Welcome home Tranthony! xD

60  2016-05-01 by LightBulbExpert


I can't wait until he comes here talking shit.


When all the people that subscribed for April cancel, Anthony will start to go off the rails. Then when LOS leave and the numbers dip even more he'll lose just a little more self control. When the court case doesn't go his way and he loses his concealed carry permit forever he'll be right at the edge. And just a little push will send him full over.

Like death & taxes, it is a guarantee

Anth likes Xanax bars, not regular sized pills. Times must be tough.

It's part of the rehab process.

Hes all in with the yellow bar pills

its a myth there's no difference except price.

No shit, people back in high school used to say they were double the strength. I'd just go on drugs.com, look the pills up and call them stupid asses. There was a guy I knew that thought the V on pills mean "vicodin", the retard didn't realize it was just the company brand.

"Ay, you want this Vicodin yo? 800mg dog, this shit is fire"

"That's Ibuprofen guys"

"Nah dis Vicodin, 800mg man. See how big it is? This shit will get you FUCKED up, It even got the V!"

and then he told me how much I was missing out because I didn't want to buy his 800mg ibuprofen and how high I would not be getting that evening.

Yeah, this dumbass tried selling me Flexeril, since they had a V on them it had to be vicdoin. I just looked at it and called him an idiot.


True, I knew some bitch that had people paying $8 for yellow xanax bars cuz she thought they were double strength. I looked them up and said "how are they double strength at the same mg dosage" and she spun some bullshit that made no sense.

It's 4am why is Ant not tweeting?

There's nothing new in the world of racism for him to be tweeting about. He's just waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on the subject of how black-on-black violence is indicative of flaws inherent in genetics, not society at large's fault.

OMG this this so much THIS!

Edit: downvotes? Really??? I guess I should expect this from racist white male reddit racists!

Shut up

Your white entitlement privilege is showing again piece of shit racist!




Hi Anthony! :)

OMFG! never compare me to that racist piece of shit! I'm white and even I hate white people stupid idiot

Anthony isn't white so I believe you.

He benifits from white privillege that only exists because black people BUILT America! Ugh how do you not see that he is part of the white male power structure that exists everywhere!? Just look at what that same power structure did to formally vibrant and technologically superior sub saharan africa!

Fucking schooled you, cracker!



this gimmick sucks dude

Dude? Ugh! Your white male entitlement is showing!

Try using something less gender specific if you wish for me to acknowledge your comments in the future, shitlord racist.

Edit: I'm still super triggered so you are just going to be blocked.


Quite frankly, I fucking loved reading this comment thread, haha.


Sorry but fighting racism is no laughing matter.

...this isn't funny. You aren't funny. You're 14.


You are swimming in privilege. You need to be more mindful of the patriarchal, systemic power structures that enable white supremacy and oppress peoples of color. Don't you know black people invented math and science and all technology and white people stole it because we have no culture and are inferior derivatives? I seriously hate white people, it's 2016.


Ha! Seems like a real breakfast of champions, right gang???

i got my breakfast in this here pecka. take a taste

Do you think he'll have to write this subreddit an apology letter as part of the "forgiveness process"?

Dear Panera employees......

Dear Sue Lightning...

Dear Torpid Sloth...I mean Tits....I mean Greggshells....


Dear Dani....Why did you throw your ribs into my fist?!?!

To be fair to Anthony it was a kick. I can picture his little legs (he's 5'5" lol) flailing about.

Dear black transsexual hooker in times square...

Dear Mustard......

Dear N people....

now that i think about it, she must have hid his gun because she feared for her life

I bet it was Beavis. He looked terrified. :(


Honestly, a good dice impression goes a long way in a rehab. He's probably the most liked in years in ther and I wouldn't be surprised if he went into aftercare and dragged it on as long as possible.

How many 19 year old heroin junkies know who Dice is?

More than you think know the nursery rhymes, they just dont know exactly where they first heard them and some laugh at the funny voice anyway.


pink cloud followed by grey bars


I'm trying to remember the last time I came here and saw a new joke.

You ever get anywhere with that?

It made me momentarily blow air out my nose.

Ew, what's wrong with your hand?

Those are 30mg oxycodone and I don't think oxycodone is Anthony's thing, he's more of a Xanax bar man

No one admits to doing opiates. It's fine to say you love xanax though for whatever reason.

i do a lot of opiates, take oxy everyday... i love it


Nah........He will go full Opie. Just post pictures of his guests (tired comedians talking about the "craft" of comedy) on twitter. The brothers Cumia have learned their lesson. They are not clever enough for social media and it destroyed their respective careers so they will just stay away

Nah just photos of sunsets

He might even sell them on his website



Your white entitlement privilege is showing again piece of shit racist!




Anthony isn't white so I believe you.

Sorry but fighting racism is no laughing matter.