Anyone else love smoking crack?

0  2016-05-02 by TheTrichomeMan2


One time in Brantford, Ontario I drank my self into a complete black out, when I came out of it I found myself smoking crack with a prostitute and her husband at like 5 in the morning in their shitty apartment on their bed.

So that's what happened to Lady Di

Are you Mayor Ford posting from beyond the grave?

Crack is wack

It's only addicting while your on it!

I'll stick to my fifth of dirt-cheap tequila you fuckin degenerate

What's not to love

Heroin is better, I'm not a fan of uppers.

I'm more of a bath salts guy.

Shits great.

I did it once. I could see the distinction from coke and what all the buzz was about it, but I hate coming down off of shit like that, and the "community" is too scummy.

I've never tried it because I'm not cheap white Long Island trash.

This was a good topic. Thank you for the worthwhile contribution