Looks like Amy Schumer lied again....

321  2016-05-01 by [deleted]

So Amy claims in another "brave" instagram post that a maniac scared the shit out of her and demanded a photo. So instead of taking the high road and politely declining to take a picture, Amy decides to publicly shame him by posting his picture on her Instagram.

Luckily this fine gentleman recorded the encounter which shows that she is not frightened at all but just annoyed. She even asks him to delete his video.

As if life isn't hard enough for a married interracial couples in Greenville South Carolina. I as all Opie and Anthony fans believe that African American fathers have been portrayed negatively by the mainstream media. Amy further perpetuates this negative stereotype by lying and saying this man acted inappropriately and set a bad example in front of his child.

The man and his wife (the woman in the background of Amy's instagram picture) rejected Amy's version of the story in the instagram comments of Amy's pic:

*mr.brewer8819How I stopped taping her when she said stop..she cussed me out and came back and took a pic of me. That's why I posted this.

*mr.brewer8819@kingdjdivide I'm just setting the record straight bc of the slander. But I got this man. I've been dealing with ppl like this my whole life. I got this bro. The video is proof and her pic shows u she wasn't scared of me and she did this on purpose.

*ckaybrewerShe obviously lied. She wasn't scared in the video. He didn't shove the phone in her face

*ckaybrewerWe didn't even post the video until we seen my husbands face all over the Internet... We aren't scumbags we were ordinary people walking down the street and my husband stood next to a celebrity and got a pic

*ckaybrewer@fabowen did you really say you hope my 7 year old is embarrassed? Lmao wow. our daughter wasn't embarrassed, there was nothing to be embarrassed of. if you see the video my husband has on the local news you would see that @amyschumer is a liar and is using this pedestal bc she has nothing else right now. Fox Carolina news.

Looks like a couple of local media outlets are showing his side of the story.

We have criticized Amy's unoriginal comedy act and her unhealthy eating habits. However, these are victim-less offenses. Amy's behavior here is truly despicable. She is knowingly lying about this man's character and trying to publicly shame him. If there's any justice in this world, she will be exposed as the liar she is.


Hahaha she spun it around to make herself the victim, but that wasn't enough!

It wasn't enough for the sow-jowled kike. She had to POST THE DUDE'S FACE ONLINE to her millions of fucking retarded cunt followers, to SHAME him, for DARING to fucking bother this queen of comedy. She's SO brave guys.

Ugh, and then trying to paint him as shitty to his daughter. MAKING A FUCKING RAPE ANALOGY, when a dude is trying to get a picture for his wife and kid.

This is absolutely a woman you'd never want to marry, not only because the financial burden her eating habits pose, but because of this horrid spitefulness.

What a fucking power trip her fame has given her, and she's just a fat, who-gives-a-shit comedian girl who talks about her stinky fat girl cunt.

Edit: Seriously...Fuck her. I used to really love her on O&A, I gave her as an example of why some women CAN be funny, she was quick, mean, and self deprecating. I guess 2016 Amy ate 2011 Amy.

She shamed a 12 year old for making a joke on Twitter. Goddamn Marion is more sensible, with her beautiful hair and Caribbean Cruises

I think he was actually like 17, but yeah he basically made a joke in the same vein as her entire one-note shtick on Twitter. Dude was clearly a fan and she just put him on blast to her millions of followers for making an "Amy Schumer has a lot of sex" joke.

You can't have your cake and it eat too, Amy darling. In her case I think it's probably better if she stays away from dessert entirely, anyway.

No but when you are a millionaire you can pay someone to continuously bake cakes so it seems like you still have your cake as you eat it.

Its not like anyone here in this subreddit acts any better.

We aren't stars.

So it sounds like we're gonna take her down for good this time. No matter how many SJW tactics you use, please don't actually become one. We lost a lot of good men last time.

A general giving an inspirational speech to his troops.


Men, all this stuff you hear about Reddit not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the argument, is a lot of bullshit. Reddit loves to fight. All real redditors love the sting and clash of arguing. When you were kids, you all admired the champion pokemón, the fastest Mario Brothers player, the big-league StarCraft players and the toughest Mario Karters. Redditors love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Rdditors play to win all the time. That's why Reddit have never lost and will never lose an argument. The very thought of losing is hateful to Redditors. Internet arguing is the most significant competition in which a man can indulge. It brings out all that is best and it removes all that is base.

You are not all going to die. Only two percent of you right here today would be killed in a major argument. Every Redditor is scared in his first circle jerk. If he says he's not, he's a goddamn liar. But the real Redditor is the man who argues even though he may not have all the info. Some men will get over their ignorance in a minute with a quick google search, some take an hour, and for some it takes days. But the real man never lets his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to Reddit, and his innate manhood.

Mario Carters

Karters, faggot.

Eat my shit covered cock...fuck hole

Oh and thanks

What a sweet twat

I read your post, you magnificent twat!

Rip peckasucka. Gone but not forgotten.

Anytime these come up, I'll always do my part. Twitter, Instagram, emails, etc. only takes about 15 minutes of shitter time and I drop 15 to 20 minutes of shitter time daily. What u think I'm doin right now as I type this???

No matter how many SJW tactics you use, please don't actually become one.

Well, none of them are funny at all, so yeah, we have a lot in common.

sow-jowled kike


She's going to fall apart very publicly at some point. People will look at her the way they see Roseanne Barr - former star who went totally over the edge.

Roseanne is still a beloved legendary comedian, in spite of being out of her mind. Not so much for Amy, who doesn't have lunacy to blame for her fall from grace. Just a talentless fat bag of lying stealing feminist shit.

Except fatter

and less funny and with an inferior tv show by far.

This is absolutely a woman you'd never want to marry, not only because the financial burden her eating habits pose


Once this account gets banned for inviting a race war, look out for /u/stinkyfatgirlcunt

You had me at "sow-joweled kike"


Amy Schumer does not care about black people.

Do it like this, (your link)[your smart comment] and you will be cool.



We, as a sub, cannot allow such toxic racist behavior.

Can't wait for her inevitable fall from grace. Fuck this entitled fat cunt.

I'm not looking foward to that fall. I live on a fault line.

Amy Schumer; thief, rapist, and now know racist.

See if she can make it work why can't Ant?

He's not related to a member of Congress.

Chuck's a senator.

A member of the House is referred to as a Representative, Congressman, or Congresswoman. While Senators are members of Congress, the terms Congressman and Congresswoman are generally used exclusively by members of the House of Representatives.

So don't be too much of a fag about it.

Well shit, I guess that means I shouldn't offer to suck your dick?

Not if I suck yours first, gayboy!

Do you know how we can maximize the exposure of this to the public? Another youtube video. The one showcasing how she steals jokes reached over a million views. Why not one that showcases how much of an awful human being she is? How she stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of clothes, how she raped a guy, and then how she shamed this poor negro?

EDIT: It could start off with the classic roast clip that started it all where she brings up Steve-o's dead best friend.

I'm all for this even just to have another BaldOpie pic featured at the end.

you know, we really don't have to wait....let's start uploading nba highlights clips and shit with bald opie at the end, we can make this a real thing!


i like pairing it up with the shaming of the 12 year old and maybe with the rape. The theft isn't really in the same vein as this. I think it punches harder if you just stack evidence of her entitlement and staying focused.

Yeah the theft isn't present enough. We're not going to convince people to hate her by showing she 'had' a mental illness and has since stopped doing it.

I'm not saying that I would make such a video, I don't have any interest making just a "Amy Schumer is a Scumbag" video, but here are my thoughts on the subject. Making a compelling video like that would be hard for a couple reasons.

  • The source of it is really her lying, and being a manipulator. She's lied about the joke stealing, she's changed her story about shoplifting subbing her cousin for her sister (who is a writer on her show), she lied about the whole Steve-O thing. It's all intertwined.

  • There are still a good amount of examples of joke thievery that haven't been put out in a major fashion, so they would have to be mixed in.

  • A lot of them require too much context. Most of the stories appeared in text only, so to make it compelling, there would need to be some kind of narration.

  • The "rape" incident, would require the context of what feminists deem rape. It would be kind of disingenuous since most people here don't necessarily agree with their definition.

  • With all that considered getting everything in, joke thievery, shoplifting, Steve-0, Seinfeld, the reporter kid, etc. It would be hard to get it all in and have it be a concise video with a compact running time.

  • The video would have to be compelling enough that it would transcend bullshit claims that it's a sexist plot to take her down. Just in concept it borders on being too bitter to be palatable to the average viewer.

  • After the last one, most media outlets won't pick it up in any capacity. Posting it in other subs would probably lead to it being taken down over moderator bullshit and claims of brigading no matter what.

  • Making a video, and failing to deliver on it, would only play into their spin that people are out to get her. Past and future claims of joke thievery could possibly lose legitimacy as a result.

  • This season on her show, there is already a sketch that is apparently a rip off of a Hannibal Buress sketch (it hasn't aired yet). So, it's only a matter of time before more joke thievery comes to light.

What was the rape story about? Didn't she fuck a guy while he was passed out? Or were they just drunk? The former I would say is rape.

He was wasted, and he passed out midway through, but she kept going. Here's a summary, sweetie.

Edit: Of course, before people started pointing out that she DID RAPE A GUY, they were tripping over themselves to call her speech 'powerful'. Yeeuch.



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I'm wondering if anyone here remembers her saying any racist stuff when she was on OandA.

So a nerdy nice guy acted slightly inappropriate to a famous person & she loses her mind. She went back & asked him for a picture because she was so enraged her mind immediately went to "destroy this man". & by the way, what she did was way worse because she bothered him for a picture and wrote an essay to a million people calling him a "piece of shit" & telling all her fans that he's to blame on why she won't interact with them anymore. All,he did was annoy her & then he might've posted that pic to 20 people on an Instagram account.

She is at the point where she thinks non-celebrity people are garbage people. She is finally being the person she always wanted to be. Because of her looks she needed to be the "down to earth" girl to get an act and it worked. Imagine what a nightmare she will be to the crew of her 2nd movie

It would take all of 10 seconds.

"sigh. No, no that's not it. No, no n- ... you know what. Just forg- just FUCKING FORGET IT!"

... 5 seconds later "ARE YOU GONNA DO IT OR NOT?! FUUCCCKKK"

I want to hear what a worm and a sloth have to say about a pig lying about a monkey.

Seriously, fuck this scumbag bitch. She's the biggest piece of shit in the history of the O&A universe.

O&J will either not mention it or Jimmy will have her on his advice show and she'll try and defend her actions and Jimmy will praise her for being so strong and brave because he hates his fans and normal people too.

If Jimmy brings it up he'll try to make the case that when you're a celebrity interactions with strangers can be scarier than when you're a civilian and that your life is on the line with each and every passing nod.

And he'll conveniently forget the fact that he badgers every mildly famous person he encounters for a photo and then gets pissy if they say no.

Or he'll try and make a case that when HE gets turned down for a photo and then trashes that person on national radio, its fine, but when someone else gets turned down for a photo and has their own photo posted on instagram so they can be publicly shamed and berated and then simply tries to defend themselves in response, they're a sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssscumbag.

I dislike Ms. Piggy as much as anyone but shes prob not even in the top 5. There has been some deplorable human beings in the O&A universe over the years.

Name your Top 5!

Aside from Tits, tranth and the Worm I'd say -

Club Soda Kenny

Keith the Cop


Joe Cumia

Paul Mecurio.

All worthless, subhuman pieces of shit that the world would be better off without.

non of those 8 is that insincere, vain, without character, unaesthetic, hack and openly thievish

Tits is everything you mentioned except 'openly thievish' but thats just because he's too stupid to know how to steal.

I guess he kind of steal people's speech patterns or sayings or whatever the fuck you call it. But I honestly think he just subconsciously absorbs those.

sounds like a particular large bosomed fellow

The holy and good group being Bobo, Lady Di, Intern David, Big A, Stalker Patti, and Colin Quinn

She has Mark Normand with her on a private plane on her instagram account. Do you really think any comedian associated with O&J is going to talk shit about her?

So as well as being a thief, of both jokes and consumer products, she's a liar as well. This guy (who's called Leslie btw - a light skinned black dude in glasses, walking with his family, named Leslie. Sound threatening?) should sue her for slander.

I fucking HATE this gelatinous Jew!

Great post OP. We should definitely get this out there to the journalists/shitlords who will make a stink about it.

The Gelatinous Jew, that is great.

I really hope it catches on here. Big Amy, Pig Amy, & The Gelatinous Jew.

Lol, she posted as if this guy backed her in a corner and demanded a picture. In reality she was mildly perturbed. Cunt.

he was a man and he talked at her without her consent. She was RAPED

You jest, but the article about this on Jizzabel actually said that "a camera lense can be male-gazey".


What the fuck is this now?

Feminist buzzphrase. Means that women are constantly subject to the scrutiny and appraisal of men. Bottom line is that men no longer have to actually do or say anything to be part of the problem.

i thought it was something derived from Sartre's idea of "the look". im too stupid to understand any of this though.

I'm sure it has some roots in continental or post-colonial philosophy, yeah.

She had every right to tell the guy to buzz off. Would be nice if she was more gracious, but we all know now she is an entitled, thieving cunt. However, the bigger problem is her using her celebrity as a bully pulpit to shame people she feels are below her. First it was that geeky movie review kid, now it's this guy.

What happened to "punching up," Amy?

She replaced it with "plumping up."

hulking up

Yes. That is the gist of this entire thread. Thank you for summarizing.

She was on her way to Lena Dunhams house to lick the yeast and clotted blood out her snatch.

Please, it's dinner time...

found Amy

Alright let's get to work guys

Wow, bully comedian Amy Schumer just tried to ruin the fine reputation of an innocent African American gentleman by appealing to unfair racist stereotypes. Between this racist attack and her chronic stealing does she have no boundaries or decorum?

It's as if she she lacks any couth.


We don't care what the facts state because we #believeallwomen

Whichever one of you animals makes the viral video, make sure you remember the bald opie at the end.

I also googled Amy's victim. In google I searched: Leslie Brewer greenville

I also set the time parameters to Past 24 hours.

In the results I found "Kentucky Offender Search"

I don't know a lot about google but here's my Alex Jones theory:

Amy called her publicist knowing that this could potentially blow up. Amy's publicist tries to discredit Amy's victim by trying to find out if he's ever been arrested. (He doesn't show up in the system because he was never arrested)

I don't know a lot about Google's search results, so maybe someone could fill me in.

Google knows hes black. When you search a black persons name, it(google) automatically thinks you want to see how long their arrest record is.

I don't like that Google sells my personal racism to the big correctional record corporations.

I guarantee her publicist is in damage control mode right now and you're right about the google thing. All your diligent research is giving me a half-chub to be honest.



I'm not sure how to do this, but you might also want to screen grab the instagram comments the couple made. I kept clicking Load more comments on Amy's instagram post until I found them.

His account: mr.brewer8819 Her account: ckaybrewer


Ew, what a baby. Of course you will get cussed if you shove your phone into people's faces. And just because someone is a public personality doesn't mean they want to be thrown in shot with every belligerent fool who recognizes them. Louie doesn't take pics, Jerry Seinfeld doesn't do them and apparently Amy won't take pics with fans from now on. These are all well known comedians and I bet they all have a good reasoning behind it. - Jim Norton Comment Generator

You forgot "vultures", "ssssssssssscumbagssssss" and blaming the media for everything.

Oh fuck I forgot about the worm. He's gonna take Amy's side 100% in all this and say that the guy wanting the photo was an entitled ass.

Which, by itself, is a perfectly valid opinion.

But its a whole different story when the person saying it is INFAMOUS for cosying up to every celebrity in the world, even the D-list ones, and asking them for a photograph to the extent where he actually rants and raves about how much he hates them if they make the mistake of turning him down.

Meanwhile anybody who doesn't take a picture with him is an untalented piece of shit

The Derek Jeter rant is the first time I realized Jim was a faggot. Like just a real bitch.

I've always thought he was a little bitch but he made me laugh a lot so I never really cared.

She even stole the taking pictures of spooks shtick from Ant

She took his closer?!

I would love for this to become a trend - filming Big Amy whenever the wild boar gets spotted in public.

Ozone Big Amy Sighting

Excuse me, sir, but henceforth she is to be known as "Big" Amy Schumer.

In Amy's defense, she thought he was the security guard at Macy's.

in the security guard's defense, he thought she was smuggling out a rack of clothes under her coat


I don't understand why she's so freaked out. It's not like he asked her out for coffee in an elevator.

Her eating is not victimless, I have to look at that fat cow semi-regularly.

She is obviously racist against people of color; and blind to her own power and privilege. #Whitesupremacyinaction

I can't believe Amy Schumer would try to shame this young black man who is just out having a nice day with his daughter. Does she believe she is entitled to public spaces that People of Color should not be allowed to film in? If this were a white male, would she feel so threatened?

What a racist pig.

Can we please start calling out each and every comic who still defends this awful cunt?

Schumer's List

"mad her ass looks like she pop pills for a living, shoulda kept those glasses on" black people dont like amy.

How will the worm play this? This guy appeared to just be trying to selfie himself with Amy on a NYC street. The worm went on for years about Jeter not taking a picture with him cause he was trying to get laid. He politely just putting him off. This cunt went and lied to the entire country and tried to publicly lynch him to her feminists

She's a piece of shit. Its been pretty well established. Nobody but the people who can financially benefit from her have anything to say about her. Even then its started to get hard for them to defend her. Everyone else just gets intimidated into silence.

The people who talk about being victims are often the biggest bullies.

Of course this is a lie; Muslims are forbidden to interact with pork.

oh shit...

The Schuming intensifies .

Carlton Banks lookin mofo

Lets rattle the ham beasts cages over at jezbel with this one

I can't wait for Jim's take on this. He's obviously gonna defend her but he's done this EXACT thing with other celebrities. Someone needs to find the video of him screaming like a fucking baby when Gene Simmons ignored him and wouldn't take a picture with him.

I wish the guy wasn't so annoying, so I could be more self righteous.

But he's clearly harmless and Amy clearly sees that he's harmless. Posting this random schlub's photo up like he was a would be rapist is a real shit move on her part.

She lies every day in an attempt to take away one of our basic freedoms. Why wouldn't she lie about being attacked by a black man? She's a fucking pig.

Amy Schumer is truly an insufferable cunt. Here's hoping we're about 14 minutes into her 15.

If there was any justice in this world she would never have gotten this famous and succesful

Yeah well blame your grandpa for fighting on the wrong side 60 years ago

I just love hearing a comedian say, "That's rude."

That lying rich cunt. I hope she gets aids.

This portly Kike has all the money in the world & still uses $9 Apple ear buds?!

IVE HAD IT. Take her down.

This is going great

fucking bastard cunt she is. Aye


did she describe herself as a "comedian"?

edit: after reading this....wow! what a sensitive entitled cunt... I like how he's even smiling and giving a thumbs up in the picture she posted...how non-threatening can you possibly be?

She's a terrible human being with a giant ego with her new found fame.

The headlines hit the local DC area news. All of the comments say they dislike her and she should grow up or that she should ban her self from comedy (hacky but I'm happy to see most people have that opinion).

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Amy Schumer's "Parallel Thinking" Compilation (John Mulaney, Patrice O'Neal, Jenny Slate and more) 47 - Do you know how we can maximize the exposure of this to the public? Another youtube video. The one showcasing how she steals jokes reached over a million views. Why not one that showcases how much of an awful human being she is? How she stolen hundre...
mr.brewer8819 - BE1LdIzvLqN2oiapJ47U qgD-R7cBlHnQe3quHw0 17 - Mirror in case of deletion: Comments

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welp.... saw that coming.

fat cunt jogging for what? her next $20 million movie deal?

...fucking bitch.


she just keeps getting fatter

I hope the cunt not only falls from grace and loses her stardom, but also her entire life falls apart Dana Plato-style only without the attractiveness.

This is one spectacularly worthless piece of shit, and she needs to fall hard. Seems like it is heading toward that direction and I hope it picks up a great deal.

jews do not run media :

All major tabloids and all mainstream media outlets report only Amy's side of the story while completely ignoring black guy's post and his side of encounter.

small websites and local news outlets report full story with both view point

jews do not run media

Edit : I though at least TMZ will pick this up because they generaly love knocking celebrities down no matter who they are - so far nothing


What do you think gang: IS she cracking up?


What a scumbag.



This guy is gonna do interviews if he wants to milk this more and can. She's probably come out with some bullshit "see I'm friends with black people too guyzZz"

disgusting lying jew

leave Vos out of this.




She becomes more detestable by the second...

She should be happy ANYONE pays attention to her. Her fame is a fluke. The whole empowering strong women horseshit is trendy right now and it's responsible for most of her popularity. Her fans are retards. Her legacy will be that of a very forgettable open micer. She's untalented and most importantly - fat.

She's the girl that defiantly needs makeup. Or is this a brave feminist thing she's doing

Is there more than the5 second clip filmed by that dude? I want to see what happen before for her to ask him to delete it it

married interracial couples

Stopped reading right there. I side with the Jew whale! GUILTY !!GUILTY!!!

well there you have it. a 6 second edited video shows the full story...

If all this guy has is this edited video, Im pretty sure what she said was the truth, I like how the news edited the video even further to remove her saying "thats rude".

If this guy is telling the truth, then take Amy to court for slander and present the video proof and profit. Otherwise, I'd love to see Amy sick her lawyers on this guy. He seems like a smug asshole




you mean the nigger boy?

What the the hell did this exactly show? He made a heavily edited video that showed him trying to get a paparazzi like space personal space invading pic/vid when she obv didn't want to be photographed like she claimed. Then seconds later it's just edited to him walking away. Shows nothing that happened in between or before. You cunts must really hate women. You need to Spend your time destroying opies career instead of this fat white bitch

personal space

It was a public sidewalk and he looked to be a good 5 to 7 feet away from her. Are you implying the People of Color should not be allowed in "white" public spaces? Do they need separate sidewalks to walk on?

You cunts must really hate women.

Well.... yeah

Use some common sense, personal space doesn't literally mean 1-2 feet away from her physical body. And he's 1-2 feet away from her tops. Where you get 5-7 from? She's dressed like shit in sweats, with earbuds and sunglasses. Her fatass is obv just out for the day trying to do some cardio on a beautiful day not wanting to do any press shit, Look at how the vid starts, dude is already by her giving the thumbs out. Then times skips to him walking away. Guaranteed he edited shit out, and interesting how he has no footage of her cussing/doing anyone like he claims.

trying to do some cardio

highly unlikely

Fuck this guy. He was being a prick and got called out. Taking a creep selfie is not normal.

Look I don't fucking like her martyring but I get her annoyance. Especially when you consider the fact that she has to deal with idiots like this shoving their phone in her face every day. Especially when 90% of them are these morons who are more interested in the fact that she's a celebrity than her standup/TV Show/Movie and treat her like an art exhibit. I don't care how much I am annoyed by someone famous, they always have my sympathy when it comes to that shit. People suck

I don't mind being downvoted, but how can people defend this guy?

Maybe because her claim that he was a maniac who scared the shit out of her is a fucking lie. The guy is a douche, not a fucking threat to her life.

I understand famous people's annoyance by this kind of thing, sure, and I dont particularly care about this incident, but there are people way more famous that get it way worse that dont immediately play the victim and try to get the entire world to hate some random nerd because he tried to get a picture with a celebrity. She could have walked past him and that wouldve been the end of it. kind of cunty when shes lucky to even be famous because she isnt funny in the first place, shes just riding off the wave that we "need women in comedy"

Good point, but I think it comes from the fact at how an unflattering picture of Amy Schumer is a lot worse than an unflattering picture of Reese Witherspoon. I do pity her in that regard.

Yeah, I dont think he was going for the sell unflattering picture to TMZ approach, it looked like he just thought it was cool to bump into a famous person and she overreacted in an extremely bizarre way and got caught lying about it. I dont think this is a huge deal in itself, no, but iI definitely wont mind watching her get shit for it for a few days.

Who gives a fuck about anything to do with her? Is she that hard to ignore over your way? I easily ignore talentless wind bags over here so why can't you?

It's not about ignoring her, that would be easy. It's about making her life difficult, like when she tries to put on socks.

Some people seem genuinely annoyed by her though. Flavour of the month short term comic who'll go away soon enough.

She's actually been steadily increasing in popularity for almost 10 years now with the rest of the feminist movement in entertainment. You seem to say youre from other faggy country so you should just take what we give you and shut up.

if someone were to look through your history they wouldnt find brother joe gossipings? O&A isnt exactly around any more and when something in the comedy world is making the news in a negative light, people on a forum full of comedy fans are gonna run with it, im sorry.

meh Brother Joe is so pathetic is funny.

Amy is still rich and will always have a bigger fanbase than guilty by association could ever dream of.

yeah, but brother joe is easier to ignore and has less relevance to O&A if thats how you wanna look at it. if you read this: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2016/04/amy-schumer-guns-and-comedys-fifth-wall/480516/ or this: http://www.eonline.com/news/754822/lena-dunham-joins-amy-schumer-in-the-fight-against-categorizing-women-let-s-remove-the-labels its actually kind of interesting how low amy has sunk considering she was once part of the O&A world. the idea of feminism and political correctness invading comedy has always been kind of a running theme with O&A, and when its worse than ever it shouldnt surprise you that O&A fans are talking about it, especially when the show has been dead for 2 years and literally nothing is going on with any of them.

I still don't care. She's just another person using the freedom of speech and people not liking it. Thats all it is.

Well then thats all Scott and Todd were ever doing if you want to dumbly look at it like that. At a point, some people should be ridiculed.

She's using the freedom of speech to try to take away other rights. Fuck that pig.

if your countries rights are so flimsy a comic can change them then you are fucked.

Her cousin is a United States Senator. Your argument is invalid.

If a cousin of one senator can change a country...

She's a lying whore. No one here is arguing for prior restraint, but lying has consequences.


This dude was an absolute asshole. You can tell. Did Amy molest all of you frightened children or something?

Eat shit, white knight.

No, I believe it was her own sister she molested... Or was that Lena Dunham? I can't tell these ugly feminist dykes apart anymore.

Did Amy molest all of you frightened children or something?

No, but I think she ate them.

Google knows hes black. When you search a black persons name, it(google) automatically thinks you want to see how long their arrest record is.

Well then thats all Scott and Todd were ever doing if you want to dumbly look at it like that. At a point, some people should be ridiculed.

She's using the freedom of speech to try to take away other rights. Fuck that pig.


She's a lying whore. No one here is arguing for prior restraint, but lying has consequences.

I guarantee her publicist is in damage control mode right now and you're right about the google thing. All your diligent research is giving me a half-chub to be honest.

Well shit, I guess that means I shouldn't offer to suck your dick?

I'm sure it has some roots in continental or post-colonial philosophy, yeah.

She took his closer?!