ant should be making as many inroads with young comedy talent as he can, go more underground like they did with Patrice and others. He had the right momentum with LoS but that's all over. A show like his lives and dies on the relationships he forms and Ant is terrible at doing that (almost as bad as Keith.) Even though people shit on Gavin, this is a dude who has experience starting media companies (also getting kicked out of them, but anyway...) and there's probably a lot more he could do to help.

Simple: BE MORE FUNNY. Also hire a producer who isn't some no-talent shit dick.

I wish the Times Square hooker would have taken his gun from him and killed him with it.

He was pretty shitty the last 2 or 3 years on O&A ("GUNS! NIGGERS! BLARGH!"), and I don't know why anyone expected him to all of a sudden get better on his own show.

Yeah, thash the thingh - everybody should have seen this coming. Anthony was getting progressively worse as time went on. I really want some of you guys to go back and listen to these shows in the first half of 2014 - they were not good. Anthony really sounded like he did not give a fuck at all. You could hear how hungover he was on the radio. You could basically pinpoint the moment day to day where he was about to go on a half hour blacks/guns/taxes rant as Opie played with his phone. He got really lazy with his references and jokes, to the point that he would just say "Is it reasonable?" about nothing in particular. Fargo is so quotable and that is the quote he decided to drive into the ground.

Listen to Ron when he says drop the racial/political stuff it's not funny and you have nothing to gain from it and go back to telling jokes.

1)fuck the corny greenscreen, 2)fuck the shitty intro music 3)fuck reading us weird news... it sucks and its never that strange 4) fuck the lameass outro music

Really disappointed with the lack of suicide jokes in this thread.

Get a cohost to keep him from rambling about how much he hates black people nonstop

Not shitting on his own fans with 4 am drunken shitposts, multiple times, to the point where this place talks about him more than Opie would have been a good start.

An entire season of PFG-TV came out on youtube while Ant was doing a videooanda style show and he didnt touch on it once. That's when I knew for sure it wasnt gonna work.

An entire season of PFG-TV came out on youtube while Ant was doing a videooanda style show and he didnt touch on it once.

How could he, when Scorch had upstaged him on every level?

Relevancy-wise they were equals(Scorch actually had him in London markets) but for real scorches shit was so bad and ripping on it would have been a gimmie, and he completely ignored it. stupid...

Find new friends. When the likes of Fred From Brooklyn is your biggest fan you know you have issues.

I'd have set it up almost exactly like Art Bell's Midnight in the Desert when it was broadcasting. Rather than marketing it as "100% uncensored!!!" I'd have kept it within the regulatory guidelines of radio, and tried to get the show (or some when he expanded with others) picked up by local radio markets gradually over time.

The model would have been live streaming over the internet with a consistent schedule, NO VIDEO. Just audio. Free to tune in, pay for special privileges, such as accessing the archive. This alone would have kept momentum, IMO. This format would have easily lead to listening generals both here and on 4chan, and you can't underestimate that kinda momentum developing through the internet.

No twitter.

No Keith.

A co-host within the first month of startup.

At least one free, no nakedness show per week released on youtube.

A studio in the city a lot lot sooner. No reason that should have taken so long and should have been more of a down and dirty setup like the Creek & the Cave. Waste of time and money.

No twitter.

No Keith.

No late night talk show bullshit look/attitude.

Keep the visual element, but use it like you wish you could have when you were at K-Rock and XM..

No twitter.

No Keith.

No dumbfuck greenscreen.

Make videos that take place outside of his home. Like that idea of taking people to the gun range and shooting a dessert eagle. Kinda lame idea, but an easy way to get a variety of content

little late for that

I honestly think the studio was a bad idea. His show just hasn't been the same, since switching over. TACS lost its soul.

Hired a decent co-host.

The thing that made O&A great was a constant stream of guests; Louis CK, Bill Burr, Patrice O'Neal, Bob Kelly, etc.

That's all you need for a great show; a couple of consistent hosts and a stream of great guests.

What would I have done differently?

All of it.


Get Mike Finoia to co-host day one.

The subs would have come rolling in!

Be more funny

Sometimes I listen to am radio before I go to work. Its basically weather,news,sports and an occasional interview with a local politician. Its a bunch of 60 year olds that make a joke of minimal humor here and there. Anthony would fit in well with them.

Drinking really effs up your judgement.

  1. How many drunks sit on the opposite side of the bar and think they could drink for free if i was the owner. Only they have zero drive. Its the ssme way with anthony and his podcast. He found out its a lot more than waking up and talking into a mike.

2.He actually believed people would drive out to long island to podcast from his basement that werent getting paid from plugs.

  1. He couldnt deal with the emotional baggage and stress when things carried on without him . He increased his alcohol consumption to self medicate his self inflicted career implosion and zero support from his sirius xm hommies. Jim tried to juggle the two shows but he ended up not really confiding in either partner when on the air and it made for lousy jim norton advice show radio. It came off as too phony and ass kissy with him afraid to say anything controversial.

Not beat up a crackhead.

Just do two fucking shows. One where he can be the fucking Nazi loving piece of shit that he is and another where he is the incredibly talented comedic broadcaster that he is as well. But those two roles can't be on one show.

Should have been pricing studios in the city the second he got fired.

He said he was going to bring back the shock jock stunts that O&A used to do.

Copy the Joe Rogan podcast setup. Don't be constantly drinking. Don't bang underage girls. Let go of the race shit. Bring more comedians in and just let funny happen. Nobody cares about news stories that's what we have the actual fucking news for.

He needed to invite these pests into the compound so to speak instead of allowing them to dwell and fester on reddit. Needed an internal chat room to bounce ideas off of,receive immediate feedback,etc. Needed a rotating regular cohost to talk ahit with not interview. Need more bits and weirdos. God i love weirdos

Embraced black culture, or at the very least tolerated it.