Why are callers scared of Kenny?

19  2016-05-01 by pta11

Everytime a caller abuses tits then kenny grabs the phone the callers just buckle.Why cant a caller just say to him something like does opie make you hold his dick while he pisses aswell.And how do you feel getting coffee for a fag and a cuckhold big tough guy who was thrown out like trash once dice got famous


"Scared" probably isn't right. Kenny seems like one of those idiots who will scream over you no matter what points you make, so there's no sense even trying. Cops are typically not open-minded people, but Kenny seems to have not formed or changed any opinions since 1992.

he's a fucking jew either way. to the ovens

Gonna need a big ass oven for that giant kike monstrosity.

LOL!!!!! A billion upvotes for you sir

Kenny would be a great BLM protestor

Are they scared or does Opie just hang up on them?

ME: "Hello?!... Sir!... Are you there?!... Ah, must've hung up."

I'm guessing it's because anyone who calls into a radio show probably has the self confidence of a fainting goat

lol well said

Earl Douglas Syndrome.

That always bugged me too, he's such an easy target that it's inexcusable to bow out to him.

It's almost like Opie mutes the caller. Which is what he does.

Bring up how he hasn't fucked his wife in a couple decades.

wait, he's married?

It's a loveless marriage

Because he might beat them up, drop a throwaway piece on 'em & they'll get in Dutch.

You know, like Kenny saw in a movie one time.

Nervous Nellies.

You STILL listen to O&J?

because all else.. REAL!!

You tell 'em, Stacey!

always making fun of callers for having girl names, but they never called Stacy Keach out for having one

Because he is a big scary retard

Most people get unsure of how to proceed when the mentally handicapped startle them.

They just don't want to hear his voice


i bet tiots only has kenny because ant has kieth the fag.

This should help answer that question:

Please tell me he lost his pension.

I was actually expecting a punch-line to a very shitty joke.

People who take the time to actually call are generally nervous retards who read their crap lines off a piece of paper they wrote the night before

Thats why

I'm still annoyed about that time Kenny gave Danny the business before the Sam-Eric-Bobo office olympics, he just backed down like a bitch and let henchman #2 run roughshod over him.

"Who let the driver in the studio?"

"Get the coffee yourself and wait in the cat."

"Anymore lip and I'll take you off the visitors list."

That wasn't so hard, was it?

Because he's a stupid asshole with the home court advantage.

Wood shampoo

Don't forget the clapper conditioner!

How is Kenny scary at all? They always made a big deal out of how imposing he is, I just assumed he was some giant dude who hit the boxing gym every day. Turns out he's actually just a fat old man who has to shop at big-and-tall stores.

There was a clip posted the other day where he physically threatened Jimmy Carr for making a joke about him. It would've been despicable if I believed he could actually follow through.

Lol he lost his pension thats why he has to be slave to tit boy

Remember when tits and worm were fighting then at the end kenny came in to try and lighten the mood?he said you guys heard the new song from psy.he was thinking if this show is over i would actually have to get a job somewhere else Typical fuckin jew doesnt care about pride or anything else as long as he can keep making money

you are drunk, and this is what you are thinking and posting about while drunk. very sad.